What Now?

Whew and what it does to a man's soul is awful. A woman wouldn't eat that for nothing, uhhhhhhh makes a bad taste come up in your throat. Now my dear chili is gudddddd.
The frito's and onions don't make it taste any better either. Smokey your right my wildcats wouldn't eat it. The chili just crusted and cracked. I don't use that pan very often now.
Bearkats boy is called a grunt and he's a Marine. I have never heard that phrase for the Marines. The Navy has the seals. I read also that the Army men are called grunts and what that means is front line Soldiers, Something I don't want to know about Bearkats boys. The grunt name originated from the Vietnam War. I still think they can shoot a hog from Texas all the way to California. Bearkat I adore your boys and also learned who the Navy, Army, Marines and Air Force are.
MelaniB":3zc0okum said:
Bearkat those boys ain't grunts. If they're out there on that big Titanic Ship in the middle of the sea, they are Seals. I like to look them as great big no matter whether their called a grunt or seal. OFB they're still big enough to be scared of. You have to have plenty of guts to be out on that sea for days on end. Went on a fishing boat and the further we got out in the ocean the more barfing took place. Not me though, I was hanging on to a pole in front as the fishing boat went up and down into the water. Loved it. Didn't have too much sense then nor do I now.

Pole dancing Mrs. B.?
Blue you are so right. I was in different angles hanging on to dear life but at the same time laughing and enjoying every second. The waves were so high that the front end of the boat got a big splash then it would go up again so I could get a breath. Best vacation ever.
MelaniB":2rqe9485 said:
Bearkat seriously are your Military Boys ranked as "grunts". Those would be deer words or more they would be fighting names.

As far as rank goes, the oldest is a Sargeant, the younger a Corporal. They are both infantry.
Thanks Bearkat I think I have it all straightened out in my head. It was interesting learning how the Marines and Army both were called grunts and to them it has to be a proud thing to call themselves. I thank all of the Military for what they try to do for our us.
I think Bush's Beans have come up with some Chili. I'm like all of you I like to make my own.Chili is for winter Rice topped with Chili, Chili and crackers and chili in a bowl for DSH.
THIS IS ABSOLUTELY WRONG....I'm so sick thinking that a solar panel is going up before our Vets are being taken care of. What is our country thinking? My dad is a Vet and I haven't even had the nerve to ask him about his treatment. I'm afraid of his answer and I couldn't live with the fact that he's not getting to see the doctor. I have shared this and my prayer is that someone with some kind of power will step up and do something. Democrats and Republicans get some guts and stop this. Our Vets Deserve To Be Treated. This was promised to all of our Vets and to see the O take that care away is totally wrong. What a nightmare we have running this Country.
Politicians are liars. They say what we want them to say. All of them did and they turned around and lied out their asses to get our votes. That's not the big secret though. Research and sharing is the very best way to maybe reach the half way honest Candidates. Lets stop choosing who mom and dad did and check this out. First finger pointing at me. Things just aren't the same as they used to be.
I always chose whoever most of the people were voting for, except the O and would go that way. I'm sure I will vote Conservative the lessor of two evils.