DREAM Match Ups

gohorns40":3t2nqpgw said:
I thought the purpose of dividing the classes was to give more champions. Nobody wants to win a championship then get beat the next week.
Being a recent graduate of three years ago. If I had won a state championship, I still would have loved to play a game against the other state champs.
The main reason the two divisions were adopted was to broaden the opportunity for success to more six-man schools.
They divided six-man for two primary reasons. In no particular order, many of the coaches and superintendents saw a need to make the football environment more user-friendly for the smaller schools that are spread out over the state. With the yearly addition of more and more 11-man schools, competition was getting more and more difficult. Rarely did the small six-man schools enjoy a winning season, let alone make the playoffs. Some schools were even re-evaluating whether to continue with the expense when year in and year out there was less hope of doing so. Believe it or not the first sport of the school year does much to set the mood and moral in the school and community for the entire semester.
We just needed a little assistance and some common sense to be used by the UIL so that the small schools could enjoy the same fruits the large schools were enjoying.

The arguing point to use in this need was that two divisions were being used in all the other football classifications across the state. It was our time. The whole idea started with the 5-A schools and slowly spread down. The exact year is unknown to me, but when class A 11-man adopted the two division format, our time soon followed. The six-man supts. made it happen as soon as they could.
Nuts 35 kids on one team then 7 on the other show me fair. One kid gets hurt that's fair if all of their last names are Fariquah or how ever you spell it.
This thread began as a discussion for one last game, thus in essence, negating Division Champs. The push for more champions began in 1948 with the advent of different classes. I'm not saying more classes / divisions is a bad thing, I'm saying it is cancelled out by a class champion (one more game). I would prefer all classes designate the teams in D1 and D2 prior to the start of the season. I'm not a big fan of 4 teams from each district with the enrollment of those deciding D1 / D2 as is done in 6A and 5A.
I am big time old school....I have always liked the 2 teams in the playoffs, but I feel one state champion in each class is enough. JMO

Someone mentioned playing tough games right before district and coaches not wanting this....with most 6-man districts being 4 or 5 teams district doesn't start until week 7 or 8 in most cases.
BE":2mhak8t9 said:
Can anyone from Jonesboro give us the latest on the visit to Austin on Wednesday. Were any minds changed?
Not from JB but this from 10/31 edition of Gatesville Messenger:
(you may have read it, but others could be interested)
JISD still waiting on word from Texas Education Agency on accreditation
The Jonesboro Independent School District was still waiting to hear back on their appeal of the district’s loss of accreditation. JISD Superintendent Matt Dossey remained optimistic that the district will survive this latest challenge to remain open.
Dossey met last week with Commissioner of Education Michael Williams and the Texas Education Agency
(TEA) enforcement board to present the district’s case.
“The meeting went great,” Dossey reported. “Commissioner Williams and the TEA enforcement board were nothing but helpful and respectful. They treated us with total dignity.”
In recent years, the district’s shaky financial standing had threatened the school’s very existence, and it is playing a part this year when the TEA placed JISD on the Not Accredited- Revoked status. The district received an Improvement Required rating on its STAAR testing this year, but combined with the previous
year’s financial deficiencies, the district is facing the loss of accreditation. Dossey said other districts that receive the Improvement Required for the first time are not facing the same issue.
Gatesville Intermediate had several years of Improvement Required before passing the STAAR test in 2014--15, but it did not keep the district from getting a passing mark. Dossey noted if just two more students in grades 3-10 had passed the test, the district would have had an acceptable rating.
When Dossey met with the commissioner and board last week, he outlined 19 things the district has done to address the areas of concern. The superintendent expects to hear soon on the commissioner’s
olderelk":1ajjeyux said:
BE":1ajjeyux said:
Can anyone from Jonesboro give us the latest on the visit to Austin on Wednesday. Were any minds changed?
Not from JB but this from 10/31 edition of Gatesville Messenger:
(you may have read it, but others could be interested)
JISD still waiting on word from Texas Education Agency on accreditation
The Jonesboro Independent School District was still waiting to hear back on their appeal of the district’s loss of accreditation. JISD Superintendent Matt Dossey remained optimistic that the district will survive this latest challenge to remain open.
Dossey met last week with Commissioner of Education Michael Williams and the Texas Education Agency
(TEA) enforcement board to present the district’s case.
“The meeting went great,” Dossey reported. “Commissioner Williams and the TEA enforcement board were nothing but helpful and respectful. They treated us with total dignity.”
In recent years, the district’s shaky financial standing had threatened the school’s very existence, and it is playing a part this year when the TEA placed JISD on the Not Accredited- Revoked status. The district received an Improvement Required rating on its STAAR testing this year, but combined with the previous
year’s financial deficiencies, the district is facing the loss of accreditation. Dossey said other districts that receive the Improvement Required for the first time are not facing the same issue.
Gatesville Intermediate had several years of Improvement Required before passing the STAAR test in 2014--15, but it did not keep the district from getting a passing mark. Dossey noted if just two more students in grades 3-10 had passed the test, the district would have had an acceptable rating.
When Dossey met with the commissioner and board last week, he outlined 19 things the district has done to address the areas of concern. The superintendent expects to hear soon on the commissioner’s

Following in the footsteps of Turnersville 50 years later.....
51eleven":2tnlyyhb said:
Not to rain on the parade here. It sounds like a fun and interesting idea. But would the schools involved be interested? They struggle from two a day's until December for a in most cases rare State Championship. Would they be willing to possibly tarnish that in a loss for one for sure? The game would have to be near Christmas. Basketball season would have started, some would freak over interference with that.
The D1 State Champ vs D2 State Champ game

would be for the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP.
BE":7fizhygu said:
Can anyone from Jonesboro give us the latest on the visit to Austin on Wednesday. Were any minds changed?
11/18 Gatesville Messenger headlines:
TEA gives school district abatement agreement
JISD will remain open for now
Just a follow-up. Newspaper article in the Gatesville News made the message to Jonesboro from Austin real clear to me...No closure for now until we see how you do on this year's STAAR tests.
What a crock of camel crap. You know, I almost always vote for Republicans. I may re-evaluate that mainly because I have heard since August several Rep. presidential candidates say that Texas is not following the Bush "No Child Left Behind" policy. Are they fooling us with semantics, or flat lying?

And what makes it all the more frustrating is the amount of misinformation and down right mystery coming out of TEA. Sometimes it really feels and looks as if they want us to fail so they can send their own people (who need jobs) into our schools to effect change. But maybe I am just paranoid. None of these people demonstrate being led by any form of traditional Americanism or Beatitudes. So why should we trust them?

It is really starting to resemble the old European Medieval system: we are the serfs and peons and they are the tyrannical King and his land lords.
Dogface considering that 7 other states and one other countries play 6 man football, I don't think we could call D1 vs. D2 a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP.
Say what you will, jc, everyone who has witnessed cross state football knows we have the dominant six-man system in the civilized world. When Tyler returned from playing in the Canadian All-Star game, he said it was all rigged to favor the Canuck team. Despite that he believed "our JV team would have beaten those guys".

Texas D1 versus D2 would be the World Championship of six-man. It's just one opinion.