Congratulations Richland Springs

Yes what a great team and accomplishment. Can someone explain though the delay with RS coming out of the locker room at the beginning of the game? I thought this was somewhat classless by RS making everyone wait on them including the ROTC and our National Anthem. Was told by someone associated with RS that this was intentional to "make a statement." if so, what statement does it make?
Was not at the game, so I could not speculate on that instance. Long delays, however, is how they operate. Every timeout, halftime, change of possession, score, etc. lasts a long, long time. I believe they are resting their players as they do not go very deep into the bench.
I was not aware that Richland was able to control the length of timeouts, halftime, change of possessions. They sure don't make the scores last very long. They are usually pretty quick.
Texasjim, look to me that they were "deep enough", they got it done........I don't know how much you know about the coyote program. You either don't have a clue what your talking about or your just plain stupid. I've heard the same thing for years, "boy, their run is over", "no players left to fill them shoes"...yada, yada, yada...........The depth IS there. Never judge the book by the cover. They just don't want you to see it.
Freelancer. RS is the best team in the state, I believe, regardless of division, public or private. I was only commenting on the length of a game and various timeouts. I think they will do very well next year, if not repeat yet again. Having played them, however, I believe it fair to say, participation did not go very deep on the bench in a game that took nearly three hours. Again, a true hats off to the champions.
Sorry goober, I would directly respond to you, but can't figure out what you are saying through all that hick drivel. Apparently, it is an intentional thing by RS to delay the game...according to some of the responses on this site as well as people who are actually from RS. They told me it is a mind game to psych out the opponent. I just thought it was classless to do this for those reasons. I also thought, as did MANY of the people around me that it was disrespectful to the flag and crowd. However, I definately do not blame the boys for this...they have no say in things such as this.