Water Valley vs. Sterling City

WV Backer

Six-man pro
The Wildcats take on the Eagles Friday night @ Diddle Young Field in Water Valley in what could amount to the District 6 championship game. I say "could" because undoubtedly Robert Lee will have something to say about that. The WV is coming off a beat-down at the hands of Borden County a couple of weeks ago and a easy win over the Veribest Falcons this Friday. Sterling City is 7-1 and fresh off a 22 point win over the aforementioned Robert Lee Steers. As of this writing, the Eagles are ranked #6 and the Wildcats are mired at #23 according to the Guru's toy.

I would imagine Sterling City will be a 20+ point favorite going into the game and they seem to be the darlings of the San Angelo Sub-Standard Times but I wonder, does anyone remember the last time Sterling City beat Water Valley in sixman football? Perhaps the only one would be the OBK but that's mostly because he remembers EVERYTHING! Anyway, it hasn't happened this century and, from what I can figure, it might have been back in the 1950's.

So what's it going to be? Will history hold true and see the Wildcats pick up their eighth win in a row against the Eagles or is this the year that Sterling City wrests the district championship away from it's rightful place in Water Valley? Will Tyler outcoach York and prove that he is, indeed, the second coming of Knute Rockne as some folks in Sterling City believe? The Eagles have beaten a couple of pretty good teams thus far (Zephyr and Robert Lee) and gave Garden City a scare before succumbing 38-37, so they are certainly a good squad. Meanwhile the Wildcats have been up and down, losing to some of the better teams in the state (BC, Happy and Knox City) and winning the games they should win. Are the Wildcats good enough to win this, a game they're picked to lose? Only one way to find out and that's to hash it out on the gridiron. I, for one, will be there this Friday night watching and hoping the Wildcats continue their sixman domination over the Eagles. My pick, Water Valley - 56; Sterling City - 44.
I think it's going to be a great game. Sterling City just might get the monkey off their back. Been a few really good ones between these two since Sterling City went six man, but Sterling just quite hasn't found a way to pull out the win. I'll take Sterling City by 8. It is a pretty big rivalry and crazy things have happened in these games. I'd say these games are rather unpredictable for the most part.
I also hope Sterling City continues their history of football domination over Water Valley. Water Valley has been gaining on SC too much over the years for my liking.
WV Backer":1zbtiqji said:
, does anyone remember the last time Sterling City beat Water Valley in sixman football? Perhaps the only one would be the OBK but that's mostly because he remembers EVERYTHING! Anyway, it hasn't happened this century and, from what I can figure, it might have been back in the 1950's.


twice in 8 man in 1958 and 1959.....
AH HA! Just as I suspected, the OBK drops the knowledge like a cow pi$$ing on a flat rock! Thoughts and prayers are with you and yours my friend.
WV Backer":1wmjejxi said:
AH HA! Just as I suspected, the OBK drops the knowledge like a cow pi$$ing on a flat rock! Thoughts and prayers are with you and yours my friend.

Thanks my friend....She needs and appreciates them all.
Congratulations to the Sterling City Eagles on their victory over the Wildcats last Friday and their District 6 championship. The Eagles were the better team all night as they jumped out to a big lead at halftime and thwarted any ideas of a comeback by the WV on their way to the 60-38 victory.

What's next for Sterling City? Well, they have to take care of Veribest this Friday but, after that, it looks like they'll get the Rankin Red Devils in the first round of the playoffs. All indications are that they will dispose of Rankin handily (they've already beaten them 60-12 earlier this year) but then they'll probably run into Crowell in the second round. I have a feeling that's where their season comes to a grinding halt.

As for the WV, they have a big game coming up this Friday night in Robert Lee to see who gets second in the district and a playoff date with Garden City. Neither of these two teams looks to be able to deal with the Bearkats but you never know what will happen. Besides, I could be wrong and Rankin could jump up and beat GC this Friday to flip-flop the match-ups... but I doubt it.

Again, congratulations to the Eagles on their first 6-man victory over Water Valley since 1957. Go forth and represent the district well.