DII District 2 Week 3 Predictions


11-man fan
Last week I was very close on all games. Let's see what happens this week.

Notre Dame 62 - Harrold 8
Stephenville Faith 60 - Victory Life 6
North Central Texas Academy 62 - Mineral Wells Community Christian 38
Dallas Tyler Street 52 - Wichita Christian 6

Any thoughts?
Not as close as last week, but not too bad. The WCS vs Tyler Street game is on Saturday the 21st.

Prediction: Notre Dame 62 - Harrold 8
Actual Score: Notre Dame 52 - Harrold 0

Prediction: Stephenville Faith 60 - Victory Life 6
Actual Score: Stephenville Faith 48 - Victory Life 0

Prediction: North Central Texas Academy 62 - Mineral Wells Community Christian 38
Actual Score: NCTA 80 - Mineral Wells CC 32

Saturday Game Prediction: Dallas Tyler Street 52 - Wichita Christian 6

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