Clinic Time -2019 TCAF Clinic of Champions (updates)


Six-man fan
We welcome anyone who is interested in 6 man football to our clinic, UIL, TAPPS, TCAL, HOMESCHOOL. If you like 6 man football, this will be a good clinic to attend.

Registration form: ... sp=sharing

The 2019 TCAF Clinic of Champions will be held Saturday, February 16 @ Nazarene Christian Academy.
Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. with our first session beginning at 8:30.
Speakers to include but not limited to (waiting on a response from one still)
Door prizes !!!
Lunch will be served (please do a pre-registration if you plan to come. Makes planning lots easier. Don't want to run out of food)

- Vance Jones of Balmorhea, UIL D1 Quarterfinalist
- Stephen Cox of Weatherford Chritian School (TAPPS D3 Finalist)
- Ky Clark, Heritage, Christian Academy, TCAF State Champion D2
- Larry Uland, Wylie Prep, TCAF State Champion D1
- Mike Reed, Gordon (Former Throckmorton State Champion)(finally influenced him to talk DEFENSE)
- Ty Adams: Head Coach at Gordon High School 2006-2009 (Record 26-8) Lost in the Quarterfinals in 2008, finished the season ranked #2
Head coach of the East Texas High School Six Man Coaches Association All Star game 2009.

Some great men there as well as great coaches. More info on them to come! Please fee free to print off or use info below to pre-register and get on the list early. You may email this but send check asap. I will do an official form prior to January 15.

Registration Information
Pre-Registration deadline is February 11 for preregistration fee of $30 per individual for early registration. Registration fee at the door will be $40 per individual.
Please complete and mail form and fee payable to CSAF, Inc to: Bill Reed, TCAF Director, 1111 South Drive, Springtown, TX 76082.

Name: ______________________________________________

School / Town: ________________________________________

Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________________________

My email address is Please drop me a line with any questions. This is a minimum fee clinic with lots of good information. I hope you can attend. Your registration fee gets you admission, lunch, and “maybe” a door prize.
TCAF Football Clinic Schedule – February 16, 2019
Nazarene Christian Academy, Competition Gym/Auditorium
2001 East Main
Crowley, Texas 76036
8:00 – 8:30 Registration and Sign In

8:30 – 9:00 KICKOFF! Reggie Finch, High School All-American
• Creating Your Identity

9:05 – 10:00 Ky Clark, Haslet Heritage
• Special Teams

• What to plan vs your opponent concerning special teams
• “Bread and Butter” running game
• “Bread and Butter” passing game

10:00 – 10:55 Larry Uland, Wylie Preparatory Academy
• Philosophy of “What makes a successful career?”
• Patriot Offense
• Running Game
• Passing Game
• Scouting Defenses

11:00 – 11:55 Mike Reed, Gordon High School / Throckmorton High School
• The 4-2 Defense
• Base Alignments, Movements, Stunts, Coverages
• Adjustments to Multiple Sets

12:00 – 12:55 Lunch as provided and Break-out time, with coach of choice

1:00-2:05 Vance Jones, Balmorhea
• Balmorhea Bear Offense
• Weekly Preparation
• Being Successful in Sixman Football

2:10-3:05 Tye Adams, Gordon High School
• 3-3 defense
• Alignments, movements, stunts, coverages
• Spread Rush and containment

3:10-4:05 Stephen Cox, Weatherford Christian Academy
• WCA Tight Offense
• Formations – Schemes –Running Offense – Play Action Pass – Audibles/Checks
• “Trick Plays”

4:15 Closure and draw “Big Door Prize”
If you are planning to come to the TCAF Clinic on 2/16, it would be helpful in planning our meal, if you would pre-register or drop me an email prior to 2/10, and let me know who and how many are coming from your school.

Thank you guys for all you do for sixman football and education in general. I know how hard you all work and hopefully you will be able to attend the clinic and get a little break from some of that. Anything to do with football and high school kids was never "work" for me. Hope you feel the same.

you can also text me at 817-692-4605

Bill Reed, TCAF Director
The following have all donated door prizes for our clinic or contributed to our MEAL TIME!

• Woody Creek BBQ – 205 N. Ave A Springtown –(817) 737-2008
1776 Mall Cir, Fort Worth, TX 76

• Harold Buffington – Howell’s Western Café – 401 W. Hwy 199 Springtown

• Clay Conrady – BSN Sports – Sales Professional – 940-237-6305

• Taco Casa – 101 W. Hwy 199, Springtown – 817-523-5444

• Dan Carey - 2905 S Cherry Ln, Fort Worth, TX 76116 – 817-735-4794

• EECU of Weatherford - 108 E Park Ave, Weatherford- 817-594-3891

• Nazarene Christian Academy – 2100 E. Main, Crowley, Tx - (817) 297-7003

• Dennie Harms – HS football Fan and TCAF Supporter

• Sixmania – Charles Parks –

• Rock Bottom Outreach – RBO (Rick Smith)- -940-683-0034

• Chris Cowling – Lone Star Event Apparel - - 760-534-7698

• Richie Hodza, Villa Dianna Italian Restaurant, 2475 E. Renfro St, Burleson, Tx, 76028, 817-426-6664
Richie is in charge of our catering and last year, it was fabulous!
[*] Todd Urbanek, Baylor, Scott, & White Sports Care -
Heck of a group of speakers. If you got the time, head up there this weekend.

Great to hear Larry Uland is still coaching and doing it well. I've said that Larry started coaching when I was still in diapers and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm back in diapers when he's still coaching!

Best to all! John
59 years to live is a long time, but 59 years to live and continue to have the opportunity to serve and be a part of this great game is unbelievable. He is a very very good person. I love all of these guys and consider them personal friends. I coached Stephen Cox in high school. I have had the opportunity in my very early years to coach against Vance when he was at Bridgeport "coaching everything", and have known Mike Reed for many years. Mike is one of the most helpful coaches I have ever met.
Please let me know if any of you are coming that have not yet registered or emailed me. I am beginning to make our final arrangements. You are still welcome to come and pay at the door on Saturday, but it really helps to have notification and registration completed.

Bill Reed, TCAF Director
Football Clinic Day, Nazarene Christian Academy... thank you for hosting! Registration begins at 8:00 - 8:30. Reggie Finch, Irving McArthur HS, All American kicks it all off at 8:30. It's not too late to attend!! Come on $40 at the door! 2100 E. Main Crowley, Texas

Get up! Get Better! Great Speakers.. going to be some really good topics.. maybe best yet.. Larry Uland, Mike Reed, others!!!

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