#1 Richland Springs vs. #3 Crowell

Not to fret Richland fans. You are undefeated and unchallenged, so far. It's like the hunting shows you see on TV. Everybody over-analyzes everything even when you do everything pretty much right. Keep on truckin.
Leman Saunders":1yzrbrcp said:
Sure enough...Burkhart was a Lohn in 2001 and 2002 and then Nathan was there in 2004 and Lohn played RS in 2004...so ya they have coached against each other 1 time 12 years ago...maybe 2=twice if Hayes was there in 2005

Hayes and Burkhart squared off against each other as head coaches in 2005 when the former coached at Lohn. In 2004, Tyler Ethridge's freshman year, Hayes started off as the assistant coach and I know he asked Burkhart to help stop Panther Creek (the #2 team in the district that year) after Richland Springs 45ed Lohn. I think this shows a willingness on the part of Hayes to learn from other coaches which obviously resulted in four state championship appearances and two state titles since then. It also illustrates their familiarity with one another even though I am sure both have evolved since 2004-2005.

Personally, I think Richland Springs will win this game A. because they always do and B. I think they will match up well with the scheme I have seen Crowell run. All of this talk about Richland "cannot cover" is silly as those "deep passes they gave up" against Milford resulted in a few touchdowns but also many many many more incomplete passes. This led to turnovers/punts for the Bulldogs and allowed Richland Springs to create separation in terms of the score. Instead, Milford would have been better off putting pressure on the Coyotes defense by creating the classic sixman run-pass option with #1 instead of calling every play as a run or a pass in an 11-man fashion. While I did not see the Richland Springs versus Calvert game, the latter has done similar things before in the past. Due to this fact, I think Burkhart and the Coyotes will win something like 70-25.
Gonna be hard to go long every play with a wet ball don't you think? Airing it out in 40°-50° with 80% precipitation will be hard enough. Throw in the pressure of the Coyote defense and it will be even tougher. Not saying Hayes can't make it happen, but it sure will won't be easy if the weather is a factor.
I was telling Leman yesterday that if there's a single uncertainty: neither team will be intimidated, although they will both try to do it to the other... this will be a mean, street brawl. Both teams are well coached and both teams have made their reputation on being confident.
granger":37yx1vuw said:
I was telling Leman yesterday that if there's a single uncertainty: neither team will be intimidated, although they will both try to do it to the other... this will be a mean, street brawl. Both teams are well coached and both teams have made their reputation on being confident.

And Tough.
granger":3yhv8yu9 said:
Dang, I saw that the Guru had posted on this thread and anxiously clicked on on it expecting a well thought-out, in depth, detailed analysis with flow charts, pie graphs and other doodads.................. and I get "Yes"..........................
smokeyjoe53":37g09bov said:
granger":37g09bov said:
Dang, I saw that the Guru had posted on this thread and anxiously clicked on on it expecting a well thought-out, in depth, detailed analysis with flow charts, pie graphs and other doodads.................. and I get "Yes"..........................
I was thinking the same thing. I make a motion that Guru's can't give one word answers. Who seconds it?
ol' gus":1vfge725 said:
smokeyjoe53":1vfge725 said:
granger":1vfge725 said:
Dang, I saw that the Guru had posted on this thread and anxiously clicked on on it expecting a well thought-out, in depth, detailed analysis with flow charts, pie graphs and other doodads.................. and I get "Yes"..........................
I was thinking the same thing. I make a motion that Guru's can't give one word answers. Who seconds it?

I think I wrote over 2000 words on this game and cut it down to just over 1000...the only preview I didnt post in the message board...giving some love to sixmanmagazine.com by letting them post my thoughts on this game...I'll let you know when it's posted.
Leman, I disagree. I don't think RS cares about the hype of espn. If i recall correctly espn has only been to two games this season. And you attended both! Sounds to me you're more focused on espn than the boys are. RS is always focused on whoever they are playing. They don't over look teams. Coach Burkhart teaches week by week. The coyotes have been focused on Crowell since last Saturday following the Calvert game. You're opinion on stats is fine. But the opinions about RS overlooking and not focused doesnt need to be said when you havent spent time with RS kids or coaches.
I've only been to one game, Sterling City (so you might have me confused with someone else), you cant deny the hype...I saw the stands at that game. I dont think it really effects the plays that much to be honest, but the hype of the Calvert game and coming off it is more to the point I was making...just thought the similarities between this RS team and the 1999 Panther Creek team were enough to make mention of.

I'm very familiar with the program trust me...Heck I still picked RS to win so there's that.
YoungGunner":3m82umuv said:
I wish I was on the same payroll that Crowell has these refs on. They must be making bank.

You sound like any other fan who has lost a game just because RS is in a fight doesn't make it the refs fault.

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