Happy's regular season win streak


11-man fan
I watched happy play follett last Friday (52-0 happy at half) and the announcer said happy holds the record for most regular season wins in a row at 33! This hasn't exactly resulted in great playoff success but that is still very impressive especially considering the tough schedule they have endured this year. They start 5 juniors who have never lost a regular season game. This class knows how to win and expect to win every time they take the field. I predict they take it all the way this year despite a loaded Borden County team in their way. Good luck to all!
I would double check that record...must be a Happy school record or maybe current...defiantly not historical as I know Ft Hancock had more than that and Im sure RS has had more than that and Marathon as well...I I think Ira has/had a long one...I would bet it's not even a current reg season win streak record among six-man schools, but could be wrong.

Now on to my soap box...
I have learned is that people just say stuff and often make things up and think it's a fact without bothering to check with anyone else especially when it comes to records in six-man or anything historical...in the larger picture it is a sign of our times as news media today and all so called journalism does the exact same thing...no one bothers to check the facts and just says what they want...
It took me just 2 minutes to see that Ira won 75 straight regular season games from 10/3/2008 to 10/30/2015 (loss to Hermleigh last year)

so the only thing it could be is a current streak
33 is still good...( I used Lonestarfootballs records to check the Ira streak)

I believe Richland Springs has also won 33 straight reg season games, 34 if you count a forfeit from earlier this year when a school backed out on a game

So at BEST Happy is tied for the Current win streak/longest current win streak (not in anyway a record), but might be 2nd to RS if you count the forfeit
Well it's not even the longest current reg season win streak in 6man...I show Jonesboro having won 43 straight reg season games and still going...so I would strongly urge people to fact check things..
I believe Fort Hancock did not lose a regular season game from 87-92. That would be close to 60 regular season games.
Richland Springs did not lose a regular season game from 2002-2008. That is 68 regular season games. They won the last 2 regular season games in 2001 and the first game in 2009. So that is 71 and I could be wrong.
From 2009-2012 Richland won 38 regular season games in a row.
I believe this "consecutive regular season " streak thing is something that was started by the Amarillo Globe News . It is exclusive to the panhandle area teams . I'm certain that it's true other teams south of the panhandle area have more consecutive wins during regular season .
So I guess it would be ok for every region to have their own streaks & records............. how positively democratic............everybody gets a trophy or recognition. Little Johnny's self esteem can grow unencumbered by facts or reality........... that's certainly healthy until reality comes knocking.........
33 straight is nothing to sneeze at. Sure they have a long way to go to match Fort Hancock, Richland Springs, et al. but 33 straight ain't too shabby.
WV Backer":125jr9zr said:
33 straight is nothing to sneeze at. Sure they have a long way to go to match Fort Hancock, Richland Springs, et al. but 33 straight ain't too shabby.

So true. There's a ton of teams out there that would love to have a record like that, ever. Other than Richland Springs does anyone in all of sixman have a longer current record?
From 1994-97 Gordon won 36 regular season games in a row.
The best Strawn ever had was 19 from 67-69. They were actually undefeated in 68 & 69 for a total of 23 wins in a row. This was before state, region was as far as you could go. Actually they lost the 69 region game to Cherokee 44-47. But, they had used an ineligible player and forfeited all their games. Strawn has the trophy and an official 12-0 record for that year.

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