I want to take my mind off what may happen at any time around the world. I am so excited about the 6man football games. Were half way through the district plays and it won't be long until the play offs. Can any one take an educated guess who will be playing at the State Game for div 1 and div11
Throck and Richland are both in the east this year. I would say that the odds are about 50-50 that they would both make the semi-final game. Richland will have to go through Jonesboro/Olgesby and Calvert, Throckmorton will have to go through 2 of the 3 Guthrie, Paducah, and Motley County. It won't be easy for both to get there!
Now everyone knows how much I know about football. In my mind I had it that Throck was 6-0. I need a highjack for this thread. All I know is when the football goes in the direction it's supposed too, lol then you get a touchdown.
Your right OFB that mountain lion isn't interested in the lettuce unless he/she misses that zebra. Salad is the food for the women who need to take pounds off but eating that alone will have you tearing the fridge apart.
This ought to tell anyone with at least two brain cells clicking together that our dear leader and his minions do not care about controlling Ebola. They was to get control of teh news reporting about it. Appearances are everything. He deployed 3000 soldiers to West Africa, but none of them are from the biological wing of the well trained NBC (nuclear-Biological-Chemical) formations the US military has. They are dispersing Ebola victims to various hospitals across the US, and not into the 4 that specifically have trained Ebola staffs and facilities, and tehy continue to let sick refugees pour across the southern border from Mexico.
Folks, it's getting dangerously close to pitchforks and torch time.......