Gordon still hasn't played anyone yet...

As as this topic is concerned Gordon has played and ended 14 games by the mercy rule.
Common opponents
Gordon 58 GardenCity 12 Gordon 54 Jonesboro 8
Westrook 60 Garden City 8 Westbrook 60 Jonesboro 14
It looks like they are almost evemly matched.
To go even further you have some of these deals...

Gordon 64 Abbott 16
Abbott 78 Borden Co 56
Westbrook 110 Borden Co 65

Westbrook 76 Hermleigh 30
Hermleigh 42 Throckmorton 22
Gordon 48 Throckmorton 0

Highland 52 Throckmorton 6
Westbrook 46 Highland 0
Westbrook beat Jonesboro 60 to 14
Just in case you forgot. And about 6 or 8 other Top 20 teams. Respect is earned not given. Turnovers are given and yall got about 5 today so enjoy the win and prepare yourselves for what's coming.
Westbrook what happened Gordon's smacking yall 54-14 2nd quarter 5 min left hope yall get to atleast finish the game
I will say this . Today the better team won . And they were the better team . Their coach had a plan and the young men executed it well. Not making any excuses for Westbrook.
But with that being said when you can play in back to back to back state championships and win two out of those three then we can talk. Until you can show me two State Championship rings and a runner up. You need to shut your childish mouths and quit acting like a bunch of juvenile losers and just enjoy it while it last. Anything else your just taking away from some young men’s shining moment. Let them celebrate and enjoy their accomplishments. And for the loser’s in our area that Westbrook embarrassed this year, we went and watched a hard fought game . We weren’t at home watching it on TV

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