Leach in Seattle?

I saw that. Of course everyone is staying tight lipped about it, but really stinks if they can lure him away. Tech will offer him a new contract, but as one article I read noted, the thing UW can offer that Tech can't is the top tier in recruiting in area. He's getting big time players at Tech now, but maybe he sees it as a new level he'd like to get to.

Plus, after a potentially 0-12 season, there's no where to go but up for UW.
All the "blue chips" in Washington are not going to match up to the kids he can recruit right here in Texas.

Leach has come a long way in closing a very wide recruiting gap between TT, and the other 2 schools. It seems idiotic to me that he would walk away from the potential at Tech to go down 5 steps in recruiting quality just to say he is the top school in Washington.

That's like coming to Texas to be at the top college hockey program in the state.
rainjacktx":2t6v7e9a said:
All the "blue chips" in Washington are not going to match up to the kids he can recruit right here in Texas.

Leach has come a long way in closing a very wide recruiting gap between TT, and the other 2 schools. It seems idiotic to me that he would walk away from the potential at Tech to go down 5 steps in recruiting quality just to say he is the top school in Washington.

That's like coming to Texas to be at the top college hockey program in the state.

Recruiting to a PAC-10 school includes not just Washington, but OR, CA, AZ, & NV...when UW was a big time football power under Coach James, they recruited well in CA - and if you think that TX has more blue-chip talent than CA & the left coast (both have their fair share), you're crazy. Recruiting to UW would be MUCH easier than recruiting to Lubbock. It hasn't been that long ago that UW was always mentioned at the top of that conference - it's only been the last 7-8 yrs that USC has had a stranglehold on it.
The problem is whether Tech will pay him. He's one of the lowest paid (if not the lowest paid) coach in the Big XII... He's proven he can win and will command a lot more. If anything this is a negotiation tool with TTU
granger":3vxjt13w said:
The problem is whether Tech will pay him. He's one of the lowest paid (if not the lowest paid) coach in the Big XII... He's proven he can win and will command a lot more. If anything this is a negotiation tool with TTU

The AD from Tech has already countered with from what I've read a pretty competitive offer. I'm guessing that Leach stays put, however if Tech loses to Ole Miss, all bets are off.
j_bird_s said:
Recruiting to a PAC-10 school includes not just Washington, but OR, CA, AZ, & NV...when UW was a big time football power under Coach James, they recruited well in CA - and if you think that TX has more blue-chip talent than CA & the left coast (both have their fair share), you're crazy. Recruiting to UW would be MUCH easier than recruiting to Lubbock. It hasn't been that long ago that UW was always mentioned at the top of that conference - it's only been the last 7-8 yrs that USC has had a stranglehold on it.

Please. How many years has it been since UW was a "big time power"?

Washington will have a tough time recruiting away from the Cali schools now that there is more parity in D-1 football.

You can have everyone in WA, OR, NV, and AZ. Give me the second tier players from Texas, and I will beat you 9 out of 10 games.

What's crazy is you thinking Washington has a prayer to make significant inroads to Cali talent in the next decade.

WHich is precisely why I said what I said about hockey.
rainjacktx":33hu3r6k said:
Please. How many years has it been since UW was a "big time power"?

Washington will have a tough time recruiting away from the Cali schools now that there is more parity in D-1 football.

You can have everyone in WA, OR, NV, and AZ. Give me the second tier players from Texas, and I will beat you 9 out of 10 games.

What's crazy is you thinking Washington has a prayer to make significant inroads to Cali talent in the next decade.

WHich is precisely why I said what I said about hockey.

it's amazing how many Texans are ignorant about AMERICAN football: there is football - very good football played in places outside of Texas in the rest of the country. There are PLENTY of blue-chip recruits found outside the state of Texas. Yes, Texas is it's own recruiting region, but so are the states I mentioned, as are the states of LA, AR, MS, AL, GA, FL; as are the states of IL, PA, IN, NJ, MI; and I can go on.

Texas has GREAT football talent to recruit from. However, how many national Championships have been won by OU or UT in the last 20 years? TWO? If Texas has the greatest players in the land, why hasn't UT, A&M or even OU won more? Heck, as much as I hate them Nebraska has won two national titles using predominantly Nebraskan talent = equal to the number of OU & UT in the same span. That Texas talent's really been tearing it up.

The greater Los Angeles area & the state of California produces plenty of talent to not only supply the Pac-10, but also the mid-major conferences out west like the WAC and MWC. There's plenty of talent out there, and UW can pull that talent. I'll tell you this - while currently down, UW has been a big time football power for WAY longer than your little school in Lubbock.
j_bird_s":9pepexga said:
rainjacktx":9pepexga said:
Please. How many years has it been since UW was a "big time power"?

Washington will have a tough time recruiting away from the Cali schools now that there is more parity in D-1 football.

You can have everyone in WA, OR, NV, and AZ. Give me the second tier players from Texas, and I will beat you 9 out of 10 games.

What's crazy is you thinking Washington has a prayer to make significant inroads to Cali talent in the next decade.

WHich is precisely why I said what I said about hockey.

it's amazing how many Texans (or Tech fans - can't figure out which) are ignorant about AMERICAN football: there is football - very good football played in places outside of Texas in the rest of the country. There are PLENTY of blue-chip recruits found outside the state of Texas. Yes, Texas is it's own recruiting region, but so are the states I mentioned, as are the states of LA, AR, MS, AL, GA, FL; as are the states of IL, PA, IN, NJ, MI; and I can go on.

I GET IT - Texas has GREAT football talent to recruit from. However, how many national Championships have been won by OU or UT in the last 20 years? TWO? If Texas has the greatest players in the land, why hasn't UT, A&M or even OU won more? Heck, as much as I hate them Nebraska has won two national titles using predominantly Nebraskan talent = equal to the number of OU & UT in the same span. That Texas talent's really been tearing it up.

The greater Los Angeles area produces plenty of talent to not only supply the Pac-10, but also the mid-major conferences out west like the WAC and MWC. There's plenty of talent out there, and UW can pull that talent. I'll tell you this - while currently down, UW has been a big time football power for WAY longer than your little school in Lubbock.
j_bird_s":am8qdor7 said:
j_bird_s":am8qdor7 said:
rainjacktx":am8qdor7 said:
Please. How many years has it been since UW was a "big time power"?

Washington will have a tough time recruiting away from the Cali schools now that there is more parity in D-1 football.

You can have everyone in WA, OR, NV, and AZ. Give me the second tier players from Texas, and I will beat you 9 out of 10 games.

What's crazy is you thinking Washington has a prayer to make significant inroads to Cali talent in the next decade.

WHich is precisely why I said what I said about hockey.

it's amazing how many Texans (or Tech fans - can't figure out which) are ignorant about AMERICAN football: there is football - very good football played in places outside of Texas in the rest of the country. There are PLENTY of blue-chip recruits found outside the state of Texas. Yes, Texas is it's own recruiting region, but so are the states I mentioned, as are the states of LA, AR, MS, AL, GA, FL; as are the states of IL, PA, IN, NJ, MI; and I can go on.

I GET IT - Texas has GREAT football talent to recruit from. However, how many national Championships have been won by OU or UT in the last 20 years? TWO? If Texas has the greatest players in the land, why hasn't UT, A&M or even OU won more? Heck, as much as I hate them Nebraska has won two national titles using predominantly Nebraskan talent = equal to the number of OU & UT in the same span. That Texas talent's really been tearing it up.

The greater Los Angeles area produces plenty of talent to not only supply the Pac-10, but also the mid-major conferences out west like the WAC and MWC. There's plenty of talent out there, and UW can pull that talent. I'll tell you this - while currently down, UW has been a big time football power for WAY longer than your little school in Lubbock.

Do you have any hard evidence that football is played in high schools outside the state of Texas?
j_bird_s":3npdh7o0 said:
it's amazing how many Texans (or Tech fans - can't figure out which) are ignorant about AMERICAN football: there is football - very good football played in places outside of Texas in the rest of the country. There are PLENTY of blue-chip recruits found outside the state of Texas. Yes, Texas is it's own recruiting region, but so are the states I mentioned, as are the states of LA, AR, MS, AL, GA, FL; as are the states of IL, PA, IN, NJ, MI; and I can go on.

I GET IT - Texas has GREAT football talent to recruit from. However, how many national Championships have been won by OU or UT in the last 20 years? TWO? If Texas has the greatest players in the land, why hasn't UT, A&M or even OU won more? Heck, as much as I hate them Nebraska has won two national titles using predominantly Nebraskan talent = equal to the number of OU & UT in the same span. That Texas talent's really been tearing it up.

The greater Los Angeles area produces plenty of talent to not only supply the Pac-10, but also the mid-major conferences out west like the WAC and MWC. There's plenty of talent out there, and UW can pull that talent. I'll tell you this - while currently down, UW has been a big time football power for WAY longer than your little school in Lubbock.

I love how people make outlandishly dumb statements, get called on it, then have the audacity to say that the other person is ignorant of the subject matter.

We are not talking about the Southeast, or the Midwest, or the Northeast. Go back, read what you wrote - then try to stay within the boundries of the argument YOU set up.

Trust me - my knowledge of football is not an issue in this discussion.
I disagree (to Rainjack). I think there is more emphasis on defense in the SEC, than the Pac-10. Combine that with the fact I bet he can recruit out west where they do run more West Coast-style offenses in high school than anywhere... California receivers would love to play for him and there are certainly qbs on every street corner out there that will throw the ball... I would love to see USC and Oregon have to play him every year.
Perhaps if he were going to a Cali school. But Washington is, at the very least, 6 years from being able to draw top talent from California. Heck, Leach has been at Tech for what? Nine years? And he has just recently begun to tap into the top Texas pool of talent.

The SEC is a much better recruiting area than the Pacific Northwest. Heck, the Big 12 wasn't known as an offensive minded college until the last 4-5 years - when more teams started adopting the spread offense.

And the trend is moving towards "system" offenses nationwide - which will eventually force the SEC and maybe even the Big-10 to open up the offense. I like to call it "the 6-man effect".

But nonetheless, I think Leach will be much further ahead by going anywhere in the SEC than he would by going to Washington.
granger":1htc4yt6 said:
Look at their roster
http://gohuskies.cstv.com/sports/m-foot ... l-mtt.html

It has always been filled with California talent. Washington has always recruited nationally too.

Plus ESPN is now reporting that he will be likely offered $3M by one of the other schools for 4-5 years... no way Tech can match, can they?

I never said Wahington doesn't recruit in Cali. There is a big difference between recruiting and recruiting top talent. UW won't get that from CA anytime soon. The Huskies have sucked major butt crack for years. That is hard to overcome.

With 3 teams most likely headed to BCS bowls, there is going to be a ton of money in Tech's coffers to pay what Leach wants...if the powers that be want him to stay. I hope they keep him. But the guy is a wild card. He may not even follow the money.