11-man fan
They just seem to always be around.....pesky coyotes. You go on the hunt to achieve your goal and they ruin your day, as they have for so many others.....pesky coyotes. Then you decide to take those suckers out, you go on the offensive, set your game plan and try to lure them into a trap and your sure that you have the right bait. Something is just not right with the bait, they outsmart you.....pesky coyotes. So then you try defensive tactics, you get all set up in the right place, wind is right, sun is right, camo is right and you try to call'em in. Guess what, they outsmart you again, busted....pesky coyotes. So you change your setup, your look, your defense, you try new tactics. Once again, busted....pesky coyotes. Once again, new tactics, same old thing. You hear them down wind or at the other end of the field yelpin at you, laughing at you, busted again....pesky coyotes. You try everything in your bag of trick and nothing seems to stop'em....pesky coyotes. They just keep coming and you know that there will be new pups coming up next year to deal with.... pesky coyotes....................Wait a minute.....your thinking..... I know what, I'll use grayhounds to catch'em and kill'em........Oh, sorry about that...... That the other game!................RS Coyotes by as many points as they wish put on the board........And, the Reed Machine rolls on.