Aquilla vs. Bynum

What the heck did Doc Wee Wee do to run Aquilla down?
I have seen many teams over the years that needed a good azz whoopin' to wake them up.......
And it was my team a few times
oldfat&bald":2jz4f29l said:
Mexican Englishman":2jz4f29l said:
51eleven":2jz4f29l said:
How many others from there have worn an orange mowhawk in support of their team?

Who does that?

Really? You don't know?

Sorry it was a cynical question. I will answer the original question I don't think any others have worn a orange Mohawk in support of their team. The games I have attended they all wore hats and t- shirts with the team name and maybe a slogan on it.The little boys wear their jerseys and the little girls wear their cheer uniforms. It must be a East thing.
These boys step out on the field each day and beat themselves to death to make their team proud. No sense in running them down. Praise their effort and relish in their accomplishments. Negative posts are never a plus.
oldfat&bald":3skqor48 said:
I know the overconfident comment didn't cause all this. Cowboy, what did you do to PO little Johnny Benchwarmer's mommy and daddy?

No his overconfident comment didn't cause all this. His post of "pulling for Bynum to win the game "and his post of "he no longer has a team of choice "has caused all this.I guessed you overlooked that. And sorry I don't have a Johnny Benchwarmer on the team. I am just someone who retired and moved back home that still supports my team.As I said earlier I believe that is the difference between someone that has played for their school and one that hasn't.Would someone from your town post on here that he hoped the opposing team would have won the game on your homecoming in front of all your exes? And no I don't have a Johnny Benchwarmer grandson on the team either before you speculate.
Hey Ellie May, Go'on yonder and fetch them there vidles for us....

This here subject is fixin to have a durn good fewd a goin on (MY BEST GOOB IMPRESSION)
Mexican Englishman":jd1rybio said:
...His post of "pulling for Bynum to win the game "and his post of "he no longer has a team of choice "has caused all this....As I said earlier I believe that is the difference between someone that has played for their school and one that hasn't...
I make no apologies for saying I was pulling for Bynum at the end, or for saying I no longer have a team of choice. Bynum was a 45 point underdog. Making it a four point game showed they worked hard to prepare and just as hard to win. A group of kids giving that much effort will always get my support. I do my best to follow my mentor's lead. He played for Lueders-Avoca, but he had no team of choice - he was a fan, and supporter of the game. Few, if any, have done as much for the game as he did. I have met a lot of great, hard working kids from across the state and I will continue to support them all.
I'm not sure why you continue to mention that I didn't play. I have never attempted to hide the fact. I was short, fat, slow, and lacked self-confidence.
Mexican Englishman":mqly9ck0 said:
oldfat&bald":mqly9ck0 said:
I guess whining about the rankings got too boring for the folks in Aquilla. Did they finally figure out they're not going to get to the top of them? Is the new game bashing Cowboy P? If it is, can I play? I like giving him hell.

BTW, has anybody down there ever found Sands on a roadmap?

Who is talking about rankings? Guess I missed that post.
BTW, I will look for Sands on a roadmap, sounds like a lovely place to visit. Sounds about as lovely as Iraq.

You won't find Sands on any map. That is the name of the school, which was chosen when Ackerly and Knott consolidated in 1958. The school is in Ackerly. It ain't a bad place, just named that because the predominate soil is loose sand perfect for growing cotton. The area between Northern Glasscock county and eastern Martin COunty through Dawson county could be called Sands.......
CowboyP":254griok said:
Mexican Englishman":254griok said:
...His post of "pulling for Bynum to win the game "and his post of "he no longer has a team of choice "has caused all this....As I said earlier I believe that is the difference between someone that has played for their school and one that hasn't...
I make no apologies for saying I was pulling for Bynum at the end, or for saying I no longer have a team of choice. Bynum was a 45 point underdog. Making it a four point game showed they worked hard to prepare and just as hard to win. A group of kids giving that much effort will always get my support. I do my best to follow my mentor's lead. He played for Lueders-Avoca, but he had no team of choice - he was a fan, and supporter of the game. Few, if any, have done as much for the game as he did. I have met a lot of great, hard working kids from across the state and I will continue to support them all.
I'm not sure why you continue to mention that I didn't play. I have never attempted to hide the fact. I was short, fat, slow, and lacked self-confidence.

And I will say, despite the ribbing a lot of us give Cowboy, he's doing a fine job of stepping into Don's role. Don't quit CP......
I know how much of his time, money, heart and soul Cowboy is putting into what he's doing. It irks me a bit to see some of the high up uppity ups from his home town taking pot shots at him because he's not part of the "in" crowd in Aquilla.
So sad. The fact of the matter is that the boys that suit up each and every Friday and see the posts by you so called adults. I'm done with this conversation. Sleep well. This site was never intended to post negative comments about the boys that sacrifice their bodies to represent their schools. It's not about YOU!
Some people get it, some don't.

To be successful as a sports writer/media outlet type person, that person should remain unbiased.
The comment of him being a "fan of the game, not of a team" is him doing exactly what he should be doing. He didn't post anything negative about Aquilla, they were overconfident. The coach will tell you that. All he was saying is that Bynum put on a show of hard work and drive and that, by the end of the game, he would have liked to see them rewarded for it.
And you are right, loyalaquillafan, it's not about him...... and it's not about 1 team either. Here is a fact that you won't like. Aquilla has the talent to be top 10, Aquilla has the coaching staff to be top 10, a loss to Bynum would have helped them more than hurt them. (See what I did there? No negativity towards Aquilla at all.)
Now here's another fact for you. I've never been to Aquilla, how could I know that? I'll tell you how. People like Cowboy, Grainger, Leman, Shannon, Ken, Larry, Randy, Steve, and Myself is how. They do what nobody else is doing. They spread the word about 6-man football. They don't get paid to do it, they don't ask for recognition, even though it sometimes comes. They do it for a love of the game that people like you will never understand. They do it to recognize the boys that sacrifice their bodies to represent their schools. They do it because nobody else does. Sixman has always been the "step-children" of the Texas high school football world. No longer, the new fathers are stepping in and working hard to make sure that they are treated like kids, not step kids. (I say new, but Grainger has been doing this forever.)
It's not a competition to see who can have the best website, or the best facebook page..... We are all in this together, we share each others posts and thoughts and material. Why? Because it's not about one person. It's about the kids and them getting the recognition they deserve.

Like I said, some get it, some don't.
CowboyP":2xk1j1lm said:
BigFan1377":2xk1j1lm said:
...With what Bynum did with Aquilla maybe Bynum is better than I thought. We did come out a bit flat and overconfident...
Obviously I'm not the only person that noticed...

Darn right your not the only one that saw it. I was there and saw the same thing that anyone at the game saw a better team in Aquilla have to dig deep and find something they shouldnt have needed to beat in what many people would say an inferior foe. Aquilla was lucky that they didnt blow this opportunity to win and in this instance it is like some would say a win for Bynum and a loss for Aquilla just due to the fact that it shouldnt have been that close. Congrats for Aquilla for digging deep and getting the job done because in this day and age a win is a win and you will take them when you can. As far as Bynum goes congrats to them as well for having a great game plan and executing and almost prevailing. both team have positives but there are alot more negatives for Aquilla but nothing that will hinder them boys from being what they should be maybe it will just open their eyes a bit to play harder. It was a great game and like Cowboy, in great games sometimes it is cooler to watch an underdog win when everyone gave them no chance at all in the beginning, and there is nothing wrong with that.
They bring up that you didn't play because that is all that they have done with their life...Play High School Football.

They are jealous that you working hard and getting exposure and accolades. They miss the days where people knew who they were. Now those people are "has been's" or quite possibly "never was." It is sad that people are trying to tear down what you are trying to do.

So you said something "negative" about the school that your kids go to/or went to... Who cares. People run around small towns all across this great state bashing their Alma Mater. It is a double standard. It is ok for them to say it, not you.

I am sure that you have figured this out, but it is difficult to deal with the public. They are a fickle bunch of know everything, do nothing idiots. But here we are, you being a contributor to DCTF and them sitting in the bleachers sucking on their thumbs. SCOREBOARD, Cowboy.
Since when is stating the obvious about a team being over confident or coming out flat talking trash about them? I would think that was a polite explanation for Bynum playing Aquilla a tight game in what shouldn't have been. Matter of fact that's probably some of the excuses coaches are taught to use to be diplomatic after such games. If next time he says, the kids came out with their heads up their a$$ and didn't play worth a c### then I will be on your side. Otherwise, since the attack seemed personal, you should learn some manners or keep your opinions to yourself. And that's all I got to say about that.