Week 5 Big Game: Are they for real?

MilfordInsider":18clxfla said:
If our kids did decide to kneel there would be NOTHING wrong with it, as it is a constitutional right.
Thank God my son doesn't play in Milford because you are what is wrong with not standing for the national anthem. First my son has enough respect for his school, country, and all the veterans in his family to fall for this fake protest. I pray that one day you grow up and make a fine human being.
Just because you have the RIGHT to do something does not mean it is the right thing to do. It would not matter to me when or where....even a state tittle game....that my son or any of my children would compete...if they chose to ecercise their constitutional right to take a knee I would be coming out of the stands to snatch their ass up and walk them off the field my self. Respect is the greatest lesson that we can teach our future generation.
You guys like so many are missing the point of of what Colin kneeled in the first place. If our young men decide they want to take a knee and it's for the right reason then I am behind them100%. And if your son hasnt been taught about the injustices that are happening in this world and he takes a stand against it. Then that's on you his dad for not teaching him. And are part of the problem that racism is rearing his ugly head again. We don't want your son in Milford if he cant empathize knowing that 85% of his teammates are minority and face the threat of losing their life just because of their skin. If he is a teammate then their life matters too.
MilfordInsider":1txbi4n7 said:
If our kids did decide to kneel there would be NOTHING wrong with it, as it is a constitutional right.
I think your boys should use their constitutional right to kneel. Tell them to start kneeling next week in West Texas. I have a feeling a long overdue history lesson will also take place. Please post Sat. morning and tell us how it went, if you are still alive.
Blueblood90":y1x20hkf said:
You guys like so many are missing the point of of what Colin kneeled in the first place. If our young men decide they want to take a knee and it's for the right reason then I am behind them100%. And if your son hasnt been taught about the injustices that are happening in this world and he takes a stand against it. Then that's on you his dad for not teaching him. And are part of the problem that racism is rearing his ugly head again. We don't want your son in Milford if he cant empathize knowing that 85% of his teammates are minority and face the threat of losing their life just because of their skin. If he is a teammate then their life matters too.
Fake protest is what it is. The police are not out targeting black men in this country. That is what he's protesting and it's just not happening. Look at the evidence provided by Obama's FBI Dept and you will see for yourself. I challenge you to give factual evidence that any US citizen is being oppressed and we're it's happening.
Just how many of your young men have been killed in Milford? If the crime rate is that bad you need to stop posting in here and go make a difference in your community.
It's not about racial injustice in milford. If that were the case they would kneel for the school song. It's about racial injustice in America. It's about police brutality against the black and brown citizens in America today and nothing being done about it. Don't let your ignorance confuse you.
No one is denying those injustices exist, but Kap should have chosen another avenue to raise the awareness. Its not the protest, its the avenue of the protest. NFL is losing support and money because of what Kap started. Sadly he chose the wrong avenue to take and that is the reason it has garnered so much resentment. But that is just my humble opinion!
Looked in the stands during the games last night to see all these boycotted seats....didnt look like they were hurting...didnt see an open seat in 3 NFL games I watched. Guess thats just another Fake News story. No one will get in between me and my football!
Why did Colin need to pick another way to protest? If the money didn't matter to him that makes a statement. It doesn't matter that it hasn't happened in Milford our young men are aware.They wont live there entire life sheltered by small town life.And again if you don't see the injustices that are happening not just to the black man then YOU are apart of the problem.
Texman301":3q50od2g said:
No one is denying those injustices exist, but Kap should have chosen another avenue to raise the awareness. Its not the protest, its the avenue of the protest. NFL is losing support and money because of what Kap started. Sadly he chose the wrong avenue to take and that is the reason it has garnered so much resentment. But that is just my humble opinion!
I'm denying that the the police are out there committing Injustice in America. I just want someone to provide evidence that it's taking place. No one can. Fact 90% of victims of black crime are committed by blacks. Fact out of the 350 or so police shootings that involved a black man 18 went to trial. That's Justice, and just because you don't agree with the outcome is not evidence of racial Injustice. That's your opinion and in this country you are free to have opinions. In China, North Korea, and many other countries your opinion could put you and your family in danger. Our country has problems but if you know of a better country I support your decision to leave, you have that right.
I am so proud of our one player who did take a brief knee, as well as I am proud of our school and community for understanding what our kids are feeling and for being socially aware of what is going on. I'm sure not everyone in Milford will encourage our kids to kneel but I do know that we will support these kids no matter what because we love them far more for what they can do on the football field. There is no intent to disrespect the flag, the anthem or veterans, the only intent is to not stand for a country that will not stand for its INNOCENT black unarmed men and women being gunned down in America today by duty bound law enforcement officers sworn in to protect and server, not murder and kill.
We understand that black on black violence is a problem. Our issues is when Trey kills Corey, Trey goes to jail for life. But when Officer Jones kills Tamir, Officer jones gets paid administrative leave for a few weeks and gets to remain with his family and go back to work until everyone forgets about it. That's the racial injustice that is happening in America today.
MilfordInsider":2gedl41x said:
I am so proud of our one player who did take a brief knee, as well as I am proud of our school and community for understanding what our kids are feeling and for being socially aware of what is going on. I'm sure not everyone in Milford will encourage our kids to kneel but I do know that we will support these kids no matter what because we love them far more for what they can do on the football field. There is no intent to disrespect the flag, the anthem or veterans, the only intent is to not stand for a country that will not stand for its INNOCENT black unarmed men and women being gunned down in America today by duty bound law enforcement officers sworn in to protect and server, not murder and kill.
Please name the innocent black man who has been killed. Then tell me if the officer was taken to trial.
MilfordInsider":5vg8mjlg said:
We understand that black on black violence is a problem. Our issues is when Trey kills Corey, Trey goes to jail for life. But when Officer Jones kills Tamir, Officer jones gets paid administrative leave for a few weeks and gets to remain with his family and go back to work until everyone forgets about it. That's the racial injustice that is happening in America today.
If a police officer does kill anyone who is innocent regardless of color I fully support them being prosecuted, but once a jury or a judge decides on a verdict Justice has been served. Like I said before, just because you don't agree with the verdict doesn't prove your narrative.
Until both sides of the issue choose to calmly discuss it, this will never be settled. Ever hear " You are speaking so loud I can't hear you"?
Every one is going back and forth over one player taking a knee for Milford. You are acting as if the one player speaks for the whole school district. Does anyone know why this player took a knee? We are all making assumptions when we truly don't know why he took a knee. Yes, it could have been related to injustice for minorities. Or it could have been related to other issues like government removing health care for disabled Veterans. This could have been a typical teenage situation of just doing something to be seen and to get attention. But we will never know because we are not the ones walking in his shoes and don't what he was thinking when he decided to take a knee.

Have we all forgotten under federal and state law that teachers and students do not lose their First Amendment rights when they enter school grounds. Schools have to be careful what they allow and not allow because they could possible face a lawsuit.

Instead of bashing each other, how about we take the time out to explain to this young man what the National Anthem and first Amendment means. This young man and other young men could be reading the statuses that most of you people have posted. We all know that the school system is not really teaching students the real history lesson of America because they are to busy trying to teach the state requirements for STARR testing.

My hope and wishes from this post forward is that we quit going back and forth over one person kneeling. Instead of being a part of the problem, how about you play a part in finding a solution to the problem. We all know what the problem is but not doing anything to help it.
texmac68":2x3a8a9f said:
Just how many of your young men have been killed in Milford? If the crime rate is that bad you need to stop posting in here and go make a difference in your community.
They are the smallest community I have seen that has a police force.
Well said sixmanfan4life and MexicanEnglishman yes we have more than one policeman but our crime rate is a consistent 0%.Seems like you have a problem with Milford but that's your problem not ours.

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