DREAM Match Ups


Six-man fan
Having a lot of fun this year on Friday Nights, even though it is a consolation.... I'd like to make a proposal for a dream matchup.

The strength of Texas six-man football recently in the two divisions is much more equal than ever before. When our game was divided into two divisions in 2006 the strength of the top teams in D-1 was way above the best in D-2. Example: RS played champion Northside and Rule played eventual champion MC in 2007 and beat them soundly with 45 plus point victories. Later that season both were pushed hard in the playoffs. Rule had tough games with Happy and Rankin, could be wrong about Rankin. RS had all we could handle with May, Calvert and Trinidad.

This year the top teams in each division are solidly equal. Happy, BC, Crowell, Valley and Sterling City in D-1 West would find no tougher challenges than RS, Jonesboro and Calvert in D-2 East.
Therefore wouldn't it be great to have a "Texas Cup" championship game the week after the two Division state games and played with the big boys in the AT&T Center. Now that might produce a sizable crowd.

Practically speaking, not a good idea perhaps. But an idealistic consideration for sure. The top two teams in Texas Six-Man could marquee their final trophies with possible records of 16-0 and 15-1.
Iron Manesque at least. A no lose proposition for the top two teams.

Imagine these regular season matchups which rarely occur.
Richland Springs vs Borden County
Jonesboro vs Happy
Calvert vs Crowell
Woo, you would need triple the medics and a team of Counselors for game two.
Game one a battle of Coyotes.
Game three a rematch for all the marbles.
Intriguing vision for us spectators,,,a nightmare for fatigued coaches and players.

Should be able to see a dream matchup of two D-1 schools in week 3 of playoffs... Happy vs Borden County... Or at least if both teams stay healthy!
What would it take logistically
to pull off a D1 vs D2 championship exhibition game?
Does UIL have to approve?
If both teams are ok with it
we could do it at any neutral site
with good facilities.
Hand pick from experienced 6man refs.
Have a big halftime performance.
Split the gate-pay the bills- donate something to a charity/scholarship fund.
Sounds like something Don would like!
Not to rain on the parade here. It sounds like a fun and interesting idea. But would the schools involved be interested? They struggle from two a day's until December for a in most cases rare State Championship. Would they be willing to possibly tarnish that in a loss for one for sure? The game would have to be near Christmas. Basketball season would have started, some would freak over interference with that.
Time wise it is possible because the next weekend is when the majority of the 11-man state championships are played. It would overlap into basketball for another week, but that happens to every team who makes it into the playoffs. Realistically it is a pipe dream...an interesting one though.

Imagine the matchups we missed in the past:
2006---RS vs Northside
2007---RS vs Motley County
2008---Strawn vs Borden County
2009---Garden City vs Borden City
2010---Garden City vs RS
2011---Throckmorton vs RS
2012---Throckmorton vs RS
2013---Crowell vs Grandfalls Royalty
2014---Crowell vs Throckmorton
I didn't intend to inflict injury to anyone not mentioned. One could go further than I did by including teams like Rochelle, Abbott, Mt. Calm, Follett, Motley County, Balmorhea and Loraine to name a few. My selections are just opinion based on watching their games this year and knowing their coaches and returners, as well as their rankings and schedules.

I left some teams off because of a loss, or maybe because of who they will have to go through to get to the divisional championship games. I included a three loss Crowell squad because of their recent tradition, talent returning and the caliber of their coaching staff. And had to consider the health of the QB. A couple of guys text me wondering why include Sterling City...the short answer is the new coach, Brett Tyler formally of Valley. It is virtually impossible to out coach a teacher of his strength and experience, something I learned while at Follett and observing him over the last twelve years. We watched film of his team as early as 2003, maybe even the year before. "Know your enemy (opponent)" is a famous war axiom. I left Balmorhea off the first list because of their loss to RS.

Look at Granger's ranking scores for each team. Four of the six I listed are ranked one and two in their divisions. Don't let Jonesboro and Loraine's ranking points fool you...Jonesboro is not 18 and 25 points worse than Calvert and RS. I see them comparable to both somewhere around 336 to 343 range. And be not deflected by Lorain's 287. As long as they have a healthy Tillis on the team they can beat anyone who doesn't have defensive wolves. That boy shredded people all by his lonesome last year. Any West team who might play Loraine better be working every day on their defensive spread rush, otherwise he will blister them with highlight plays. Waiting the week of the game is too late my friends.

Any top 10 and often top 20 can upset a higher ranked team. I cant think of any, but it happens.
It isn't PC when I think out loud the teams I feel have the best chance of beating any other team. If you look my choices almost reflect Granger's "computer" rankings. Just based on obvious appearance, the toughest West teams are BC, Crowell and Happy. In the East they appear to be Calvert, Jonesboro and RS, in alphabetical order. But I wouldn't swallow my cigar if Abbott, Gordon, Rochelle, Valley or Balmorhea, Follett, Loraine, Motley County and Mt. Calm upset them.
The concern about a loss for one of the Champs
could be handled in some gentlemanly way I'm sure.
My first thought
is to emphasis the exibition and charitable aspects.
I can appreciate such a open and honest explanation coach....I'm just ready to see some playoff football....there are several great programs that are consistently at the top and some newcomers that rarely find themselves with the caliper of team they have this year....any time you mix those two you never know what might happen....I just pray all teams make it through district healthy and enjoy these moments. You can't ever get them back.
The value of the best coaching.
I sat through a presentation by Danny Medina from Ft. Hancock a while back. A very controversial guy. From the Spartan school of football. He told us his players had to be at practice around 5:45 in the mornings.
The real eye opener was when he stood there looking all of us in the eyes and said (paraphrased) I have heard coaches all my career say how they cant run certain sets because they never have the kids to execute them. Well fellas, I could take any of your teams and work them for four or five weeks and if we could play that team against your same team mine would beat yours thirty or forty points.
Amazing statement. Most of us believed him.
I ain't getting mine up at no 5:45. I likes ta sleeeep.

There are at least two football kingdoms in Texas six-man. One is in the West and one is in the East. If there is a third it is not geographic, it is everywhere. Two are paternal and the third feeds from them.
All three strive for the same goals. The first two are pure. The East and the West kingdoms follow a strict list of principles, laws that guide their every step. The third kingdom takes its principles from the first two and melts them to shape something in the hope of being stronger than the other separate two.

Which one is the stronger?

This year will do much to answer that rhetorical question. Yes yes it is all relevant. But if you believe kids are mostly all the same then it is possible for them to adapt and master anything they are challenged to do. Right.

All Texas teams fall into one of these three kingdoms. One is traditional and resembles 11-man. One is New School and plays all over the field. The third displays traits of both. Of course there are exceptions in the East and West. Some West teams use the entire field, while a few East teams line up in the Split backfield and the Power I (upper case i ). So you can argue against the geographic identity, but the original styles were born in the East and in the West.

If one is superior to the other two, this year will demonstrate it. Take notes on Friday nights, there will be a test in the future for the players and coaches.