Throckmorton vs Calvert

I was at this game. My wife started feeling sick just as the game started, went to the truck, we left with about 3 minutes left in the half.
W0W, WOW, WOW !!!
The first 6man playoff game I ever saw was Strawn -Trinidad 1998 semi-final (only two back then). The SB was Shane Mallory. This has to be so special for him. Congrat's to the Greyhounds and their Coach.
Congratulations Throckmorton!!!!!! and a shout out to Calvert for their fantastic run this year. Both teams were warriors.
Taking absolutely nothing away from Calvert, loosing Mitchell on the first play was a mind bender for Throck.
It put them in a funk I wondered if they might not come out of. They looked kind of lost or disoriented as did he when he came back from the locker room without his shoulder pads, helmet and jersey wandering the sidelines dazed. I pray he's really alright whether he can play next week or not.
Thank you Smalltown for your kindness. I reported the scores because at one time when I was listening to the Tucker Brown Show the streaming stopped and I couldn't make heads or tails of what was being said. With Granbury so close to Ft. Worth it came on loud and clear. I wanted everyone to know the scores in case the same thing had happened to them.
That was probably the most athletic team Throckmorton has met this year. Calvert never gave up and I'm proud of Throckmorton for adjusting after Casey Mitchel went out with injury on the first play. Mitchel is a vital part of our offense and defense and the others had to step up..congrats to my boys from Throckmorton!!
This game took several years off of my life but was well worth it in the end !! Im proud of our Hounds!! Calvert is a tough squad of boys that never laid down!! Congrats on a great season Calvert. Its a shame that someone had to lose such a great game !!
To me this goes down as one of the classics........ sure there hasbeen higher scoring games but to see the overall team speed of Calvert is amazing. #1 for Throck was able to outrun them a couple of times & Farquars interception sealed the deal.
Great game........ in spite of having to look at Cowboy the whole game.........
I agree, Great game. Great team effort on both sides. I think we saw three of the top sixman players in the game last night. #7 from Calvert. #1, and #10 from Throckmorton. I agree, the one handed interception in the end zone was amazing. Would love to see the team and individual stats.
Certainly considered going to the game last night in Granbury yet too much rushing around involved to get there after work. Not a good idea to be in a hurry driving DFW metromess traffic late in the day on a Friday. Sounds like the game was a good one. I'll be in Granbury tonight for Blum-May and expect the game to be a good one as well. I had hoped Throck-Cal would schedule a 2PM game in Granbury today so I could see both games. Did not work out that way.
A classic game it was,Both teams very phyical.
The tall kid from Throck was amazing,I thought Calvert did a good job on pass defense,The kid was just to tall,A Calvert int early in the first was almost a TD,if he didnt trip,it would have been a 3 score lead in the first,But Throck's Def stepped up,,The 4th and goal pass interference in the end zone was tough.The goal line stand by Calvert with 6 seconds left in the game was great,,Both teams Great!! # 7 Quan Thompson is only a Soph!! Look Out!
There for while,i thought i was at a gentlemens club?
AC/DC..Congrats to both schools,,Glad i was there.

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