Top Teams TAPPS div II

seguinlifegate":qtd1eged said:
ahh wonder dog i wasn't serious... you said they made playoffs and thats really all that matters.... as houston texas christian showed last year, the seed doesn't matter when it comes to playoffs...

i'm just going to be excited to see how things turn out. every year is a new year. you never know who is going to transfer or who is getting a phenom freshman... (thats what we call all of ours)

good luck to all coaches and players this year

You're right, Jeremy ... once you're at the dance, then you got a chance.

One good thing with the four district set up is that I doubt district champions will meet until the semifinals. I don't see two 11-0 teams meeting in the second round.
Wonder Dog- I believe you are selling Geneva short, I expect them to make a run at the playoffs this year, and I also am impressed with what I have coming back next year. Also, I know of 2 maybe 3 new players transferring in next year and all of them will challenge for a starters spot. I fully expect to challenge for the top spot in our district next year, but I would give the nod to Lifegate for now. Freddy is Freddy so enough said about them.
tepryde":584hwtsz said:
Wonder Dog- I believe you are selling Geneva short, I expect them to make a run at the playoffs this year, and I also am impressed with what I have coming back next year. Also, I know of 2 maybe 3 new players transferring in next year and all of them will challenge for a starters spot. I fully expect to challenge for the top spot in our district next year, but I would give the nod to Lifegate for now. Freddy is Freddy so enough said about them.

Lemme guess ... you're getting Bill Bates' grandson's neighbor's SECOND cousin twice removed.

Gotta watch out for those transfers from LaVernia, Brother Robert ... we thought one of our new teachers were going to bring in her kid ... started August football and the first week of school. He played in our first scrimmage and his girlfriend (from LaVernia) was in the stands. Got homesick (and girlfriend sick) and transfered back that following Monday.

The moral is ... when you recruit the kid, you'd better bring the girlfriend along ...

My picks for the top three are Lifegate, Heritage and Town East (not sure who will be #2 or #3 of the latter). Geneva could be the wildcard -- a growing school and as you'll see at the TAPPS annual meeting, they get the 1A overall championship trophy. But a 7 game district schedule, a key injury somewhere, and a little luck (good or bad) and things could be real, real different that we armchair coaches predict.

since they have UPGRADED from T-CAL to TAPPS.

Mr. Wonderdog,

ALL CAPS on the word UPGRADED! :shock:

You must be talking about the TCAL of the past. TCAL is now rising above the past and becoming what God has called it to be from the beginning. We are certainly not in competition with TAPPS, and never will be. We have the upmost respect for TAPPS coaches, teams and Taddy's :P . But we are a ministry that caters to a different crowd of folks for a different reason-certainly not a downgrade! Since the beginning, God has allowed men and kingdoms to fall down, just to see them rise again for His glory! TCAL has certainly stumbled in the past! However, God has placed men and women of integrity in place to see TCAL rise again! "Gods Standard is Excellence"

Blessings to all the TAPPS Coaches and their teams! See you in September! For Jesus' sake! (2 Cor 4:5)

In His Service!
Billy Helm
Tribe Consolidated

Romans 12:1
Coach Bill ...

Like I stated, This was an HYPOTHESIS (a guess).... JUST MY OPINION which alot of times means absolutely NOTHING, It's just blabber...

I'm sure T-CAL is on the UP and UP and the same could be said for T-CAF (May the Lord praise and bless both organizations....

BUT I BELIEVE (MY OPINION, MY OPINION ONLY) TAPPS is the better when it comes to competition across the board (mainly speaking sixman football) because no one in t-cal/t-caf has the track record of a Greenville Christian, Rockwall Heritage, Ausin Hill Country, Dallas The Covenant, etc ...

I would like to see a WEEK 0 Invitation that puts TAPPS vs. TCAL or TCAF.

All I'm saying is (My opinion, which means absolutely NOTHING) is I believe if you want a TRUE championship, TAPPS offers it..
EXAMPLE the T-CAL baseball state championship had Baytown Christian vs. Houston Mt. Carmel.
I read the scores on and saw where Mt. Carmel beat Alvin Living Stones 9-6 and alvin living stoned DID NOT MAKE the tapps 1A/2A playoffs....
ONCE AGAIN, this is just my opinion... WHICH MEANS NOTHING TO ANYONE, but I just believe TAPPS has better competition..

I'm not talking about religion, politics, which school has jo blow as school president, IM JUST TALKING ABOUT THE COMPETITION LEVEL... And it's a more comptitive league (TAPPS)

Hope I didn't ruffle anyones feathers..

GOOD LUCK TO T-CAL, T-CAF, HomeSchool Organizations, The Independents of sixman football, the NFL, NCAA, FIFA 2010, MBL, NBA and FEMA


Thanks for clarifying!

No ruffled feathers here! I enjoy the reading the post TAPPS coaches and fans put on here. And, please know that I would never show any disrespect to you or any other TAPPS coach! I only wanted to put in my 2 cents! Sorry if I came across wrong!

Blessings to you also sir!

Billy Helm
Wonder Dog,

Ask and you shall receive.

Week 0 Mustang Classic in Arlington, TX is as follows:

Rockwall Heritage (Div I TAPPS) vs St. Paul (TCAF State Champion)
Fellowship Academy (Now DIV I, was Div II Bi-District) vs Hill School (TCAF)
Glenview (TCAF State Finalist) vs Willow Park (TCAF playoffs, not sure of seeding)

That's exactly what we're trying to eventually accomplish with the Mustang Classic. Hopefully over the next few years, we can bring more of the runner ups, playoff teams, etc from TCAF, TCAL, and TAPPS into one big extravaganza.

Coach Harris
Fellowship Academy
Weatherford Christian (TCAF D-II) also opens with a TAPPS D-II school, Brownwood Victory Life. Also on our schedule is Heath Fulton (TAPPS D-II) and Leverett's Chapel (UIL D-I).
Wonder Dog I agree with 1 and 2. But I think Pine Drive will win 4-5 games. They have a couple of transfers that will be pretty good for them and fill a bunch of holes. You gave LS alot of credit with 3 wins. They have lost there 3 best players who were JRS last year, they all transfered out of LS. 1 of those players carried the team pretty much in every game, im sure everyone in the district remembers #2, he is gone. They will have 5 SRS coming back. 3 of those Srs were inegible all thougrout the whole 2009 season. The other 2 seasons one is pretty good and the other one is not football material.... LS is very young team. And when you have the coach the same age as the players it will be a long season.
Youngen I wish you luck say your prayers you will need them. I would say to take a look at the history no coach ever last at LS. It is impossible to coach a team when The principle/administration is doing the coaching. Im sure thats why Ware left. Everyone must play at LS if there good or not, practice or no. Every one plays. Deep pockets and high tithers gets you in the starting lineup also. Good LucK!!!

Disrict 4
1. Brenham Christian (11-1) - Graduated a couple KEY Sr's will hurt them, but they will have enough to get by in this district. They will dominate district, but I don't think they will have quite enough to topple the Dallas teams (AGAIN)
2. Houston Texas Christian (5-7) - What a cinderella season last year. I believe they will have added numbers due to the magical run but they graduated some GOOD seniors.
3. Bellville Faith (0-10) - If they can filled a team throughout the season, they will have enough to finish 3rd in this district due to the bottom dwellers being catfish like (below sub-par).
--HECK you'd rather eat a BASS than a Catfish or atleast on VERSUS it's all about BASS--
4. Dickinson Pine Drive (0-10) - I put them here just because they are dropping down and they should have enough talent to beat the next three bottom feeders.
5. Alvin Living Stones (3-6) - LUCKILY, there are two conroe schools that have been added to the district that will be worse off than LSCS. Toss in a fresh new young'en (22 yr old) that has never coached varsity level sports, is disaster waiting to happen. Its much like casting a rod-n-reel for the first time. Enjoy feasting on Conroe's 6 and 7
6. Conroe Calvary Baptist (0-9) - Played 9 games last year and was OUSTED in all of them. Luckily there is another Conroe school playing
7. Conroe Lifestyle (0-0) - welcome to a Life Style of being on the bottom looking up this season.

The numbers in parenthesis are the win-loss record from 2009-10 season.

I haven't takent the time to look at everyones schedule to gauge an amount of wins/losses for the 2010 season.
I might be young (23).. But this will start my 6th year of coaching. 5 years under Coach Ware has done me well!(I hope).. But like I said before, I'm not just a 1st year coach out of college. I have worked my way from JH and JV and assisted Coach with Varsity programs for 5 years. I might be young, but I have some experience that most guys my age do not have. And, if I remember correctly, Coach Tarbutton at Brenham is my same age, and he did an amazing job last year in Brenham.

But I agree, we are a young team, but I think we will be a competitive team!

Thank you for the prayers and luck! I will take them all!
I've had the priveledge of seeing Brenham Christian play a couple of time. Mr. Tarbutton did a GREAT/WONDERFUL job with those kids but his situation is ALOT like Phil Jacksons of the Bulls/Lakers.. There was already talent in place. He had/has some guy by the name of Micheal Jordan and Kobe Bryant.
I also had the priveledge of seeing the Alvin Living Stones / Brenham Christian game where coach ware & living stones gave Brenham and Coach Tarbutton all they could handle for 3 qtrs before they wore down. In that ball game it was no doubt that Coach Ware had Coach Tarbuttons number for 3 qtrs, but Coach Tarbutton had more stallions in the stable.

Also, the last Brenham coach left the cubbord pretty well stocked for Mr. Tarbutton.

It's one thing to walk into a fully furnished house (Brenham Chr.) and live wonderfully AND it's another to walk into a house with nothing being furnished (living stones) and you have to struggle to get the right things for the house.... I think 6mansouth is saying just that.
Brenham came fully furnished and Living Stones is a house being remodeled with no furniture.
--hopefully the house comes with a FUTON, i hope, LOL .... :lol:

Now the age thing is more of a MATURITY FACTOR than just calling Xs and Os. Anyone can read a play sheet.....
23 is a bit young to be THE HEAD MAN, but if you have talent that can make you win, then ALMOST everything is taken care of.
WINNING takes care of ALOT of problems.
LOSING stirs up ALOT of problems that NEVER seem to go away and also brings up problems that you NEVER knew existed.

YOUTH can be described by ....... when in the midsts of a competitve game with a MAD MOMMA breathing down your back when your teams losses a close ball game and she and her husband charge the field after you because her lil johnny didn't step onto the fb field..... HOW DO YOU HANDLE THAT...
That's when age, maturity come into play.

Good luck to you yung'en.
- Were you the baseball coach as well, If so, I got a glimpse of you at the Bellville Faith Baseball Tournament. That guy didn't look a day over 18 if that was you.

I didn't mean any insults to ANYONE on here about their teams/schools/etc ... Good luck to all

I just stated that Brenham Christian is a PROGRAM and Living Stones is UNDER-CONSTRUCTION
WOW, This topic is HOT .... Guess August can't get here soon enough.

I know of Mr. Sanders by way of the panhandle from Amarillo San Jacinto Christian School.

Since everyone is chyming in, Guess I will too.
It's going to take time to get a program up & running. The golden gate bridge wasn't built in one year.
VERY FEW coaches can step into a program and win the 1st year.

As far as the sanderson veer goes, do you have any good linemen.. That's where it all starts.
If you can't block upfront, the defense will get penetration and destroy this offense before it has a chance.
then most coaches then press the panic button and go to spread.
SPREAD should be a base-offense, not a panic button because you can't run the ball forward.

after the linemen, you better have a SAVY qb, a good Z-back and a very good Spread back/tailback.

- My Shout Outs -

Hey Tyler,
You are being spoken about more than LaBron James.
I'll be sure and watch PTI & Around The Horn to see how many times they mention your name and/or the Alvin Living Stones Lions... :lol:

Hey Kramer,
What's wrong with futons .... If you've EVER been a bachelor in college, we've all had one, ONE time or another. I had MANY-A-NIGHTS on several of them back then.

Coach Ware,
CONGRATS ... Heard you and Mrs Tiffany are expecting in early June ..... Hmmm, maybe another LIL KEENON coming up in the midsts 8)

good night argentina
6mansouth":1fqr9sgd said:
Wonder Dog I agree with 1 and 2. But I think Pine Drive will win 4-5 games. They have a couple of transfers that will be pretty good for them and fill a bunch of holes. You gave LS alot of credit with 3 wins. They have lost there 3 best players who were JRS last year, they all transfered out of LS. 1 of those players carried the team pretty much in every game, im sure everyone in the district remembers #2, he is gone. They will have 5 SRS coming back. 3 of those Srs were inegible all thougrout the whole 2009 season. The other 2 seasons one is pretty good and the other one is not football material.... LS is very young team. And when you have the coach the same age as the players it will be a long season.
Youngen I wish you luck say your prayers you will need them. I would say to take a look at the history no coach ever last at LS. It is impossible to coach a team when The principle/administration is doing the coaching. Im sure thats why Ware left. Everyone must play at LS if there good or not, practice or no. Every one plays. Deep pockets and high tithers gets you in the starting lineup also. Good LucK!!!

For years, THE fall sport at Living Stones has a white ball, not a brown ball. And it's not an easy job to be the second bannana.
Kramer":112rrf8k said:
I've had the priveledge of seeing Brenham Christian play a couple of time. Mr. Tarbutton did a GREAT/WONDERFUL job with those kids but his situation is ALOT like Phil Jacksons of the Bulls/Lakers.. There was already talent in place. He had/has some guy by the name of Micheal Jordan and Kobe Bryant.
I also had the priveledge of seeing the Alvin Living Stones / Brenham Christian game where coach ware & living stones gave Brenham and Coach Tarbutton all they could handle for 3 qtrs before they wore down. In that ball game it was no doubt that Coach Ware had Coach Tarbuttons number for 3 qtrs, but Coach Tarbutton had more stallions in the stable.

There's the old story about the young millionaire businessman being interviewed by the local paper.

"How did you become a millionaire," asks the reporter.

The businessman replied, "Hard work, perseverance, and an uncle who left me a half-a-million dollars."
wonderdog, you made a post earlier about the coaching at fulton. you should probably check into those coaches before you say something. my son had the great opportunity to play basketball for coach bergy at rockwall heritage a few years ago and i can tell you that he is not only a good coach but a great one. he is one the greatest character builders i have ever met, and he is truly a man of great conviction. outside of that he knows his stuff too. that team went nearly undefeated in a district with tyler street, canterbury, texhoma christian, rockwall christian and frisco legacy. i think they only lost to texhoma in ot, and you know how good their program is. so, his cred is pretty good. losing him to fulton was a big loss to the bball program at heritage. we havent made the playoffs in bball since then. he has built that fulton program up litteraly from nothing, and im telling you they are going to be stout. he demands discipline and his players love playing for him, a rare combination. so, you may want to check your info first.

i think that your hypothesis is largely correct, except district 2, which should finish like this:

dallas tyler street- undefeated, state champs
heath fulton- 7-3 makes playoffs, final four
waco parkview- 4-6 makes playoffs
kileen memorial 1-9
mckinney cornerstone 0-10

tyler street is just too good, and they have too much coming back with josh hunt, and others.