This is sad, I never thought I would see the need for an "Ignore" function on 6Man .... but ...
On another web site that I frequent (a stock market/investing site) there is an "Ignore" button you can click and that particular poster becomes invisible to you. You never see any posts he/she makes. It is as if they no longer exist. The "Ignore" button was necessary for the serious/civilized posters to carry on without having to deal with spam, hostility, rantings and ravings of marginally socialized individuals who had access to a computer and the internet, but apparently not to good manners or a grasp of societal niceties.
Although I have read this thread I have restrained from commenting up until now, waiting to see if posters would come to appreciate the particular board "milieu" into which they are dropping their questionable offerings. Self awareness is apparently not going to happen anytime soon.
Goob, although not relgious, I did very much appreciate your prayer on Pete's behalf. "Heal his hide" has quite the poetic ring to it (seriously I'm not being sarcastic here) that captures the essence of Pete's redneck persona (being only one of the many facets of his personality, as anyone, who actually knows Pete, can attest). Thank You.