Drop kick- You drop kicked?

FCSA football

Six-man fan
Yeah we did. Got tired of them rushing more than we could block so today we started drop kicking.
None blocked today. Didn't make them all, but made two and barely missed two more.
Anybody remember who else is/was drop kicking and when?
We attempted five this year on the Veritas Academy JV squad. Made two. I believe it would work well if we'd actually get sufficient practice reps in. Did it because we had no one good at holding, and to have some fun.
Does he kick straight on or soccer style. What is his longest distance?
Our QB's longest has been about 30 so far. We only started trying this out a
Week ago and the success rate has greatly improved.
Got any clips to share?
If you have a kicker that is successfully drop kicking
I would like to talk to you.
Please call coach Harvey, 979-203-6765