Acuna, Mexico a city under seige

Prohibition never works. It did not for alchohol, and it has not for drugs. All it does is create a black market that the criminal organization exploit for incredible amounts of money.

Legalize it and regulate the hell out of it under very narrowly described circumstances in order to restrain the regulating organization from mission creep.
I am now more worried about the federal/state/local drug enforcement agencies than I am the addicts who support the drug trade. There is more and more evidence these agencies are spinning out of control.
I think the main thing that RJ & I is saying is that you cannot legislate morality. I agree with little Doc, just because something is legal does not make it right.
It used to be that the local community helped each other out in times of need. The New Deal came along with all types of federal assistance, the camel got his nose under the tent and soon he was an inseparable part of our lives.
I'm sorry, but trampling on the God-given rights we have as human beings - and specifically enumerated in the Constitution - for the sake of the children is not a trade I am willing to make.

People generally grow up to be crappy parents. There is not a parent on the planet who - if completely honest - will say they were perfect. Now I might be as close as you can come to perfection - but even rainjack has a list of "geeze, I should have handled that different" parenting moments. But I digress...

Bad people can have good kids, and good people can have bad kids. There should not be a Federally enforced threshold to determine which is which. My mom was raised by a violent alcoholic. My dad was raised - in the loosest sense of the word - by an alcoholic, compulsive gambling bum. The state never intervened, and they grew up to be two of the greatest people I've ever known.

In short - the federal government can protect 'the children' from nothing. It might make some folks feel better, but just like the PATRIOT ACT - the cost of a nanny-state federal government is paid for with our liberty. People have ceded said liberty in very small imperceptible slivers to the point that in most school districts, corporal punishment is outlawed, and society as a whole has no recourse because - well - it's 'for the children'.

Rant over.
If something is legal, more people are going to try it. Some will get hooked and not be able to pay for it, then guess who is going to be stolen from, robbed, burglarized, etc. to get the money to pay for it. The law abiding public. So now we've got a bigger problem than we started with before it was legalized. The more rope we give some folks, the more they will hang themselves with. I don't know. I'm enjoying the discussion.
I understand all of agencies are out of whack or the biggest phonies of all. I have always believed there's more crime in the criminal agencies that out on the street. I found out that even with my prescription drugs if my pills are in a pillbox for the weekend at the lease I can go to jail. So I have to carry my bottles where ever I go if I were on a trip. There's something wrong with a 57 year old having to carry pills bottles along for your heart,and diabetes. Politics are corrupt no matter if your democrat or republican, whoever you vote for. They say one thing and do the other. A swat team about 10 years ago told my kids to get in the house. The kids said those people are telling us what to do so I jumped up and saw that it was a swat team all over my front and back yard. They were after my next door neighbors and after all my said and done they left with a big ice chest of weed. No arrest for the people selling it, they just took their drugs. I was so mad because they scared my kids to death and just walk out of their house with drugs. Now that's our system.
Acuna under siege!! Hell, we are under siege from the Republicans and Democrats that want to run this country. Guess I better calm down. This is a whole lot better than living in Mexico. Man, this is getting depressing! How bout them Cowboys?
Little Doc":dz6chejh said:
If something is legal, more people are going to try it. Some will get hooked and not be able to pay for it, then guess who is going to be stolen from, robbed, burglarized, etc. to get the money to pay for it. The law abiding public. So now we've got a bigger problem than we started with before it was legalized. The more rope we give some folks, the more they will hang themselves with. I don't know. I'm enjoying the discussion.

How prevalent is your above scenario with alcohol? Ceding your constitutional rights to a steaming pile of bureaucrats in Washington DC will not prevent addicts from being addicted.

And what is wrong with allowing otherwise consenting adults the latitude, or the length of rope, required to hang themselves? It is a choice they should be allowed to make - just like the functional 95% of society should be allowed to freely decide not to succumb to life destroying addictions without the threat of being considered a felon.
Little Doc that's already happening in our neighborhood but as RJ says no one is going to look, care what happens to our kids. Then if our kids or any kids we know get into drug trouble it would be our fault. It would be like we didn't raise our kids right. And No I wasn't a perfect parent. I made more mistakes than I would ever want too. But thank God all 4 kids turned out good. Sometimes it's like let the criminals do their thing until they meet with a gun. Several people I talk too says to get the military back home (which I have a nephew in Afganistan right now) and let the heathen do away with each other. But to me the heathen are winning and the innocents are being killed. Gosh this is a dang if you do or dang if you don't situation.
Little Doc":1b5i9iek said:
Acuna under siege!! Hell, we are under siege from the Republicans and Democrats that want to run this country. Guess I better calm down. This is a whole lot better than living in Mexico. Man, this is getting depressing! How bout them Cowboys?

I love Mexico. Especially Cancun, Playa Del Carmen, and Cabo. They love us down there.
Rainjacktx, you are probably right. If that Adam guy hadn't bitten that apple we wouldn't be faced with all these choices of right and wrong! That's what this good life is all about. Thanks for your insight!
When they got to #3 they better have a taser gun ready for me because I'm going to be fighting. Once a year is plenty good enough for me, just saying. Hope he gets all that he sues for. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!
rainjacktx":1cu142tc said:
We need to start shooting back.

I have some real good friends that are Sheriff's deputies and city cops. If one of them tried to abuse their power like that, I'd be the first guy in the lynch mob to hang them.
I reread the article and I'm downright mad now. First they stop the man for no reason, then they accuse him of having drugs, then they abuse his body over and over. I've always believed what goes around comes around and it would be my wish that someone would do to them the same way they did that man. We are all human beings and no one deserves to go through all he went through. I pray the justice center comes down on the City of New Mexico HARD.