Top Teams TAPPS div II


I didn't meant to say that heath fulton has bad coaches. What I meant was by looking at their game tapes, They could've used MORE 6 MAN KNOWLEDGE on formations, plays, defenses.
(I got the chance to see a game tape of theirs that Lubb CTK scouted the opponent)...
I'm sure the coaches there are MEN OF GOD and they have high leadership skills.

Sorry you took this ALL THE WRONG WAY....

I've noticed ALOT of private 6 man school have people coaching that attend one RS HOT clinic and they come back to their school and add the j-bird because some UIL coach said its the best thing going. That doesn't make you a coach all because you have THE BASIC J-BIRD PLAYS. I'm sure that UIL coach didn't go INTO-DEPTH about the J-bird or whatever offense, because there just aint enough time at any coaching clinic to cover everything.

But I do apologized and good luck to Heath Fulton School..
Yes sir, Mr. Kramer. I was the baseball coach as well. I have a baby face, blue eyes, and blonde hair. Heck, I was carded to see a "R" rated movie a couple months ago!! LOL.. I'll even go as far as I look like Bellville Faith's Coach Keen's little Brother lol! Sorry Coach, that could be a bad thing for you!!

Again, thank you all for the suggestions, and Prayers. All is needed here, and I appreciate it all. Its under construction, and I'm excited to try and make this program. Who knows how it will go!

Real excited for August!! Hope all is having a great spring football season. Matter of fact, how is it all going for Spring Football. I know here in South Houston, it has been HOTTTT!! But got some good attitudes out on the field, hoping to continue that thru the summer and two a days here!

Blessings to all the teams out there!
Wonder Dog":2km4fj6q said:
I've noticed ALOT of private 6 man school have people coaching that attend one RS HOT clinic and they come back to their school and add the j-bird because some UIL coach said its the best thing going. That doesn't make you a coach all because you have THE BASIC J-BIRD PLAYS. I'm sure that UIL coach didn't go INTO-DEPTH about the J-bird or whatever offense, because there just aint enough time at any coaching clinic to cover everything.

Dog ... just a couple words about clinics (and hey, I run one). Coaches, especially our private school coaches (often part time, volunteers) need to attend clinics. Six man coaches will tell you everything you want to know about their systems -- especially if you are willing to spend the time with them, reviewing film, and learning.

But, as John Rabon told me, our first year, he decided to run the ol' Sanderson veer offense. Even got lots of stuff from Vance Jones on it. But once he looked at those eight or nine guys we had (a wonderful lot of boys, but not football players), we couldn't run it.

We went to the KISS system. And you know what that means ...
John- I guess its a good thing that our transfer from Lavernia has a girlfriend and she has gone to our school for about 11 years already. Maybe thats one of the reasons he wants to come here? I am just glad he is wanting to transfer here, he is an outstanding christian young man who serves in our church. I think he and Caleb Tate are going to get to know each other real well, if you know what I mean. See you in June!
tepryde":8nfzkdx8 said:
John- I guess its a good thing that our transfer from Lavernia has a girlfriend and she has gone to our school for about 11 years already. Maybe thats one of the reasons he wants to come here? I am just glad he is wanting to transfer here, he is an outstanding christian young man who serves in our church. I think he and Caleb Tate are going to get to know each other real well, if you know what I mean. See you in June!

Smart man, Brother Robert. Recruit the girlfriend FIRST.

I gotta remember that one.
tepryde":2jzzmfjz said:
no, recruit the coach, he brings the daughter then she gets the player to come. of course i had to wait 11 years. lol

Devious guy, aren't you. I know you better. It's part of your long-term plot to achieve D2 football greatness.
tepryde":2ze7ydie said:
hey seguinlifegate, don't you have a son that still plays? call me we might have an opening. Just kidding Johns. :lol:

No, Brother Robert ... but I think Jeremy has as much eligibility left as that "kid" they arrested in Odessa the other day ... the 22 year old from Florida who passed himself off as a 16 year old Haitian orphan to the Permian coach ...

We were checking ... we think we can flunk out Austin Swick this year and he'd still have a year left; problem will be burning up a few transfer forms and a season of track from Nixon Smiley HS. But it could be done...I got some Lifegate teachers who owe me favors and who knows, Austin could somehow flunk all his finals this week.
horton":1bq1g0lx said:
Aww the beauty of private school football talk. UIL coaches can't even joke like that, can they.

Nope. But the way they do it puts us all to shame.

Oh, and I have the sad job to report that ALL the athletic, academic and transfer records at Nixon Smiley H.S., Lifegate Christian School, and the TAPPS state office were all destroyed in fires occuring at those locations last night.

Wait a minute ... I'm ahead of myself. The fire's not until TOMORROW night.
SA River City Believers has hooked up with River City Christian Church and has never been in TCAL. There was already in existence (15 years) a River City Christian School which is an outreach of River City Christian Fellowship and has been a member of TCAL for about 10 years.

Believers is in TAPPS and RCCS is in TCAL just to set the record straight.

Believers played an independent schedule last year.
sacrusader":31zw4s4s said:
SA River City Believers has hooked up with River City Christian Church and has never been in TCAL. There was already in existence (15 years) a River City Christian School which is an outreach of River City Christian Fellowship and has been a member of TCAL for about 10 years.

Believers is in TAPPS and RCCS is in TCAL just to set the record straight.

Believers played an independent schedule last year.

Actually, River City Believers was in district last year.
I'm a bit scared to support any team this year. Was a big fan of St. Albans, then Christway. With that record, I would not think any team would want me as a fan :oops:
old_dad":18wskb19 said:
I'm a bit scared to support any team this year. Was a big fan of St. Albans, then Christway. With that record, I would not think any team would want me as a fan :oops:

I'd be happy to give you a list to root for: Brenham Christian, Dallas Tyler Street, Granbury Happy Hill, Freddy Heritage, Houston Texas Christian, and I'm sure a couple more. Just scratch Seguin Lifegate from your fan list.

You're kinda like a tyhphoid Mary ... root for a team and the school closes.
lifegatesports":1lntldv1 said:
seguinlifegate":1lntldv1 said:
"If it was third down, and you needed four yards, if you'd get the ball to Walt Garrison, he'd get ya five. And if was third down and ya needed 20 yards, if you'd get the ball to Walt Garrison, by God, he'd get you five."

Cowboys Quarterback said this back when he played with Walt....

no i wasn't alive back then
I googled him...

too bad Lifegate is getting... uhhh.... Bill Bates grandson.... so i heard lol (joking)

You got it wrong. We're getting Bill Bates' grandson's neighbor's third cousin twice removed.

YOU GUYS ARE NUTS!! That's what makes reading this so much fun!!