week 2 picks

Rochelle 36 Blanket 32

May 46 Newcastle 42

Santa Anna 32 Paint Rock 30

Lometa 56 Zephyr 48

all 4 games are a toss up this week ! should be a good week for May & Santa Anna though!
Go Mountaineers!!
Looks like two of the games are going to be won by the team that makes the fewest mistakes.

May vs Newcastle -- Newcastle By .84 that's pretty much a toss up but Newcastle is favored

Rochelle vs Blanket - Rochelle by 3 No room for error in this one

Santa Anna vs Paint Rock --- Paint Rock By 18

Lometa vs Zephyr -- Lometa By 36 I was surprised by this spread, I think Zephyr is a little better than this
Heres my picks

Rochelle 48 Blanket 32

Newcastle 36 May 28

Santa Anna 42 Paintrock 34

Zephyr 52 Lometa 46

Goodluck to everyone, Lets go mountaineers!!!!
Zephyr 61 Lometa 60

Zephyr JV 33 Lometa JV 26 (Thur.)

what are the odds that both the varsity and sub-varstiy games come down to the last second?

both teams are now 3-0.