Recent content by hookie_man

  1. hookie_man

    The Ultimate Six Man Stadium!

    I can't believe y'all haven't said Sterling City yet! Really nice field and bleachers.
  2. hookie_man

    District 9

    1. Zephyr 2. May 3. Rochelle 4. Santa Anna 5. Lometa
  3. hookie_man

    District 8

    1. Crowell 2. Throckmorton 3. Knox City 4. Bryson 5. Paint Creek
  4. hookie_man

    District 7

    1. Ira 2. Highland 3. Rotan 4. Hermleigh
  5. hookie_man

    District 6

    1. Water Valley 2. Sterling City 3. Paint Rock 4. Veribest 5. Eden
  6. hookie_man

    District 5

    1. Rankin 2. Garden City 3. Fort Davis 4. Marfa
  7. hookie_man

    District Picks

    1. Borden County 2 .Grady 3. O'Donnell 4. Klondike
  8. hookie_man

    District Picks

    1. Meadow 2. Anton 3. Ropes 4. Harmony 5. Whiteface
  9. hookie_man

    District 2

    1. Valley 2. Paducah 3. Petersburg 4. Spur 5. Kress
  10. hookie_man

    District 1

    1. Miami 2. Nazareth 3. Happy 4. Hart 5. McLean
  11. hookie_man

    Quietest District in Football

    I honestly can not stand spur's stadium, no visitor bleachers, rock seats, and pretty crappy looking field. As for the sound system issue; I think a school should be allowed to bring it and play it but to a certain volume. AKA Motley County's noise maker is one of the worst!
  12. hookie_man

    Jayton Gridiron Classic

    Final? And update on T-Rock vs. Rotan?
  13. hookie_man

    Jayton Gridiron Classic

    Would love to have some updates on scores!
  14. hookie_man


    Well guys good bye and good luck next year, my Dragons are headed to a district with a few familiar faces (Valley). Good luck to everyone next year!
  15. hookie_man

    BC vs Rankin

    Rankin by 8. The D is the difference