Best First Round Match Ups?


Six-man fan
These games look interesting to me:

Town East and Alvin- Which TE team will show up? Will either team play defense?

Brownwood and Geneva- A potentially high scoring game. One very good spread back versus a very good passing game.

Wish I could be in more than one place Friday night.

Good luck to all.
I will go as far as a pick-em as well...
The best games are
1) Brownwood Victory Life @ Boerne Geneva
2) San Antonio TownEast @ Alvin Living Stones

Brenham Christian @ Fredericksburg Heritage
I'm going w/ Freddy. I believe Freddy Heritage will have too much D and too much overall talent and they will take advantage of the youth of Brenham Christian....

San Antonio TownEast @ Alvin Living Stones
This is by far one of the two MARQUEE games of Div. II.. TownEast has a wishy-washy wet paper towel type defense that gives up alot of points.
Living Stones has not been the same teams since their lone loss. They've been sporadic on offense struggling in their last two games.
I believe SA TownEast's defense will struggle with (#11) and this will be the key to the outcome.
Alvin Living Stones wins in a wild & exciting game, by 3... TOO MUCH #11 from Living Stones

Brownwood Victory Life @ Boerne Geneva
I hear BWOOD VLA has a stud spread back (8) that is the total package. This may be true, but Geneva possesses a more potent QB that distributes the ball all over the field.
Look for this game to be VERY HIGH SCORING.
BOERNE GENEVA WINS THIS ONE BY 13 (in a very high scoring game, which both teams will score into the 70 or higher)

Orange Community Christian @ Heath Fulton
I believe OCC has had a good year for a 1st yr program. #25, #33 will have to carry a very large load in this game in order of coming close to beating Heath Fulton.
Haven't seen Heath Fulton, but there is alot of chatter on here about them being THE REAL DEAL.
HEATH FULTON by 22 over a good up-start Orange Community Christian team

Denton Calvary @ Dallas Tyler Street
I believe everyone had written off Dallas Tyler Street this year, but if you look at their schedule, THEY HAVE PLAYED SEVERAL/MANY GOOD TEAMS. Looking at their half of the bracket, they can make a run to the state-semi's.
I believe Tyler Street will be this yr's cinderella team and they start the night off right with a victory over Denton Calvary.

Seguin Lifegate @ Granbury Happy Hill
Lifegate just isn't the lifegate of the past few years. Granbury Happy Hill will have TOO MUCH OFFENSE TOO OFTEN in this one.

SA Castle Hills @ WF Notre Dame
Castle Hills started the season in a good fashion, but has since fallen off. Take note, this is not the Notre Dame team from South Bend, Indiana.... This ND team can actually play some football.
WF ND win this one by 42

Lubbock Kingdom Prep @ Dickinson Pine Drive
I've heard several people say during games, about how far they have to drive (2 hrs)...
Well Kingdom Prep has to travel 10 plus for this one.
I don't know if Lubbock Kingdom Prep has seen a team as loaded as this group, mainly on the defensive side of the football.
I told my wife, a 10 hr drive to dickinson ($180 in gas), 3 stops for food ($65).... a game that will go 2 qtrs... PRICELESS
DICKINSON PINE DRIVE wins this one by 45
I will go ahead and play this game.
I believe the best first game of the playoffs has to be Geneva and Victory Life. Both teams are good enough to make it to the finals. Too bad one of these teams is gonna be out early.
I also think the Town East vs Living Stones game is right up there too. Again, both these teams are good enough to make it to the finals. Both these games are gonna come down to the usual, PAT's, turnovers, etc...Whoever plays error free the most will win their games.

OK, now for the picks:

Brenham vs Freddy
Freddy plus 20

Geneva vs Vitory Life
Geneva plus 3

Orange Community vs Heath Fulton
Orange Community plus 3

Denton Calvary vs Tyler Street
Calvary plus 35

Lifegate vs Happy Hills
Happy plus 20

Castle Hills vs Notre Dame
Notre Dame plus 35

Kingdom Prep vs Pine Drive
Pine Drive plus 45

Town East vs Living Stones
Gotta go with TE on this one :)
I too will partake in this extravaganza.
After watching ESPN's ROLL TIDE / War Eagle, ..... I'M PUMPED

Brownwood Victory Life @ Boerne Geneva
followed by
San Antonio Town East @ Alvin Living Stones

These two games should be very fun to watch and SHOULD go down to the wire. I too agree with TEPRYDE, ... Mistakes will be gianormous...

I think Boerne Geneva will have a little too much fire power for Brownwood Victory Life...

As for the TownEast vs. Living Stones game, I believe this will be huge for both programs because they get a chance to FINALLY advance to the 2nd round.
LS - has never been beyond the Bi-District Round
TE - I believe it's been a few yrs for them as well

I'm pretty sure the 6-man Div. II nation has Fredericksburg Heritage winning it all (AGAIN)
Wonderdog- Yes, you are correct, the last time we got past the first round was 2007. That year we made it to the final four. This year's crop of seniors ( six ) were all in the 8th grade but many of them were on our junior high team and they remember that year. They too would like to get to the final four. We have two big hurdles that are in our way. We will take it one game at a time and enjoy the process. If you are in the area, come out and watch the game and introduce yourself to me.

You guys may be able to do some damage with having 6 Sr's on your squad.
I highly doubt it if I would be able to make to to Alvin, besides Coach Sanders may not let me in, seeing how I always go against him.
There's probably a picture of me at the entrance gate, saying DO NOT ALLOW IN. It's more than likely a picture of the actual character WONDER-DOG....

I think TownEast beats Living Stones and here is why:
Ever since the Pine Drive / Living Stones game, Living Stones has not been scoring as much and their games have been VERY CLOSE if you toss out the Bellville and Texas Christian game.
28-8 vs. Brenham (who pd 45ed), 36-32 vs. Orange Commmunity (who pd 45ed)

Either something has been exposed OR there are injuries OR Living Stones just played the game of their lives vs. Pine Drive and lost and now they are coming out flat.
OR Living Stones has seen how bad pine drive beat those two teams and they came out flat.

Either excuse can be used BUT....,
If living stones comes out flat vs. TownEast, .... Living Stones season will be over.

Being serious here, I'm going with TownEast by 18 ... This pick is based on how living stones has been playing their past few games.
No dis-respect to anyone (coaches, teams, parents, players) every game on tap from here on out has meaning...
But looking at records, match-ups, etc....Some are more interesting than others

These two games should live up to ALL THE HYPE:
Brownwood Victory Life @ Boerne Geneva.... This may be a who has the ball last type of game.
San Antonio TownEast @ Alvin Living Stones.. This game could be low scoring, but it can also have both teams playing into the 50's.

If you want a game filled with tradition, You have to take these two:
These 4 teams have well established coaches that has been in this moment several times and they've all played for state titles.
Brenham Christian @ Fredericksburg Heritage
Denton Calvary @ Dallas Tyler Street
After consulting with my mirror ball, I'll go with the following:

Town East @ Living Stones- Long drive for TE. Is #11 back and fully healthy for LS? Will the LS defense be able to stop #25 from TE? The winner of this game makes fewer mistakes and gets some stops on defense. The team that shows up mentally, wins. Who wants it more? I'm going TE by12 (BUT, I could easily see it going the other way. How's that for a definitive answer?)

Brownwood @ Geneva- Will it be the spreadback attack (#8) from BVLA or the drop-back pass and I-back plan of Geneva? I think this will be a high scoring affair. The winner here has the best defensive game plan. I'm going with Rush Cone and Boerne Geneva to limit BVLA. Boerne by 18.

There you go. Looking forward to seeing the scores tonight. Good luck to everyone and prayers that tonight is injury free.
Results of Brownwood Victory Life vs Boerne Geneva

A very hard fought ball game on both sides, but Victory Life got ahead early and was able to maintain their lead.

Final score:
Brownwood Victory Life Academy Warriors - 70
Geneva School of Boerne Eagles - 54

Geneva's quarterback (#7) and their running back (#10) along with their receivers (#87 and #20) had amazing games, and they're all coming back next year. Watch out.

VLA's offense spread the ball around and the spreadback (#8) ran well. The big game changer was on the defensive side. 8 had a pick six and 25 had two interceptions, one returned for a TD. It was very back and forth and hard fought on both sides.

Something I'd expect out of a Semi-Final matchup rather than a first round.
I have to say to Wonder Dog, I wouldn't blame Coach Sanders if he didn't let you in to watch his team play but I've known him for a few years and he seems to be a man of integrity. He would welcome you into his home no matter how rude a person you have been to him.

What I don't understand is why 2 years ago you were pro-Living Stones and anti-Pine Drive. You seem to root for the school that Coach Ware is at. You thought Living Stones was a great school when Ware was coaching there. That doesn't say alot for you having a mind of your own but more that you've got your nose up Ware's butt.

Odd, I took you as being an adult. Maybe not.
Hey anybodys game,

when on here have you seen me THIS YEAR root for Pine Drive on this forum. I DID STATE, I hope PINE DRIVE beats the tar out of LS and moons them...

All my picks have gone against LSCS & PDCS... GO CHECK MY PREVIOUS POSTS.... Heck even my 1st pick when PD played Dallas Tyler Street, I lost a red lobster gift card cause I was going against PD.

I'll tell ya what,
Y don't you call up ole coach ware and schedule them and you will get the same thing everyone else has gotten.. A LOSS ON YOUR RECORD.

We can get on here and bash whom ever, but when it comes to WINS & LOSSES, I DO BELIEVE THAT PINE DRIVE HAS GIVEN EVERYONE IN THIS DISTRICT A LOSS, and that includes a loss to MR TYLER SANDERS.

I'll be the first to agree,

I wonder if ANYBODY'S GAME, just changed his screen name... 1st EVER POST.... INTERESTING, VERY INTERSTING......
As for the games,

Brownwood Victory Life must of put on a show vs. Boerne Geneva. Had this tabbed as a Geneva win.

just by looking at the scores from tonight,

District 1 seems to be the most competitive/balanced/deepest district.
The BVL win was huge for the district, we will have to see what Happy Hill, Denton Calvary, WF ND does today.
District 3 seems to be the most over-rated
with 2nd place Boerne Geneva losing. Now the Granbury Happy Hill / Seguin Lifegate games looks as if GHH will win.

I won't comment on the Lubbock Kingdom Prep @ Dickinson Pine Drive game, because I would really hate to hurt ANYBODY'S GAME (psycho) emotional state of mind.
Maybe HE/she forgot to take their zoloft.
U can still enjoy that loss that Pine Drive gave you during the season
Hey dog, I sure hope I didn't waste four hours and a night in a Holiday Inn Express (which allows me to make wise comments, even wiser than I already do ...) aren't wasted.

But my theory that District 3 is top-to-bottom better than other districts was pretty well shot to h-e-double-hockey-sticks last night. But then again, losses by 7 and 16 aren't blowouts, so we'll see what happens after lunch in Granbury.

Let's say it should be closer to our 2005 game against the Hill, where we lost by 30 vs our 2003 trip here where we got beat 88-6 (but then again, we were playing a Happy Hill defending and then repeating state champ vs our first-ever team that made the mistake of winning a district game and earning a trip to the playoffs).

And we could win it, who knows? Our bunch has been Jeckyl-and-Hyde all year, and also well acquainted with various medical specialists throughout the season, with two kids having barely played a down all season (including an all-stater on both sides of the ball). I'll text a score to Granger on the way home.
wonder dog-

The reason you've never seen me post is because I have a life. You must not since this seems to be the only thing you do. You said you played under Ware (no pun intended) but there are, I assume, a lot of men young and old, and I don't see them continually posting.

You must be a very ugly person, both physically and emotionally, if this is all you have to do. You should find you a nice young lady to take your mind off the idle chit chat of high school football. GROW UP!!!

Nuff said.
I've become more of an Alvin Living Stones fan (band-wagon-jumper). I like where their program has gotten to. They are not a bad team (just ask SA TownEast and anyone else on their schedule)
Each year they've gotten better.
Now they will have to replace #11 mainly on the offensive side but defensively they don't lose too much.

Is Alvin Living Stones where Dickinson Pine Drive is, ... ONLY IN LOCATION... as far as football, No, Pine Drive has proved they are better each year by beating them.

I just researched records, Alvin Living Stones has never beaten Pine Drive (in football)...

I think both programs are good..


But if either program is bickering about which program is better, THEN, they better wake up and smell what's ahead of them for the 2nd round of the playoffs... Because it surely could be a rear end smell (meaning a BUTT-KICKING) .. FROM

And honestly,
I HONESTLY CAN see both District 4 teams losing this week (week 2 of playoffs)

What about my cinderella pick : DALLAS TYLER STREET....

Look for them to be playing Fredericksburg Heritage in the State-Semi Finals..
because they will beat WF Notre Dame

Pine Drive 11-1 : playoff team
Arlington high point : 10-1 playoff team
Avalon 6-5 : uil playoff team beat Irving universal
Irving universal : uil playoff team lost to Avalon

I believe anyone other than Fredericksburg Heritage would be 0-4 vs. this schedule as well