11-man fan
Same old, same old. Manny Diaz with his patented "village idiot" defense. Even as a humble High school 6 man coach, it was perfectly, crytalline CLEAR the adjustment that needed to be made to stop the long QB runs. All you need is the backside DE to slow play the option. The play is designed so the backside DE is never blocked, all he really has to do is stop and wait and then theres no room around the edge. But in a tried-and-true method of "Diaz Defense".. no adjustments were made at all. Diaz's defenses are breaking all kind of records for the Horns... the kind of records that you dont want to be breaking. over 500 yards rushing? Its just painful to see the kind of coaching that these uber-talented kids are getting. And then i think about all the six-man coaches who are playing kids that wouldnt play at other schools, and are winning, and think, "man, its a wonder what good coaching can do." and then i think "man, its a wonder what awful caoching does to talented players." its a shame.