Update: Houston Texas Christian now ELIGIBLE for D-II Play


Six-man pro
Revised 10/17/07

I've learned that the TAPPS Athletic Committee overturned the decision of the District 5-II Executive Committee and have declared that Houston Texas Christian High School will be eligible for the 2007 playoffs.

The Committee heard the appeal by Houston Texas Christian High School at their meeting this past Sunday. Both HTC and the district president made presentations to the Committee at that time.

The TAPPS Board has not heard an appeal of this decision by either the District Committee or any other party.

The District Committee declared them ineligible due to their required pre-season training camp in July, a violation of TAPPS rules. The HTC Volleyball team was also sanctioned by their volleyball district with probation for a similiar violation (no post-season sanctions, however).

However, the TAPPS Athletic Committee did, as I was told, put Coach and Principal Herc Palmquist on a two-year probation and public reprimand and Athletic Director Myra Brown on a one-year probation and public reprimand.

October 10, 2007 (Revised 10/17)
I guess the lesson is "Just keep pushing the rules, and you will keep getting away with it". With the history Herc has I am appalled (but not surprised) by this TAPPS decision. I know that it must be agonizing to consider punishing the kids for something the coach/administrator/owner has done, but at some point the kids need to be taught that if rules are broken there is a punishment.

BTW -- I do not consider "probation" a punishment -- that's like telling my kid, "If you break that rule again, then I will punish you". When I've said that OVER AND OVER AND OVER to my kid, he learns not to believe me, just like Herc seems to have learned he can get away with anything.

I'd be willing to bet that there will be super secret practices (or other rule violations) again in the future -- this tiger has shown his stripes, and they are not changing.

I'll go back to what I said over and over again -- it is time for EVERYONE to refuse to schedule this school other than mandated district and playoff games.

I'd invite you to look at the other side of Houston Texas Christian's reinstatement for playoff eligibility. First, I think that anytime you can punish the real wrongdoer and spare the innocent you are promoting the ends of fairness.

As far as probation being a hopped up admonishment, I think it accomplishes more. First, the reputation of the program (which already preceded itself) is shot. I think a lot of coaches will politely, or not so politely, want to avoid scheduling this team in non-district play. He has certainly been the target of outrage from plenty of coaches and contributors on this site.

There is also a level of personal humiliation that goes with this sanction. One would hope that it would improve his job performance at his school, because if the coach wishes to go elsewhere, this is exactly the kind of thing that pops up and sends a resume into the trash can.

I applaud any administrative action that metes out justice with a scapel instead of a butcher knife. I will keep this program in my prayers and hope that the Coach will take his ethical obligations more seriously.....not because he is under a microscope, but because training Christian men requires the highest of personal standards.

I promise I have tried to look at this from EVERY point of view. I have several concerns about this "punishment".

1) This coach has PROVEN he willfully violates the rules.

a) Playing college age ringers without the knowledge of the opposing team (my team by the way)

b) When 'suspended' for this first violation he was witnessed continuing to coach from the press box or stands

c) The volleyball violation that Lifegate alludes to

d) Having his football team attend a mandatory practice outside of the approved timeframe

2) This coach LIED about the rules violations when confronted. After being confronted with the ringer situation he wrote a "heartfelt" lie to the parents at his school and told them that I and Tim Knetl knew he was bringing college kids...at that point he alleged that we were complicit in his scheme to endanger our kids.

3) This coach has shown an ability to manipulate TAPPS.

a) When the 'hearing' was held and he was suspended for a mere five games a couple of years ago, we, as the victim, were never consulted by any member of TAPPS to give testimony about what happened. While I wasn't in the room to hear his 'song and dance' it must have been a good one because all he was given for such a blatant violation of the rules was a five game suspension (which he didn't adhere to)

b) I was not present in the appeals hearing, but I would be willing to bet he went on an on about it being a mistake, and how he would never do it again or some other garbage. I must wonder if any of his opponents were consulted about what the punishment should be, or their thoughts on the unfair advantage he would gain by having the extra practices.

4) He has seemed to have a full schedule since the first incident, so your assertion that other schools will politely or impolitely refuse to schedule games has proven untrue.

5) He owns the school -- he is not planning on putting together a resume to work somewhere else. This guy is an incredible black eye for TAPPS, for Christian Schools, and for our great game of six man football, yet the 'powers that be' continue to allow him to fester.

Now maybe I am too harsh -- but my boys were on the field the night he put a bunch of 19 - 24 year olds on the field. I saw our runningback nearly get knocked out by a blow to the head. Further two of the kids on that field were my sons. I just continue to worry, that eventually, because of a KNOWN rule-breaker, someone will get hurt -- what then?

Beyond that very real fear - I keep referring to the 'integrity of the game'. As a football coach, I should not have to wonder EVERY SINGLE GAME if the opposing coach is following eligibility rules or any other rules for that matter.

TAPPS is supposed to be a 'self-policing' organization -- 2 year probation to a KNOWN OFFENDER is not 'policing', it is enabling.
Wayne: There are schools that have cancelled games with HTC and some schools that wish they would not have to play them.

I can't argue with your points, although I believe some of the decisions made in the past instance and this instance may have been made as to not punish the kids for the mistakes of their coach/principal/school.

But at some point, it's time to step in and say to the school, take this elsewhere. I'm not in any position to make that determination, though.

lifegatesports":25zp4fej said:
as to not punish the kids for the mistakes of their coach/principal/school.

But at some point, it's time to step in and say to the school, take this elsewhere. I'm not in any position to make that determination, though.



I agree with you and frankly, I wish someone like you was in a position to make such a determination...not saying you would ever strive for such authority, but I'd trust you...

(as long as you are never given authority over Green Bay vs Chicago outcomes!!!)


Thanks for your very well worded response on the Houston Texas Christian saga. I did not know that he was so defiant when disciplined in the past. As the owner of the school, it does make it hard to send any message to him except through the kids.

I really hate to see the kids suffer for an administrator's decisions, but it may need to come to that. I remember hearing on the news a while back that a coach had used college players. You're right, it is hard to imagine how that was soft pedaled past the TAPPS board.

What would you do, regarding sanctions, if you were on the TAPPS board knowing the good and bad about HTC's administration?
BrazosportChristianFan":gntxxtv4 said:

What would you do, regarding sanctions, if you were on the TAPPS board knowing the good and bad about HTC's administration?


First I need to tell you how much I appreciate your posts on this site, you have always seemed to be very level headed, and frankly when I saw your first response on this topic my first thought was 'Brazo is not aware of the full story'. Your most recent response verifies that thought.

Now, what would I do? That is simple. Herc Palmquist needs a lifetime ban from coaching any sport in any league. You are correct, he is the problem, not the kids. If he could be banned, then the program could continue. He should be banned from coaching, being and AD, anything to do with the sports program. In fact he should be banned from attending games and/or practices since he has been witnessed 'coaching from the stands'.

Then, if he violates that ban, there is no choice -- in deference to the other teams in the organization, the school should be expelled from TAPPS so that his tactics would not be forced on other teams through district/playoff games.

That's just my opinion...

Honestly, Wayne, the best punishment that this school (or any school in a similiar situation) could get is the punishment of parents and families either expecting accountability and good behavior of its leadership OR the vote of those parents and families with their feet and their pocketbooks, leaving the school.

Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't ...

I can quote you of two schools in this state where it worked. One school tried to set up a basketball powerhouse, and after a few years, the reputation of the school so suffered that some on-line evaluation sites carried quotes from parents how the school was wonderful for elementary grades but the basketball team ran the high school. The sponsoring church discontinued the high school program.

Another example, well documented in the San Antonio papers in the past year or two dealt with a well-known ministry and its school, again trying to set up to be the "Oak Hill Academy of the Southwest." Over one quarter of the school's high school enrollment was lost during those two years. The school has discontinued this "elite" basketball program, but not before they lost their affiliation with their state association. They're running an outlaw program in all sports and it will be interesting to see what happens in the next couple years

Do the parents of this school have that willingness to expect that their leadership play by the rules?

We shall see.

waynea":76kl73ms said:

I agree with you and frankly, I wish someone like you was in a position to make such a determination...not saying you would ever strive for such authority, but I'd trust you...

(as long as you are never given authority over Green Bay vs Chicago outcomes!!!)


Sorry, Wayne ... I demand full authority especially when it comes to Packer wins over the Bears. As you saw last week, I didn't get that gig either.

lifegatesports":3vhggxor said:
Honestly, Wayne, the best punishment that this school (or any school in a similiar situation) could get is the punishment of parents and families either expecting accountability and good behavior of its leadership OR the vote of those parents and families with their feet and their pocketbooks, leaving the school.

Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't ...



I couldn't agree more -- the problem I see in this instance is that I'm not sure the parents at HTC get the full story -- certainly you remember the sugar coated UNtruths that Mr. Palmquist laid out in his letter a couple of years ago...In addition, his actions are affecting more than just HIS students and parents -- every school that is forced to play against his team is potentially at risk...

It is also interesting that in one of your examples where this method "worked", the drop in enrollment came along with the school "losing their affiliation with their state association."

My school is not a member of TAPPS, and I have tremendous and unending respect for almost every coach/AD etc that I have worked with that are members of TAPPS -- I am just continually baffled by the TAPPS leadership willingness to perpetuate this situation.

I hope the parents at HTC all walk away -- but in the meantime, I feel the self-policing organization should "police".

Thanks so much for your friendship and especially your 'sage wisdom'!!

lifegatesports":38wycdfi said:
waynea":38wycdfi said:

I agree with you and frankly, I wish someone like you was in a position to make such a determination...not saying you would ever strive for such authority, but I'd trust you...

(as long as you are never given authority over Green Bay vs Chicago outcomes!!!)


Sorry, Wayne ... I demand full authority especially when it comes to Packer wins over the Bears. As you saw last week, I didn't get that gig either.


Yea I know --- TEE HEE HEE -- wasnt that great!!! :lol:

waynea":1samlfhb said:
lifegatesports":1samlfhb said:
waynea":1samlfhb said:

I agree with you and frankly, I wish someone like you was in a position to make such a determination...not saying you would ever strive for such authority, but I'd trust you...

(as long as you are never given authority over Green Bay vs Chicago outcomes!!!)


Sorry, Wayne ... I demand full authority especially when it comes to Packer wins over the Bears. As you saw last week, I didn't get that gig either.


Yea I know --- TEE HEE HEE -- wasnt that great!!! :lol:


For using inflammatory and insulting language on this board, I have decreed that Wayne will be banned for a week. Now where's that thing on the moderators' board I gotta click to do it ....

lifegatesports":3la1wzv1 said:
waynea":3la1wzv1 said:
lifegatesports":3la1wzv1 said:
waynea":3la1wzv1 said:

I agree with you and frankly, I wish someone like you was in a position to make such a determination...not saying you would ever strive for such authority, but I'd trust you...

(as long as you are never given authority over Green Bay vs Chicago outcomes!!!)


Sorry, Wayne ... I demand full authority especially when it comes to Packer wins over the Bears. As you saw last week, I didn't get that gig either.


Yea I know --- TEE HEE HEE -- wasnt that great!!! :lol:


For using inflammatory and insulting language on this board, I have decreed that Wayne will be banned for a week. Now where's that thing on the moderators' board I gotta click to do it ....


I know this may get me in trouble, but before I serve my suspension, I'd like to appeal the decision...

waynea":1rtwhefo said:
lifegatesports":1rtwhefo said:
waynea":1rtwhefo said:
lifegatesports":1rtwhefo said:
waynea":1rtwhefo said:

I agree with you and frankly, I wish someone like you was in a position to make such a determination...not saying you would ever strive for such authority, but I'd trust you...

(as long as you are never given authority over Green Bay vs Chicago outcomes!!!)


Sorry, Wayne ... I demand full authority especially when it comes to Packer wins over the Bears. As you saw last week, I didn't get that gig either.


Yea I know --- TEE HEE HEE -- wasnt that great!!! :lol:


For using inflammatory and insulting language on this board, I have decreed that Wayne will be banned for a week. Now where's that thing on the moderators' board I gotta click to do it ....


I know this may get me in trouble, but before I serve my suspension, I'd like to appeal the decision...


Wayne, let's just say Herc got more appeals than you're gonna get. In fact, I'm upping your penalty to double-secret probation.
what would tapps do if all the athletic directors got together and stated our displeasure with the vote. would they reconsider? could they reconsider? john why don't you get it started and see how many tapps school a/d's would sign it and lets see what happens.
lifegatesports":qw5eeorj said:
Wayne, let's just say Herc got more appeals than you're gonna get. In fact, I'm upping your penalty to double-secret probation.


Wayne, in honor of today's Packer win over the Redskins, I'm going to be gracious and remove that double secret probation on you. But I'm watching you and you'd better behave ... and that goes for Tim, too ...

tepryde":3f1h4hv2 said:
what would tapps do if all the athletic directors got together and stated our displeasure with the vote. would they reconsider? could they reconsider? john why don't you get it started and see how many tapps school a/d's would sign it and lets see what happens.

It might be worthwhile as an academic excercise, but I'm not sure how well the TAPPS leadership looks at changing its mind. There's two board members in San Antonio (James Johnson at Bracken and Michelle Martin at Providence), that's maybe a place to start and make a couple of calls.

lifegatesports":enn3i1kv said:
lifegatesports":enn3i1kv said:
Wayne, let's just say Herc got more appeals than you're gonna get. In fact, I'm upping your penalty to double-secret probation.


Wayne, in honor of today's Packer win over the Redskins, I'm going to be gracious and remove that double secret probation on you. But I'm watching you and you'd better behave ... and that goes for Tim, too ...


I bow to your unending benevolence, oh great leader...

PS -- Now I feel just like HERC!!!

Would be interesting if the schools in HTC district simply didn't return phone calls for scheduling.

Could TAPPS say, "We will re-instate you on one condition...the people causing your ban have to go"?

Just curious.