They Made Me Proud


Six-man expert
Aquilla lost tonight, but they still made me proud. Even after several players were injured, they refused to give up. Players that started the year on JV played great against a varsity team. The injured players gave it 100% until they could not go on. One player went into the game with an injured knee, but he went back in on offense when his back-up was injured - knowing he could do permanent damage to his knee. He did re-injure it, but he did it for his team.
Every player on the team played with heart and determination. I'm proud to know such a fine group of young men.
Cowboy that's all we ask of these young men, give it all, win or lose, do your best, leave it all on the field.

The tradition lives on, the seniors leave a legacy for the younger players to follow, team spirit continues to build. Always look forward, the future holds promise, the past, memories.
Well Cowboy, now I guess you will have to cheer for the only district 14 team left in the playoffs. That would be the Mighty Panthers of Abbott! I was sure looking forward to watching Abbott whoop up on Aquilla in the quarterfinals. Maybe next year!
mj1522":3boerfaq said:
Well Cowboy, now I guess you will have to cheer for the only district 14 team left in the playoffs. That would be the Mighty Panthers of Abbott! I was sure looking forward to watching Abbott whoop up on Aquilla in the quarterfinals. Maybe next year!
With Aquilla out, I'm free to pick a different team to watch each week. I do hope Abbott represents district 14 well, and wish them luck in their upcoming game/games.
mj1522":3tdbd5qr said:
Well Cowboy, now I guess you will have to cheer for the only district 14 team left in the playoffs. That would be the Mighty Panthers of Abbott! I was sure looking forward to watching Abbott whoop up on Aquilla in the quarterfinals. Maybe next year!
He has a really good private school team to root for.............................That's Right ACS. Can i talk him in to dying the mohawk red?