The rest of the discussion--Super Bowl and whatever

6manfan4life":2aufcqkg said:
Jerry Jones is a terrible owner

I remember when Jerry Jones first bought the Cowboys, about 1989. The first thing he did was fire Tom Laundry. Everyone hated him then :-) But not me. I saw that look in his eye. I'd seen that look before. Back in my day, teams would come in and play but one team always stood out in my mind. The Arkansas Razorbacks. No one was like Arkansas. They would come in a long line of winnabagoes the night before and fill the parking lot. They weren't obnoxious people. They mostly made fun of themselves with those hog noses and things. Great fans; and they had that crazy look in their eyes.

In the first interview that he had with the Dallas media he told everyone that he was going to be involved in every aspect of the team down to washing the jocks. He achieved quick and ultimate success including three superbowls. This season surely did stink but I'm still rooting for the guy with the crazy eye and the burning desire to win.
6manfan4life":c4c0v8nj said:
i meant the leading receiver in the first half, steve breasten, was a 5th rounder. my mistake

TO may not play all sides of the ball, but his whining during and after a game is detrimental to everyone.

rod blagoyavich? u serious about no evidence? check ur facts. they recorded his conversations, plenty of evidence.

having guys go to the probowl doesnt make u have a good o-line. preventing sacks, or forced scrambles, and run blocking does. they did that well against most teams, but failed when it counted against the ravens, steelers, seahawks, and eagles.

i agree TO isnt the only problem, but he is a big part worrying about himself more than the team sometimes. if he focused on the team and blocking or running the right route even if he isnt getting the ball that play, as much as he does his contract, or touches, they would be much better off.

Blago was taken out of context and that's not even why he was impeached, they impeached him for something about Drugs with Canada. All Blago has ever done is want to cut taxes and look out for the people of Illinois, this is relation for all his years of fighting the crooked Illinois state senate. If they had a fair impeachment hearing and let him Blago calls witness (like Rob Emanuel, Jesse Jackson Jr., among others) then you would see that he did nothing wrong. They need to play every tape in order and you and everyone will see that Blago did nothing wrong. It's like T.O. only in the fact that no one believes in the presumption of innocence anymore.

We don't even know what T.O. or anyone else is saying behind closer doors, and the only time he yells is when Romo screws up. Until you tell me what T.O. has done I don't really know what else to say about it, the man plays hard and I'll take that any day of the week.

I strongly disagree about the line, it's typical the lines fault when things go bad...but has it ever occurred to you maybe it's Romo's fault? I mean he has all the time in the world most of the time, just when teams blitz and you have to get the ball out of your hands fast. He can't handle it and that's why we can't get it done until he is gone, though I do give you credit for recognizing the Cowboys have failure when the game gets tight...your 1st step into a large world 6manfan4life
Jerry Jones is a good owner, but not-so-good GM. I love how Jerry will spend $ to bring in talent, but his GM ego sometimes causes more harm than anything good he does as a owner. If Jerry hired a REAL GM and keep paying $'s for talent then the Boys would be America's Team again. But we all know GM ego will never let that happen....All we can hope for is that GM ego gets lucky once in a while and does something good......Until then we can only watch as Yuck Yuck (AKA Wade Phillips) leads TO and the rest of the boys to another disappointing season......At least TO cant call Romo a Homo, can call him a cheater though according to the Star.......
LohnEagleFan":1jmiekcr said:
6manfan4life":1jmiekcr said:
Jerry Jones is a terrible owner

I remember when Jerry Jones first bought the Cowboys, about 1989. The first thing he did was fire Tom Laundry. Everyone hated him then :-) But not me. I saw that look in his eye. I'd seen that look before. Back in my day, teams would come in and play but one team always stood out in my mind. The Arkansas Razorbacks. No one was like Arkansas. They would come in a long line of winnabagoes the night before and fill the parking lot. They weren't obnoxious people. They mostly made fun of themselves with those hog noses and things. Great fans; and they had that crazy look in their eyes.

In the first interview that he had with the Dallas media he told everyone that he was going to be involved in every aspect of the team down to washing the jocks. He achieved quick and ultimate success including three superbowls. This season surely did stink but I'm still rooting for the guy with the crazy eye and the burning desire to win.

As much as I dislike Jerry Jones, one thing I give him a pass on is what happened to Tom Landry. I remember being in Dallas that weekend when it all came down; the only thing that I fault him for was bringing Jimmy Johnson into town (I remember the DMN ran a picture of the two of them having dinner at some hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant).

Anyway, Jones made it clear to the Aggie-doofus-whose-bank-was-going-under-and-had-to-sell-the-team (the guy who bought the team from Clint Murchinson a few years before) that if he bought the Cowboys, he was going to bring in his own coach and that if they wanted to do the deal, they needed to get in touch with Tom Landry and settle things on that end (ie, they could have gone to Tom, told him what was going to happen, and Tom could have retired gracefully).

But no. They didn't bother to call Tom or fly down to Austin (where I think Tom was playing golf with Darrell Royal) and let it come out in the papers, so they could spare themselves the "pain" of firing Tom Landry.

But that's kinda like the busted clock being right twice a day. As a Packer fan, I'm kinda happy that Jerry Jones can make chicken-stuff out of chicken-salad, talent wise. But he's made a fortune again with the Cowboys, so it ain't all that bad.

He'd be wise to get out of the on-the-field decision making; but then again, owning a professional sports franchise is an ego-driven profession. What's the fun of owning a toy like that and not being able to play with it?
lifegatesports":1qf2a3r9 said:
LohnEagleFan":1qf2a3r9 said:
6manfan4life":1qf2a3r9 said:
Jerry Jones is a terrible owner

I remember when Jerry Jones first bought the Cowboys, about 1989. The first thing he did was fire Tom Laundry. Everyone hated him then :-) But not me. I saw that look in his eye. I'd seen that look before. Back in my day, teams would come in and play but one team always stood out in my mind. The Arkansas Razorbacks. No one was like Arkansas. They would come in a long line of winnabagoes the night before and fill the parking lot. They weren't obnoxious people. They mostly made fun of themselves with those hog noses and things. Great fans; and they had that crazy look in their eyes.

In the first interview that he had with the Dallas media he told everyone that he was going to be involved in every aspect of the team down to washing the jocks. He achieved quick and ultimate success including three superbowls. This season surely did stink but I'm still rooting for the guy with the crazy eye and the burning desire to win.

As much as I dislike Jerry Jones, one thing I give him a pass on is what happened to Tom Landry. I remember being in Dallas that weekend when it all came down; the only thing that I fault him for was bringing Jimmy Johnson into town (I remember the DMN ran a picture of the two of them having dinner at some hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant).

Anyway, Jones made it clear to the Aggie-doofus-whose-bank-was-going-under-and-had-to-sell-the-team (the guy who bought the team from Clint Murchinson a few years before) that if he bought the Cowboys, he was going to bring in his own coach and that if they wanted to do the deal, they needed to get in touch with Tom Landry and settle things on that end (ie, they could have gone to Tom, told him what was going to happen, and Tom could have retired gracefully).

But no. They didn't bother to call Tom or fly down to Austin (where I think Tom was playing golf with Darrell Royal) and let it come out in the papers, so they could spare themselves the "pain" of firing Tom Landry.

But that's kinda like the busted clock being right twice a day. As a Packer fan, I'm kinda happy that Jerry Jones can make chicken-stuff out of chicken-salad, talent wise. But he's made a fortune again with the Cowboys, so it ain't all that bad.

He'd be wise to get out of the on-the-field decision making; but then again, owning a professional sports franchise is an ego-driven profession. What's the fun of owning a toy like that and not being able to play with it?

Listen to Dale Hansen...Tells it like it is!
Best story about team owners that I remember comes from Louie Dampier, point guard for the Kentucky Colonels of the old American Basketball Association (mid 1970s). At the time, the guy who owned the team was the owner of Kentucky Fried Chicken (NOT the Colonel).

Somebody asked Louie what he thought about the management ability of the Kentucky Colonels owners, and he said, "If he runs KFC like he runs this team, you'd eat at Wendy's every night."
lifegatesports":3pbydjzr said:
Best story about team owners that I remember comes from Louie Dampier, point guard for the Kentucky Colonels of the old American Basketball Association (mid 1970s). At the time, the guy who owned the team was the owner of Kentucky Fried Chicken (NOT the Colonel).

Somebody asked Louie what he thought about the management ability of the Kentucky Colonels owners, and he said, "If he runs KFC like he runs this team, you'd eat at Wendy's every night."

Didn't that particular guy also marry a former Miss America and become the governor of Kentucky?
Old Bearkat":p0dco1y4 said:
lifegatesports":p0dco1y4 said:
Best story about team owners that I remember comes from Louie Dampier, point guard for the Kentucky Colonels of the old American Basketball Association (mid 1970s). At the time, the guy who owned the team was the owner of Kentucky Fried Chicken (NOT the Colonel).

Somebody asked Louie what he thought about the management ability of the Kentucky Colonels owners, and he said, "If he runs KFC like he runs this team, you'd eat at Wendy's every night."

Didn't that particular guy also marry a former Miss America and become the governor of Kentucky?

Yeah ... I think the guy was John Y. Brown. And the Missus used to be on the NFL Today many years ago (1975) ... not bad on the eyes at the time ...
MISSION — Former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Quincy Carter was arrested early Friday on drunken driving and marijuana possession charges in South Texas, authorities said.

Since Jerry Jones can't seem to win a playoff game with Tony Romo maybe he could get Quincy Carter back. That would go along with all the other thugs and criminals that has made this team the elite of the prison system. :lol: No that wouldn't work...Jerry wouldn't want to make the same mistake twice...he likes making new mistakes all the time. :?

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