Evacuation of Strawn, Mingus and Gordon


11-man fan
It got really bad around this area yesterday. They ended up evacuating all of us in Mingus and Gordon and the SW part of Strawn, do not know if they ended up doing all of Strawn or not.

We are back in Mingus as of 9:00 AM Saturday morning. The fire did not get anything here in Mingus, do not know about the other towns yet.

It really is amazing how these small towns will pull together to help each other when there is a danger. Bless all of those fighting the fires and those supporting them.

We just took a drive over to Strawn and then up 16 north. The wind is picking up, I am showing it at 22mph here on Sunday at 2:12 PM...it seems like it might actually be gusting a lot higher than that.

On 16 there was a lot of smoldering places and as we came back through several looked like they were starting back up. On the hills NW of Strawn we seen flames.

While going out on 16 we spotted two firetrucks from Aquilla going back to Strawn for water I guess. Then on the way back in there was a convoy of about 10 trucks from all over the state heading out to the fire. At Strawn they have the main road closed down in front of the fire station so that they can coordinate everything going on. There was a bug trailer with "Command Center" on it.

The wind is blowing out of the south so I believe the three towns are out of danger for now, just hope it does not switch directions. I feel bad even saying something like that as if we are safe here it means someone else is in danger.

I understand that they did manage to get the choppers to dump some water on the fire Friday late after the win died down. We were talking yesterday and the choppers could work 24/7 for two weeks and still would not be able to put as much water on the fire as God could in 10 minutes. Having said that would everyone take a minute and please ask God for some rain...not just here but everywhere that fires are breaking out.

It looks like there are people here helping with this from all over the state and I say thank you.

If a fire or anything else was to take your life right now where would you be tomorrow? Think about this and be honest with yourself. Things are getting bad and it is time to get our personal house in order.

The wife just came out and said they just announced a mandatory evacuation of Strawn. We are going to the church across from the Trio if anyone needs a place to come.

Evacuation order was lifted about 7:30 Sunday evening as fire was W & N of town & wind was from S. The Hoehertz Rd fire N of Strawn merged with the Possoum Kingdom West fire yesterday. As of this morning 50K + acres, 31 homes & 1 Church at PK, 25% contained, 6 mi from Graham. spoke with an 08 Strawn Grad this morning whose parents have a ranch on Hoehertz Rd., mom is the school principal. Lost about 2-3000 acres, house was singed but saved along with newer barns. I asked about stock. Said he & a brother pushed several head into a canyon (I think Saturday when the wind was down) hoping if the fire came back it might blow over them. Worked somewhat. Some got down in creek bottoms & made it. About 20 head on a bluff with nowhere to go when it did come back & burned up. I mentioned probably alot of wildlife loss. He saw a buck yesterday that was partially burned & tried to run from them but could not. Asked if he put him down, said he didn't have a gun with him. The Eastland firefighter was run over in 0% visibility, they are not sure if by a car or possibly fire truck. Air tanker base set up at Midland/Dyess AFB (I know Dyess is in Abilene, that's from the Texas Forest Service), 1 DC10 Tanker, 4 C130's, "1st time in Texas". The Lord said he wouldn't flood the world again. Must seem like end of times to some out there. Collecting bottled water & chapstick for fire fighters among other things at Mineral Wells Walmart per the radio at noon. :cry:

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