Computer programs......


11-man fan
I was wondering if any sixman coaches are using a computer program for film breakdown, etc. (Such as HUDL, WebbElectronics) And how compatible are they for the 6man game?

I spoke with one coach this weekend and he said he used Webb....I'm wanting to use HUDL personally, because of the ease of trading online (distance...major factor) and the price is good.

Any ideas?
I use hudl. Love it. Used it for two years at the school i was previously at (2A) and used it here this year. Works fine for sixman, only issues are when you input down and distance it will give you 1 and 10 but that is easy to overide, also the issue occurs when you are around the 40 it tries to keep going to the 50 yrd line. Once again easy fix but thats about it. I like hudl because it allows my kids to watch the games online at home as well as my parents. Plus i can put notes on it and odk is pretty easy. My assistant coach can also get his stuff done at home. Saves a lot of time. I have talked to one of the sales reps about the 6 man issue and she told me they would see if they can do a sixman version but idk. let me know if you have anymore questions.
Coach Jones,

I know Coach Martin and the Fightin' Buck coaching staff here in Alpine use HUDL and would probably be willing to lend a helping hand since the rivalry has pretty much smoldered.
