Craziest game you have attended.

Last year's game between Holy Trinity and Summit Christian, 60-55 Summit. Great back and forth battle.

The weird part was it was unusually cold in that we didn't expect it to be cold at all. Our Iphones were telling us it was 70, but there was no way. It was cold and damp.

The BBQ pit had smoke that rose straight up, caught a current and drifted across the top of the field, creating a lid about 20-30 feet above the ground. I don't know if it was combining with some fog or what, but it was a solid cloud right at the top of the goal posts.

At the end of the game, walking back up the hill (HT's old field was about 30 feet down from the parking lot), we felt a difference right as we crested the hill. The temperature was no less than 20 degrees warmer in the parking lot than it was on the field.