Abbreviated Season-what's the outcome?

FCSA football

Six-man fan
I just spoke with a friend with an 11 man school down south and asked about their season.
Answer " what season, right now our football field lights are over
On the baseball field."
So how many games get cancelled ? How many
5,6,7 or 8 game seasons this year? What's the impact on
The playoffs?
Just wondering and throwing it out there.
I'm guessing schools will have to get creative. More games on Thursday and Saturday, perhaps at fields in nearby districts that were not as affected.

But I would expect that most of the Houston and Gulf Coast schools lose week 1 and possibly week 2 games.
Numerous news reports say that some schools will not be open for weeks,
maybe even months. Other are encouraging students to transfer to schools not affected
by flooding. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds. Like trying to hit
A moving target. What an enormous tragedy this is!
Lots of Prayers for those affected.