Ice Damages

Danmitdoe I got the wrong person. I was fixated on OFB's Brass Monkey. Smokey do you know what that whippersnapper was talking about? If he answers me he will be turn it around to make look stupider than I already am.
There is a rather crude old saying involving a brass monkey and it being cold enough to freeze certain body parts................. That is about as definitive as I care to be.............
Westexas I'm sorry I screwed up and thought it was Smokeys mailbox that got hit. Texans need to stay in their house and cook!!!!! We don't have situations like this one. Maybe a day or two. And you live on a ranch so the roads around your place look like one way roads with the shoulders going straight down. When you get on here, Please let me know if the person who did it came up and admitted it. I know you have the means to fix it because your a rancher but it's nice to have a little bit of honesty too. BTW OFB is being mean to me. Your the one to do it cause your strong. All Ranchers have to be strong cause their like my mom and dad. I know you have to know them.
Miss Melani, back in old sailing ship days, they would use a brass holder to keep the cannon balls next to the guns on the boat. They used brass because it wouldn't make sparks to set off the black powder that the cannons used. When it got really cold, the brass would draw up and the cannon balls would fall off it.
They called the cannon ball holder a monkey.
You should be able to figure out the rest from that information.
Thank you Smokey. I figured he was talking about the last part of my question. When he said Brass Monkey I thought really he was talking about the Liquor but when I got to reading today and RJ squared my sentence I KNEW something was wrong. Your so sweet. You've never been mean to me. And by the way my DSH busted a part of his body parts. He wasn't too happy about it. If it had been snow the landing might of not hurt to bad but we have ice, very hard ice. It happened yesterday trying to hook up an extension cord to the powerstroke diesal. He was carrying water to melt the water on thehood. He never got it opened and he didn't try anymore either. Thank you Smokey about OFB he's a dirty ole man.
OFB if they would of cut off the sailors problem then they wouldn't have to worry about the cannon ball holders. That's one body part that wouldn't hurt or be freezing. I still think your pulling my leg. My blonde hair is standing up right now. You are one of sweetest guys I've met on here and now you go confusing me. If you aim your tail in a V your brass monkeys wouldn't hit the ground first. You men got to learn how to do it on ice. When my husband fell he just hit his tail bone. Just got to learn how to make the landing. If your a sailor go to a cattle roundup and put yourself in line so the brass cannon balls won't do anything but catch your britches on fire. My advice there is to stay away from brass cannon balls!
Oh No what is the POTUS OFB. I feel like a forgiving coming on. Oh Lord I might need to move on. I'm feeling bad already before I ever understand correctly. I'm ashamed to admit I'm a blonde. But that's no excuse.
Oh my gosh I'm sorry. Everytime I jump before I understand things then my foot is in my mouth. OFB please forgive me and I really mean it. Theres no misunderstanding that. I didn't call you a liar or never would. I really am sorry. I wanted to understand what you were talking about. Westexas and Smokey are probably mad to so I apoligize to all of you.
All of my family in Texas (east and central) is reporting bad weather. It snowed in Atlanta yesterday, we're scheduled for 77 degrees today, my family was not amused...
The ice damaged my self-esteem this weekend. I thought I could endure the cold in order to deer hunt, but I guess I'm becoming a wuss because I didn't go out until Sunday evening. Age begins to tell on you, or I am just getting softer!
Doc as Smokey said your smarter. The leases or lands are so muddy your DSW will let you have it when you get home. Deer skinning isn't fun in the cold.