Congratulations Richland Springs

Goob, looks like you found an idiot friend in backer...two peas in a pod.

Goober if you're going to dish it out against teams like Eden, you need to be able to take it when someone complains about your team...and why don't u learn some respect for our troops.

Backer, why aren't you at a basketball game...I know you're season started earlier than you thought.
Dude, go back and read some of the posts. I slammed you so bad you went into hiding for a week just trying to figure out what I said. You're an intellectual midget. Your best comeback was... "whatever". You're a dork.
Hey goober moron, why don't you go back and READ. I congratulated the team. I asked for an explanation and gave information on what I was told by an RS person. YOU were the idiot than began insulting. You offered no reason for the delay, just got mad. I looked back at alot of your posts and you sure dump poop on Eden alot. Guess you can't take it when someone even questions about your team. And I repeat, I said NOTHING bad about the players...they played a great game!
Dude, breathe in, breathe out.
Doctor's orders!

Besides all the good games in RS,
I love the Coaches clinics they put on.
If anyone in the west want to know bout the RS strategy,
just go to the clinic.

I seem to remember several erroneous
"East don't matter" statements
comin outta the west.
jus sayin'.
Don't let them get to you Goob. The folks that aren't jealous of the Coyotes' success know RS wins because they are an excellent team with a great coaching staff.
Wow! What a difference 24 hrs. can make. You try to congratulate someone and the next thing you know someone has to come in and call you favorite team classless. By the way I wanted to mention one more stat. that these classless Coyotes produced this year, and yes if you call one of us classless you are calling us all classless. Denium Reeves, having completed a mile of passes (+-) this year, for 40+ TDs and a 74% completion rate Has Completed His Senior Year with "0" interceptions! A record that can't be broken. Congratulations "MVP Denium Reeves" and the rest of the Richland Springs Coyotes, Including Players, Coaches, Staff, Cheer Leaders, Students, Parents, and Supporters for another perfect season!
It is the referee's job to go to locker and tell coach it's time to enter field. RS always WALKS to and onto the field, this is to keep the boys relaxed not overly excited. this also pi__es off the other team and coaches which is just another smart move by Coach B. If they are late they will be penalized you on the kickoff, the only differance it will make is a 15 yard longer run on the first play for Denim. If you ever get the PRIVILEGE to go by RS HS during football season stop and watch their not the the JR HIGH practice. Therein lies the differance in Ya'll teams and RS. Oh and ps RS timeouts are the same lenght as yours. Congrads to MC, SC, Jonesboro, T-rock, BC, they are all a bunch of GREAT KIDS and schools. And good luck to u if'in u gits Goob pizd off ur hisry
Let's review here.......
Long Time Outs
Walking on the field
Running up the score
Obnoxious Fans
Five State Championships
What else do you want to complain about? Sub-par Frito Pie, not enough ice in the drinks,
coffee not hot enough or too cold, parking attendant rude, sign proclaiming accomplishments distracts motorists?
Come on, surely you can think of some more petty, small-minded things to complain about..............
I got a GOOD one Smoke
As a RS fan and many games...why do I have to pay FULL PRICE ADMISSION ????? I have suggested to the admisssion ladies that we should get in for HALF PRICE in as much as we only see HALF GAMES.
smokeyjoe53":1vvihq0u said:
Let's review here.......
Long Time Outs
Walking on the field
Running up the score
Obnoxious Fans
Five State Championships
What else do you want to complain about? Sub-par Frito Pie, not enough ice in the drinks,
coffee not hot enough or too cold, parking attendant rude, sign proclaiming accomplishments distracts motorists?
Come on, surely you can think of some more petty, small-minded things to complain about..............

I hear Goob's kinda stingy about sharing his home made evercleer.
Congrat's Yotes.
westtexassexwomaner, did you happen to notice what them coyotes were doing prior to coming onto the field or were you busy flappin your pie hole. They were talking to the ol boy up stair that watch over them every day. And you say that their "disrespectful"........maybe you need to take a long look in the mirror. As Goob would say "you pekkerwood you".