Coach Profile: Clint Lowry – Blackwell


Six-man expert

Clint Lowry – Blackwell
Head Coaching History: Sands: 2000, 2001; Grandfalls-Royalty: 2002-06; Brookesmith: 2007, 2008; Rising Star: 2009-2011; Blackwell: 2013-present
Head Coaching Record: 111-85
High School Attended: Gordon, Class of 1976
-Football in HS: Yes; QB/LB
College(s) Attended: Tarleton State
-Football in College: No; Track & Field, pole vault, two years (freshman & sophomore)
Preferred Offensive Set: Unbalanced Line
Preferred Defensive Set: 3-3

LS: Who would you say were/are the coaches that were your mentors and had the most impact on you as a coach?
CL: My dad (Boyd Lowry long time HC at Gordon) will be one of the of course and Vance (Jones) would be one, and Harvey Wellman. Vance and Wellman I probably learned as much as I possible could from those guys in person or on the phone and I can call them any time.

LS: If you could tell first year head coach Clint Lowry something what would it be?
CL: It ain’t as easy as you think it is, and don’t be afraid to ask people questions because you don’t know everything you think you do.

LS: Having been a great player in high school, is it easier or harder than going on and trying to be a great coach?
CL: Depends on the person. Some coaches that were former players struggle a bit because they expect too much. But I do think if you played and coached six-man it helps, it has its pluses, but you can let your ego get in the way.
Vance Jones mentored a ton of coaches and pretty much shaped sixman football west of the Pecos; you could almost compare him to Andrew Jackson in terms of disciples. Jackson mentored future Presidents Martin Van Burern, James K. Polk, James Buchannan and the "George Washington of Texas," Sam Houston. I bet the J-Bird works better in an area (IE: Blackwell) where not as many teams run it.
Something I did back in 2018
Talked with Lowry often...always fun to talk with. He will be missed

He retired at the end of the 2023 season with a record of 157-108...the 2019 season he coached Blackwell to a school record 13 wins and first ever Semi-Final berth earning Dave Campbell's 1A team of the year...

I saw today on a plaque on a wall in the school that he was voted Teacher of the Year twice at Blackwell

Clint can be seen in this short video at the 57 second mark as a little kid manager of the 1967 Gordon Longhorns...I showed him this last year and he got a real kick out of it and some great stories and takes about that team...he was upset that the only game film I had of him player was a game where Cherokee beat Gordon bad and he got hurt in it...he told me a few times that Manuel Beltran was the greatest 6man player

This might be my favorite photo of him
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he was upset that the only game film I had of him player was a game where Cherokee beat Gordon bad and he got hurt in it...
That Cherokee game was 1974 Bi-District, his junior year. I was a freshman on that team; the only game we were ever 45d in my 4 years. The team got to calling him The Blonde Bomber after Dallas QB Clint Longly's Thanksgiving affair against the Redskins. Clint threw an absolutely beautiful deep ball, even if it was with the wrong hand.....
I had forgotten about these... this is why Leman is so awesome. Well, one of the reasons.

I hated reading the news of his passing. He was just one of the many six-man coaches, fans, players who have let me have a peek into their world. My thoughts go out to his family and friends.

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