I thought I'd list here all the different ways folks can contact me directly to report errors with schedules, issues with the site, or pretty much anything else. I get notifications on my phone regardless of which of these you use so, if you don't get a reply from me within 24 hours, feel free to send me a follow-up. Chances are I either didn't think a reply was necessary, I'm still trying to find an answer or a solution to the problem, or I just flat out forgot about it (happens more and more every year). There is almost no chance that, after 24 hours, I didn't already see your message, regardless of how you sent it.
- Phone: My number is (940) 839-8424. Text messages are preferred. If you do call, and if I don't answer, please leave a message and I'll get back to you. Also, if you text, especially if you're a coach, please let me know who you are (if you haven't text me before) so I can get your number saved for future reference.
- Email: You can send me a direct email to mike@sixmanfootball.com.
- Direct message: You can send me a direct message right here on the site. I'm on the site several times a day and will see these as soon as I log in.
- Contact us: Using the contact us form is just another way to send me an email.
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