Favorite Six Man Memory


Six-man expert
Since it's the offseason and the board is still a bit slow before realignment...

Let's hear some of your personal favorite Six Man memories, whether it be a game or a player or a season
I mostly played defensive back or safety on defense, but one game Boyd Lowery moved me up on the defensive line and said go get the football or whomsoever is carrying the ball. Had a blast.
Fun question and really hard to pick...playing I have a lot, some from games played in and some from practices where funny and interesting things happened! Best memory might actually be from a loss...1998 Regional - Blackwell v Gordon I had a nice tackle on Lyle Campbell...one of the few we had that game LOL...but I also remember getting obliterated in that game by the Gordon safety on a passing route to end the first half...that game is one of them for sure...we had a transfer player from Novice named Nick on our team that year, when Gordon beat us we were all down and upset (we didnt play very good as a team and were very disappointed in our performance) EXCEPT for Nick who was smiling and giddy acting...we asked him why he wasnt upset and he told us he had never been part of a winning team let alone play in a playoff game and he was very happy and grateful for that...that was a great lesson and memory!

Of games I attended...
2001 Semi-Final Richland Springs v Woodson - took college friend to his 1st 6man game, sat on RS side and we each picked a team to root for...he picked RS so I had Woodson...mid game a RS fan sitting in front of us turned around and threatened me bc I was cheering for Woodson saying he would wrap the chain from the chain crew around my neck (which we thought was hilarious). Richland Springs wins last second on about a 30 yard dive run...crazy

2002 Quarter-Final Calvert v Richland Springs - night before my 21st birthday and me and a few friends went to Gatesville to watch this game which ended up being a classic...we went to Austin after to celebrate on 6th street and watched Alligator Dave and the Couch Band live at some hole in the wall place. As for the game I believe Calvert won the coin toss and elected to kick! Which I have only seen happen twice. Calvert was better but RS would not go away...they converted on so many 4th and longs it was crazy to see. First time I ever saw Calvert play.

1996 State Game Gordon v Whitharral - as a freshman I went to this game with my coach Duane Hyde and Nathan Hayes (a senior in HS at the time), we watched with Thomas Hyde and Karry Owens...(maybe Monte Richburg was there as well with us)...all these guys would end up being Hall of Fame players/coaches (Nathan will be once he's done). Packed Mustang Bowl, amazing game programs which were Huntress Reports made by Granger. Underdog Gordon mounts a 2nd half comeback to win controversially. Thomas Hyde knew exactly what happened before anyone else on the refs gaff at the end of the game when most people didnt realize it until much later after the game when the news reported on it. Kind of lost to memory now is the outstanding play of Gordon defensive end Jesus Tijerina who was I think 5-2, he blocked a punt at a pivotal moment and had a great over the shoulder receiving TD catch...for my money the MVP of that game.

But I think my favorite memories are talking and interviewing Melvin Clements and his wife Odessa of Rotan. Melvin played in the first ever 6man game in Texas for Dowell HS in 1936. He did an honorary coin flip for a huge game in 2009 at Trent when D1 Richland Springs faced D2 Borden County. I visited with many old players and coaches and loved them all...many are gone now...those are good memories.
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Fun question and really hard to pick...playing I have a lot, some from games played in and some from practices where funny and interesting things happened! Best memory might actually be from a loss...1998 Regional - Blackwell v Gordon I had a nice tackle on Lyle Campbell...one of the few we had that game LOL...but I also remember getting obliterated in that game by the Gordon safety on a passing route to end the first half...that game is one of them for sure...we had a transfer player from Novice named Nick on our team that year, when Gordon beat us we were all down and upset (we didnt play very good as a team and were very disappointed in our performance) EXCEPT for Nick who was smiling and giddy acting...we asked him why he wasnt upset and he told us he had never been part of a winning team let alone play in a playoff game and he was very happy and grateful for that...that was a great lesson and memory!

Of games I attended...
2001 Semi-Final Richland Springs v Woodson - took college friend to his 1st 6man game, sat on RS side and we each picked a team to root for...he picked RS so I had Woodson...mid game a RS fan sitting in front of us turned around and threatened me bc I was cheering for Woodson saying he would wrap the chain from the chain crew around my neck (which we thought was hilarious). Richland Springs wins last second on about a 30 yard dive run...crazy

2002 Quarter-Final Calvert v Richland Springs - night before my 21st birthday and me and a few friends went to Gatesville to watch this game which ended up being a classic...we went to Austin after to celebrate on 6th street and watched Alligator Dave and the Couch Band live at some hole in the wall place. As for the game I believe Calvert won the coin toss and elected to kick! Which I have only seen happen twice. Calvert was better but RS would not go away...they converted on so many 4th and longs it was crazy to see. First time I ever saw Calvert play.

1996 State Game Gordon v Whitharral - as a freshman I went to this game with my coach Duane Hyde and Nathan Hayes (a senior in HS at the time), we watched with Thomas Hyde and Karry Owens...(maybe Monte Richburg was there as well with us)...all these guys would end up being Hall of Fame players/coaches (Nathan will be once he's done). Packed Mustang Bowl, amazing game programs which were Huntress Reports made by Granger. Underdog Gordon mounts a 2nd half comeback to win controversially. Thomas Hyde knew exactly what happened before anyone else on the refs gaff at the end of the game when most people didnt realize it until much later after the game when the news reported on it. Kind of lost to memory now is the outstanding play of Gordon defensive end Jesus Tijerina who was I think 5-2, he blocked a punt at a pivotal moment and had a great over the shoulder receiving TD catch...for my money the MVP of that game.

But I think my favorite memories are talking and interviewing Melvin Clements and his wife Odessa of Rotan. Melvin played in the first ever 6man game in Texas for Dowell HS in 1936. He did an honorary coin flip for a huge game in 2009 at Trent when D1 Richland Springs faced D2 Borden County. I visited with many old players and coaches and loved them all...many are gone now...those are good memories.
I was at that 2002 Calvert/RS game as well.
Why? Just asking
When your job is to beat the person in front of you and get to the ball and nothing else, then it makes the game that much more simple and fun. Back in my time, I played as a "linebacker". We primarily ran a 3-2-1 but occasionally we would go into a 4-2. During a playoff game against Aquilla we switched to the 4-2 and I played inside, all I had to do is get by my man and make a play. Didn't have to worry about a contain or slip off for a pass. I guess the biggest thing is having the most opportunity to make big impact plays.
2002 Quarter-Final Calvert v Richland Springs - night before my 21st birthday and me and a few friends went to Gatesville to watch this game which ended up being a classic...we went to Austin after to celebrate on 6th street and watched Alligator Dave and the Couch Band live at some hole in the wall place. As for the game I believe Calvert won the coin toss and elected to kick! Which I have only seen happen twice. Calvert was better but RS would not go away...they converted on so many 4th and longs it was crazy to see. First time I ever saw Calvert play.
It was always tough playing against calvert every year.
Picked to go 0-10, losing one of the lowest scoring games in sixman history to Northside as a backup QB (I was not ready lol), and finishing the season with a 5-5 record with 12 points away from an 8-2 record. We over achieved and it set the tone for the next year. Having an average of 11-12 players throughout my HS career in a 8 team district and always competing or going to the playoffs. It was my "worst" year as far as wins and losses. But by far the funnest seeing the growth of my team and getting better every week. Also only got 45'd one time against a very tough 2001 Fort Elliot team. Fun times
Played against Follett on Halloween night(full moon) in 03, both of us were 8-0, district title on the line. Amarillo news had us on the front page for game of the week, huge article. Unfortunately got beat 49-30 but the game was closer than what the score said. A ton of big hits in the game and was told there was roughly 3-4 thousand people at the game. It was loud! Amazing experience minus losing. Tanner Woods (Follett) had a field day. He was ridiculous and is one of my top 3 spreadbacks to ever play 6man football.

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