Lubbock Avalanche Journal?


Six-man fan
Noticed the AJ isnt putting much six man information in their paper or online anymore. Anybody have a reason why this might be? I know George Watson doesn't like six man much but NO stats or players of the week coverage? Wow. Six man schools are a majority of the areas schools. Not as many kids but tons of people like to keep up with their kids. Is it because schools aren't sending anything in or are they just not wanting to take up their precious ad space?
techster2000":3vzeud7q said:
Noticed the AJ isnt putting much six man information in their paper or online anymore. Anybody have a reason why this might be? I know George Watson doesn't like six man much but NO stats or players of the week coverage? Wow are they just not wanting to take up their precious ad space?

From what I've seen of it lately, you're right on the money there.
They told me there are not enough readers interested in sixman to justify the space. I suggest having everyone you know call and complain. Maybe they will realize how many readers ARE interested in sixman.
Newspapers are the newsreels of the 21st century. Currently, there's not a paper in the country that is not in the death rattle of insignificance.

Lubbock AJ sports section has been a steaming cow patty for several years. Hasn't been too long ago that that I would call them up, give a game's worth of stats only to have it not show up in print. Was told once by some snot-nosed Tech intern-like punk that they flat didn't have room for our game.

Can't speak for the east but, out here in the west, the Lubbock AJ is, by far, the most 6-man unfriendly publication I know of. But that's fine with me - I won't buy their worthless rag anyhow.
Yes, the Lubbock Avalanche Journal is not posting game reports of 6man football. This is very discouraging especially considering the huge amount of surrounding six man schools, and that West Texas Friday Night Football is KING in this area. I have noticed other papers such as Amarillo Globe News that still do a game write up on Saturday and six man player of the week during the middle of the week. Please call the Avalanche Journal in support of 6man football reports!!!
Back when GC was winning State championships, the SubStandard Times started cutting back on their coverage of the westernmost schools. A concerted bitchfest by folks in Glasscock, Sterling, and Reagan Counties stopped that dead in it's tracks.
Sadly, major newspapers are cutting back. When I look at the sports section of the San Antonio paper, most days I see 8 pages. One page of those is a classified section (remember when newspapers ran separate, multi-page classified ad sections ... oh, yeah, and all that section was $$$$ in the newspaper's cash drawer) and half a page is the weather. The days when those papers would toss a sawbuck or two to a stringer for covering the East Muleshoe vs. Podunk Springs football game are long, long gone.

Even the statewide AP scores usually end at 3A, maybe 2A if there is extra space. 1A, six-man and private schools? Fuggedabouit. (They will carry the scores of local teams.)

Small town, local papers (towns of 25,000 or so) aren't doing as poorly. Neither are the neighborhood papers in suburban areas. Why's that? Because those papers know that when they cover what is going on the the schools, churches, neighborhoods (especially good news) people buy the papers -- pick them up if they're the freebie type -- and patronize the advertisers.

But keep calling in scores and stories to the big papers -- send your score to the AP score wire. Don't let them say "we don't carry those scores and stories because nobody gets them to us."
granger":2r6l8408 said:

I dutifully phoned in stats for 13 years. The same stats were called into Plainview Amarillo and Lubbock. Is it a coincidence the newspaper that is now wondering what they did to insult 6-man is the same newspaper that could only manage to get our game report published about 50% of the time?

But I like the writer's fake concern. Almost believable.