What Was the Real Score? 2003 Calvert v Cooldige

Leman Saunders

Six-man expert
So from time to time while digitizing game films I will find score corrections to be made. Usually they are pretty easy to see how the scores was originally posted in error...like 8, 6 and 0 are all easy to misread and most of the errors are one of those numbers mixed up...

However, I have found one game that has a pretty big discrepancy in the score from the game film and the score reported everywhere...

10/10/2003 Calvert @ Coolidge

The score reported everywhere in 2003 was Calvert 68 Coolidge 0...in newspapers and on this website

On the game film it is Calvert 52 Coolidge 6. I dont think I have ever found a correction that is that far off. The film was clearly labeled 2003 and the film was also time stamped correctly so wouldn't be mislabeled. But you would think it would have been reported to the newspapers correctly? My best guess is someone reported it or posted it on this website wrong and then the newspapers then reprinted the wrong score...

So I thought I would share this oddity I found recently and stress correct reporting of scores
