fajitapete's rankings(ravings)

ya maybe so but i also believe Mullin is a lot more fundamentally sound this year than last year so they are a lot better team and looking forward to that last district game
Aquilla_ex 2005":23svy4lq said:
ya maybe so but i also believe Mullin is a lot more fundamentally sound this year than last year so they are a lot better team and looking forward to that last district game
Have you seen Mullin this year? I have........
yes i have and watched them play against rising star and on film against earlier games so i have a pretty good idea of what they were and now so i stick to my first statement and if you cant tell that from last year until now then you probably need to catch up on your football savy and watch more games
When I saw mullin early in the season, they lacked discipline. Maybe they have matured some as the season progressed. I think I commented and even complimented Mullin on that game because of playing with only 7 or 8 suited up. If you really think that mullin has a chance to defeat Richland you are going to be sorely disappointed.
No! This person is either one of the "new" coaches hired there that the community thinks is the best coach in the world or a member of his family or a member of the community that wanted this coach there. And I think in a way it was trying to take a shot at the coach last year. I know for a fact the coach last year worked fundamentals almost every day. You cant coach kids who already know everything. The good thing about this year for Mullin is th addition of the afore mentioned coaches son, the one incoming freshman from last year, and the the maturation of the Mickelson kids! Two of the three biggest problems from last year are permanently gone from the team and one blames everyone but himself for his ISS assignment. I have been positive about Mullin all year and tried to support them, but I too have seen them on film and am in contact with people very close to the program. But they will still end up 6-4 if they DO NOT come together for that last game against Cherokee and without #44 I dont think Mullin wins that game. If Mullin's local experts can leave the current staff in place, the next 2 or 3 years will be the best learning years because they will be very young and can and will improve.
Also, fundamentals are worked on in the spring of the year before! It takes a couple of full years to see what a staff can truly do. If you take the skills the younger kids are learning this year added to the skills from last year, they will get better.
I meant Mullin has gotten progressively better...and in no way shape or form did i say they were gonna beat RS...RS is too strong across the board...Im glad you know me sooo well and so confident on who i am texman301 so that must mean you are the ex coach or friend of him or family or a player from mullin or someone from another team in the district, or the post man, or innocent bystander i think that narrows it down lol...oh i am not a coach at mullin and meant no disrespect to the previous coach i just stated my opinion that i thought they were fundamentally better this year...and about fundamentals happening in the spring, yes they start there but i think its a uil rule that coaches cant teach football stuff/plays to the kids until two a days start up after a certain point in the spring so the most important part is during two a days when your getting the rust off of them and having to reteach some fundamentals just saying...again just my opinion and definitely wasn't taking a shot at a coach that i wouldn't know who he is thats not the type of person i am and its rude
So, really everybody in the district is fighting for second except for RS. Thats what Im seeing in the conversations, and thats what my guts going with.

Its hard to beat a team that is the returning State Champs, and with the Dave Campbells Six man Coverboy (Denim Reeves) on the team.
I agree with you and it would be exceptionally hard to "dethrone" RS...thats why im looking forward to that last game of the year with cherokee and mullin and hopefully a good one
My apologies Aquilla Ex! The "tone" of the post made it sound that way! And for your information, just to clarify, during the athletic period in the spring anything can be taught. It just cannot hold over to after school hours which it did not. The bad thing about Mullin is there is too much nepotism in the school district which ties into the school employees and there are many community members that think they know better than the coaches and the ones connected that work at the school tend to make things very uneasy for the staff there. If those people would just shut their mouths and let the coaches stay for a while and do their job, they would be amazed at the outcome.
I saw the Strawn/Mullin game. Mullin looks to be a very decent team, but they also are at the other teams throat, their own team, and even the coaching staff. I believe it was 44 from Mullin that was ejected from the game.

If Mullin can keep tempers under control, and play together as a team, I dont see why they cant end up in 2nd with a shot at the playoffs.
Well, well, well...what a lively thread this has become!

After reading the previous posts, I must put in my two-cents...

D2 Dist 15 champs will be Richland. Few teams have a prayer against them, and certainly none in this district. I agree with Texman301, both Mullin and Cherokee have a great shot at that second playoff berth. Mullin has got to come together - keeping their tempers, egos, and attitudes in check - and they will have a good chance against Cherokee and then the Dist 16 champs (maybe Buckholts?) Do your research and you'll fin that the bulk of this year's team (and 1/2 of the coaching staff) lacks experience. Even the upperclassmen have at most 1 full season under their belt. That being said, their 6-2 record is impressive even when considering the caliber of teams thay have beaten. While they may appear more fundamentally sound this year than last, and even more now than in week 0, I am not buying their legitimacy until that "fundamental soundness" shows up against teams like Strawn, Throckmorton, or Richland (who all have or will most likely defeat them by a large margin.) The real problem in Mullin (if you really know anything about them then you'll agree) is not so much the coaching staff (past or present), their emphasis on fundamentals, or even the level of athleticism, as it is the elite class of "local experts" (as Texman301 so eloquently stated) and generally ignorant "football gurus" whose most significant contribution to school and community is their finely honed skills as tailgate football coaches. Apparently, the only pre-requisite to be a HS football coach is a foul mouth and the ability to shout "go hit somebody!"

I, along with hundreds of spectators witnessed this fact at the PC-Mullin Bi-District game in 2009!

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