My projections for Region I Div I!


11-man fan
District 1
Miami, White Deer, Hart, Happy, Nazareth

District 2
Pertersburg, Spur, Valley, Lorenzo

District 3
Anton, Meadow, ROpes, Whiteface, New Home

District 4
Borden County, Grady, Klondike, O'Donnell
I'll give it a shot for all of Division 1: (Regions 3 and 4 are tough)

Dist. 1: Happy, Hart, White Deer, Miami, Nazareth
Dist. 2: Lorenzo, Petersburg, Spur, Valley, Aspermont
Dist. 3: Anton, New Home, Meadow, Ropes, Whiteface
Dist. 4: BC, Klondike, Grady, O'Donnell

Dist. 5: FD, GC, Marfa, Rankin
Dist. 6: SC, WV, Robert Lee, Westbrook
Dist. 7: Hermleigh, Ira, Highland, Rotan
Dist. 8: Bryson, Crowell, Knox City, Newcastle, Chillicothe

Dist. 9: Lometa, May, Santa Anna, Zephyr
Dist. 10: Evant, Gordon, Gustine, Lingleville, Strawn
Dist. 11: Blum, Covington, Kopperal, Gholson
Dist. 12: Eden, Veribest, Paint Rock, Medina, Rochelle

Dist. 13: Saint Jo, Savoy, Tioga, Campbell
Dist. 14: Abbott, Aquilla, Avalon, Bynum
Dist. 15: Coolidge, Mt. Calm, Penelope, Milford
Dist. 16: Bloomburg, Leverett's Chapel, Apple Springs, Chester

Not real sure on the geography of some of these eastern schools.
Dist.- White Deer, Happy, Hart, Nazareth, Miami
Dist.- Whiteface, Ropes, Meadow, New Home, Anton
Dist.- O'Donnell, Borden County, Grady, Klondike
Dist.- Rotan, Hermleigh, Ira, Highland, Westbrook
Dist.- Knox City, Bryson, Crowell, Chillicothe, NewCastle
Dist.- Spur, Lorenzo, Aspermont, Petersburg, Valley
I don't see aspermont being with that district. I would think maybe bryson goes east and aspermont steps into that spot or with the ira/rotan district.
I'll give D2 a shot

Dist. 1: Ft. Elliot, Follett, Higgins, Lefors, McLean
Dist. 2: Groom, Hedley, MC, Silverton, Kress, Cotton Center
Dist. 3: Wellman-Union, Amherst, Whitharral, Lazbuddie
Dist. 4: Sands, Wilson, Loop, Dawson

Dist. 5: Balmorhea, Dell City, GF, BV, Sanderson, SB
Dist. 6: Blackwell, Lohn, PC, Richland Springs
Dist. 7: Loraine, Leuders-Avoca, Trent, Rule
Dist. 8: Guthrie, Southland, Jayton, Southland

Dist. 9: Harrold, Northside, Paducah, Patton Springs
Dist. 10: Gold-Burg, Throckmorton, Woodson, Moran
Dist. 11: Rising Star, Sidney, Walnut Springs, Blanket, Brookesmith
Dist. 12: ???? ran out of teams

Dist. 13: Cherokee, Oglesby, Star, Buckholts, Mullin
Dist. 14: Cranfills Gap, Iredell, Jonesboro, Morgan
Dist. 15: Karnack, Trinidad, Fannindel, Forestburg
Dist. 16: Calvert, High Island, Oakwood, Prairie Lea
after looking over the snapshot #'s again listed on here...
Txcoachttu has lorenzo at 51
Sixmanfan2007 has lorenzo at 74

So !!!!!!!!

I'm thinking Lornezo will be at 51, I just can't see a Div. II school climb that high in numbers