Craziest game you have attended.

I am asking for craziness that happened off the turf.

1. Witnessed some CRAZY weather over the years, during games and also driving home.
2. I remember during our 11 man days a car in the parking lot caught fire. Caused about a 30 minute delay and a skinky mess afterwards.
3. Many a BBQ pit smoke changing directions and fumigating the crowd.
4. Had to stop a game once because of wiring on a pole smoking, all after the concession electrical went totally off about 10 minutes earlier. We were making a comeback during this one and it didnt sit well with our crowd.
5. Numerous scoreboard malfunctions.
6. Our JH played on a field once where the visitor sideline was flooded, but it wasnt with fresh water. :-(

- We had a game at Smanorwood cancelled on a Friday night due to lightning. Had to go home and come back the next day at like noon, or so. It was a miserable weekend.

- Had a game suspended in Groom one night because, in the middle of a torrential downpour, the electricity went out. Keeping stats was pointless because everything was soaked. Groom won - which made the ride home even longer and wetter.

- Another year in Smanorwood during the National Anthem it looked like a plane was crashing. Huge fireball traveling across the sky. Nothing like I've ever seen before. Come to find out, it was a meteor.

- Lastly, during the D-2 semis in 2008, this fog rolled into River Road that was so bad that you could not see the players from the press box. You had to squint to see the scoreboard. To quote Nick Long, it was the best game he's never seen.
I played in a game once when a storm blew in right after kickoff. I don't know the mph of the wind, but our kicker kicked an extra point into the wind, it went through the uprights caught the breeze and landed behind the kicker on the field. Officials said it was good. Not sure if that was the correct call. The sand blew so bad the back judge couldn't see the center/qb exchange. Thank god it only took a half to get to 45 pts.
Goob":2iyaowhj said:
Dear sprinklepuss,

Yew have done been ever whare, ain't yew?

I've been outside of the Brady-Rochelle-Richland Springs triangle. I know to someone like you merely doing that could seem like a person has been everywhere. But if you look closely and actually read what I wrote, you will notice that all the venues mentioned are in the panhandle. You might want to buy a map or something before spewing ignorance like a fountain next time.
Maybe we can all add the "bus" breaking up and burning in friday night to the list. Thats when NASA has it predicted for re-entry,,,,,,plus or minus 14 hours. :-/

I do also remember a game where the ref's didnt showed up (no fault of theirs) and the game was rescheduled for the next morning at the others teams place. Needless to say the visitor stands were pretty empty that saturday morning.
BearEatsFloyd":19dmuy1l said:
smokeyjoe53":19dmuy1l said:
I just want to know the story behind "beareatsfloyd" I am intrigued by it.

My name is Floyd and a bear took a hunk outta my leg while camping one time.

Why would a bear go camping? That's just weird, but then again stranger things have happened.
.... i'm cornfused.... so the bear smell's pete's fajitas but decides to eat floyd who must of slipped in cowboy p and landed in some goob?
I seem to remember several years ago, Panther Creeks sideline got flooded the afternoon of their game at Santa Anna. I think UIL made them play at PC and assigned new officials. Don't remember the exact outcome but I think PC won. Probly created some tension that night. Couldn't get anyone from SA to verify.
Nobody going to mention Whitharral-Gordon or Richland Springs-Woodson? Or even Richland Springs-Strawn?
Those were some crazy games

Now the craziest weather story has to be Gustine at Zephyr about 15 years ago... sideways rain comes in and the game was stopped once or twice... there were also reports of a tornado in Western Brown Co.... back in the days of the old deer blind booth at Zephyr, I was on the roof with Phil Watts helping call the game on the radio when the storm blew in and we all had to jump into the 'press box'.... about 10 people hovering around one light bulb for warmth...
Crazy Games...

Gordon wins State on 5th down...

2001 RS v Woodson Semi-Final, game opens up with each team returning kickoffs for TDs and my life was threatened by a Woodson fan...

1994 Blackwell v Zephyr Bi-District game, Zephyr wins on last play of the had 2 forward passes and the ball wasn't snapped before the buzzer went off...but refs weren't paying attention

Crazy weather...

1994 Blackwell v Paint Rock at Paint Rock week 9 or was a monsoon and the wind was blowing about 50 mph...our punter in pregame kicked a ball from the back of one endzone and it hit the scoreboard on the other side of the field

2010 Novice v Paint Rock was pretty crazy too
oneday":1y5tb6ij said:
Crazy Games...

Crazy weather...

1994 Blackwell v Paint Rock at Paint Rock week 9 or was a monsoon and the wind was blowing about 50 mph...our punter in pregame kicked a ball from the back of one endzone and it hit the scoreboard on the other side of the field

That was the week... week 10 of 1994... insane
1. While living at White Deer, during 11-man days, went of a game at Shamrock. It was so foggy you could barely see the field and I think the kick returners had a difficult time seeing the ball.

2. In my early days of 6-Man (late '70s) at the now closed Three Way school, I was the announcer. The press box was made of wood with no glass covering the windows or the hole in the roof for the filmers to climb through. It was homecoming and it really started raining with the wind blowing from the east - right into the press box, and the light bulbs on the west side started popping. It was so muddy it was difficult to see the players' numbers. They had the homecoming activities - girls in their evening dresses. TW wanted stop the game, the other team didn't even though they were behind. After half the wind changed to coming from the west and the other bulbs began to pop. Very few bulbs were left when TW scored again and the other team decided it was time to quit.
I believe that 94 Paint Rock game was delayed a while till the down pour let up some...but it was still raining pretty good the whole time.

I was at a Highland v Goldburg playoff game (at Knox City) a few years ago and the wind was blowing about 50mph the whole time and wind chill was about 15 degrees...Goldburg was forced to punt from about their own 10 yard line against the wind, the ball was kicked and went out of bounds at the Goldburg 2 yard line...I went to that game because it was on a Thursday, it was Goldburgs first ever playoff game, and I thought Highland would score 100 by halftime (they only got 78 I think...but they let up big time)

I have a film of a 1985 playoff game in Ralls (Jayton v Silverton) and the fog is VERY can barely see the players
Geezer's rendition of Three Way brought back a memory. Game at Three Way, during warmup wind blew the press box over. Our game camera was in it but survived.

Mention of cold, 1995 semifinal, 17 degrees at game time, wind out of north 30 mph or so in Levelland, Texas. The chicken broth game. Ha Sands players in the stands with no shirts screaming at Klondike players. Ha Remember thinking those guys must have had special antifreeze. Ha