The rest of the discussion--Super Bowl and whatever

This Year Highland v Bowie Gold-Burg
highland only rushed for 100 or so yards
and they highland starters only played for a little less than 10 minutes.
well the final score was 78-0 and it could have esasily been worse.

but gold burg wouldnt quit throwing the ball.

i think sometimes its iggnorance that causes lopsided victories
Highway, I am not saying that Grandpa Phillips and his little sidekick Opie Garret are not excempt from criticism. They are just as much to blame as all of them, as well as Jerra Jones, its the culture that they have allowed to exist.

When Bill Parcells left he told some close friends that every franchise that he has been with after 3 years of him being gone, you can still see that he was there. He said that when he left the Cowboys, you will never know that he was there.

Randy Moss can/has flourish(ed) in New England because of a handful of things:
1) A very very strong veteran locker room.
2) A very very strong head coach and staff
3) A very very strong owner

None of these you can say the Cowboys have.
I figured I would lighten the load a little...What do you call 47 millionares around a TV watching the Super Bowl? The Dallas Cowboys...What is the difference between the Dallas Cowboys and a dollar bill? You can still get 4 quarters out of a dollar...I have one more....What do the Dallas Cowboys and a possum have in common? Both play dead at home and get killed on the road!! :lol: :lol:
A very very strong veteran locker room.

Coach Bronk...I don't agree with this statement, because you can have a very very strong veteran locker room and not have very very strong veteran leaders in the locker room. It takes someone (like Michael Irvin or Charles Haley) who is willing to get in a certain persons face, instead of taking it to the media. Michael Irvin once said that they had a lot problems when they were making the Super Bowl runs, but they took care of it in house, so no one ever heard about it. If TO would do this it might change peoples perception about him.

With that being said...2 days to go...GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!! :D
oopty-oop":2f8cnjhl said:
HighwayRobbery":2f8cnjhl said:
Perception is people's reality

Unfortunately, that's true. But it shouldn't be. Reality should people's reality. I've never been in the Cowboy's locker room. So maybe something bad goes on in there that I don't know about. But at this point I don't consider that notion to be reality. Other than anonymous sources, I have never heard any of his teammates say anything derogatory. In fact, I have heard extremely complementary things said about him from team mates. Given the example of the 85 Bears, I'm not sure how much it matters anyway.

To me, reality is what takes place on the field. I agree that he drops too many passes. I SEE that. That is reality. But I also see a very fast, large, athletic guy. I can't tell from the limited vantage point of my TV screen but I am told by analysts that he usually draws double coverage. Football is a game of match ups. A dominant wide out makes a big difference as to what the defense is allowed to do. To me, another reality is that he plays hard. He gives effort. I'll always be for a guy like that.

Over the years TO has gotten a lot of bad press. But really, I can't think of anything specifically that he's done to deserve it. For sure he's a showoff. And I don't really like that. But as long as he plays ..........
It seems like alot of people on here are wanting the Steelers to win. Here is some infor you may not be aware of.

49Rs, First team to hit 5 Super Bowl wins.
Cowboys, 2nd team to hit 5 Super Bowl wins
Steelers, 3rd team to hit 5 SUper Bowl wins

So if the steelers win the are all by thereselves at the top of the list, the Cowboys are just someone who won a few. Go Arizona.

Cowboys have played in 7 SUper Bowls losing 2 so they have been there the most times.

Think about it.

CRSARM":1trdy2vn said:
It seems like alot of people on here are wanting the Steelers to win. Here is some infor you may not be aware of.

49Rs, First team to hit 5 Super Bowl wins.
Cowboys, 2nd team to hit 5 Super Bowl wins
Steelers, 3rd team to hit 5 SUper Bowl wins

So if the steelers win the are all by thereselves at the top of the list, the Cowboys are just someone who won a few. Go Arizona.

Cowboys have played in 7 SUper Bowls losing 2 so they have been there the most times.

Think about it.


We probably should move Super Bowl chat to the Other Football topic.

But wake me when one of those teams get to 12 NFL/Super Bowl Titles.


NFL Champions: 1929-1930-1931-1936-1939-1944-1961-1962-1965
Super Bowl Champions: 1966-1967-1996

only team to win three straight NFL titles - and they did it twice
coachbronk":1556d9ag said:
Highway, I am not saying that Grandpa Phillips and his little sidekick Opie Garret are not excempt from criticism. They are just as much to blame as all of them, as well as Jerra Jones, its the culture that they have allowed to exist.

When Bill Parcells left he told some close friends that every franchise that he has been with after 3 years of him being gone, you can still see that he was there. He said that when he left the Cowboys, you will never know that he was there.

Randy Moss can/has flourish(ed) in New England because of a handful of things:
1) A very very strong veteran locker room.
2) A very very strong head coach and staff
3) A very very strong owner

None of these you can say the Cowboys have.

Why won't you see Parcell's in the Cowboys in 3 years? Because Parcells made some crappy picks is why (ala Bobby Carpenter.)

As for your reasoning why Moss did well, #3 is just plain stupidity. Jerry Jones is the strongest owner in the league and is one of the best GM's in the league. Don't believe me? Look at the last draft last year, every player in the 1st 5 rounds helped the Cowboys last year...maybe Jenkins was a little disappointing but he's a CB and may develop in time...the rest were AWESOME though when healthy. #1 is pretty dumb, I could just start naming old guys on the Cowboys...there are plenty of them (one being T.O. he's 35) so I don't get that at all. Explain to me how the Pats have a "strong leadership" and the Cowboys don't? Hell everytime I see Teddy Bruschi he's humping someone...does that make him a leader? As for #2, okay it carries some weight. Bill Billick is a genius but he doesn't go for all that media crap, hell the media tried to make into a villain for spy gate. Maybe that's what T.O. ought do is go play for NE and let them go 38-0 the next 2 years.

Now Coachbronk do you want to know the real reason why Moss has been left a lone by the media in NE, while ESPN is watching T.O.'s every move? It's because Moss has a great QB and that allows him to show his talent (they have the most dominating offense in the history of the NFL bar none.) While T.O. is stuck with a 2nd rate college back up, who can't read coverages, isn't serious, can't see over his offensive line, and is more worried about Jessica Simpson than winning. If you switched Moss and Owens it'd be the same thing, well acutally that isn't true because T.O. gives effort ALL THE TIME ON THE FIELD 100% While Moss does not (admitted with the Raiders, leaving the field on the onside kick with the Vikings, etc.)

Now Coachbronk as a coach you have to admire effort, are you going to try to tell me you wouldn't want your boys (assuming you coach football, maybe girls?) looking up to T.O. on the field? Say what you want but the man wants to win, period end of statement and that's why one of my favorite quotes ever is "If I was Brett Favre you'd be calling me a hero." So think about that next time you decide to bash T.O. and look at the man who ISN'T giving effort on the field, Romo.

PS. You never told me what T.O. did?
I do think that TO's image is terribly skewed by the media and that he does want to win, but being experienced doesn't make someone a good leader...tom brady is a good leader from the QB position, but Romo isn't because he isn't composed and doesn't make the key plays in the pressure situations. Romo has all the weapons he could ever ask for, and still couldn't get the job done. Leadership is crucial to a team's success and it is something the cowboys didn't have this year...when all the former cowboys can tell that there isn't any leadership from outside the locker room it has to be the case. Usually the QB is one of the 3 or 4 guys that keep the troops together in the key moments of the game or when the momentum is changing...Romo didn't do that and thus the result was no execution of key plays. The first example that comes to mind is the pittsburgh game when the cowboys had played more than well enough to deserve the win, and they had a third and fourth down where there were consecutive balls thrown when guys weren't looking...that tells me that not only did Romo throw the ball when they weren't looking for it, they weren't on the same page in the huddle to begin with which goes back to the leadership aspect of the game. If Romo wanted to throw the ball to witten quickly instead of deeper in the route thats something he probably ought to tell the reciever.
Jerry Jones is a terrible owner. Look at the Pac Man Jones experiement, or the TO signing bonus. You call those good decisions?
800 yr old Brad Johnson as a back up to a guy that has to scramble 50-75% of the time because his O-line is weak, slow, and old?
Thats a good idea?

TO is ridiculous. HE couldnt catch a cold, and complains about everyone else but himself. He complained about Witten getting more catches when he had been thrown to more.

The problem for the Cowboys is that they are stuck with him, and nobody can control him. Wade Phillips needs to be a DC, because he is not strong enough to control TO, and Jeeerra Jones is to scared to.

You ever noticed when the team is doing well, who comes down from the owner's box to get some credit thats not due??? but when they get drilled by an inferior team 2 times in the last 2 weeks of the season for their playoff lives, where was he?
The reason TO says those things is because he's frustrated with the teams lackluster performances and i guess he's trying to rile up his teammates to get them to play better...not that witten wasn't already doing everything he could but you get the idea.

And our O-Line isn't THAT bad
6manfan4life":3b48brt4 said:
Jerry Jones is a terrible owner. Look at the Pac Man Jones experiement, or the TO signing bonus. You call those good decisions?
800 yr old Brad Johnson as a back up to a guy that has to scramble 50-75% of the time because his O-line is weak, slow, and old?
Thats a good idea?

And exactly what did we give up for Pacman OR T.O.? I think we are going to give Tennessee a 6th round next year, I mean common the guy was worth way more than a 6th round pick if he could have stayed at trouble. Hindsight is 20/20 and it's not like Pacman Jones is the reason why we lost or anything, and honestly I thought he played hard. When the Cowboys played the Ravens, Ray Lewis and his thug crew (which is truly the biggest bunch of thugs in the NFL) tried prison rape him at the bottom of the pile. Goodell had him on such a leash there was nothing he could do, we'll see what happens with his legal case that just surfaced but I wouldn't be shocked to see him back with the Cowboys. The reason he was released probably had more to do with the pick we give Tennessee more than anything.

6manfan4life":3b48brt4 said:
TO is ridiculous. HE couldnt catch a cold, and complains about everyone else but himself. He complained about Witten getting more catches when he had been thrown to more.

2008 Dallas Cowboys 16 16 69 1,052 15.2 75T 10 7 33 4.7 8 0 1 1
2007 Dallas Cowboys 15 15 81 1,355 16.7 52T 15 1 5 5.0 5 0 -- --
2006 Dallas Cowboys 16 15 85 1,180 13.9 56T 13 -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Looks pretty good to me, if he had a real QB it'd be even better. How do you know he complained about Witten catching more balls? I'm sure you were inside the Cowboys locker room, no way Ed Werner's "Cowboys Anonymous Source" had anything to with it right?

6manfan4life":3b48brt4 said:
The problem for the Cowboys is that they are stuck with him, and nobody can control him. Wade Phillips needs to be a DC, because he is not strong enough to control TO, and Jeeerra Jones is to scared to.

You ever noticed when the team is doing well, who comes down from the owner's box to get some credit thats not due??? but when they get drilled by an inferior team 2 times in the last 2 weeks of the season for their playoff lives, where was he?

No that's not the problem, problem is Defensive will Blitz a crap load on us and play on our side of the LOS. We can't run and the only thing you can do is your QB drop back and find that quick out, which Romo CAN NOT DO and that's why he always "chokes." Kurt Warner showed that PERFECTLY in the Superbowl, they were able to run because they got Blitzsburg to quit blitzing. Romo just makes it worse by trying to scramble, and no he doesn't have the tools...he doesn't even throw that well.

I think everyone needs to hear something...

Listen to that, no one (not even Ed Werner or anyone else on ESPN) knows what is going on in the Dallas Cowboy's locker room. I honestly think ESPN ought have to release who the "anonymous source is" and if it's not a player they should have law suit filed on them, because people just eat this up and it's not right.
They gave away a 6th round pick for pac man, the cardinals top receiver last night was a 5th rounder, so im guessing 6th round is quite ok. For TO, they gave hhim 8,000,000 signing bonus.

Why do you doubt TO has complained about the amount of touches he gets. You heard what he said in San Fran and in Philly, so whats going to make him any better now? As for your numbers thats great, but what has that gotten them? 2 first round losses and a major screw up in the last 2 games this year to not even go.

Tony Romo isnt great, but he is the best thing they got, he gets sacked alot less than he could from his scrambling.

They didnt have a running game? I guess you forgot about Barber, Choice, and Jones?

Truth of the matter is Dallas was supposed to rock the whole NFL and they couldnt even make it out to the playoffs, let alone to a conference title or super bowl...

Furthermore, if they dont change something quick, their up crap creek without a paddle!
6manfan4life":1c7h8s29 said:
They gave away a 6th round pick for pac man, the cardinals top receiver last night was a 5th rounder, so im guessing 6th round is quite ok. For TO, they gave hhim 8,000,000 signing bonus.

What are you smoking? Fitz's was a 3rd Overall pick in 2004, and Boldin a 2nd round pick a year or two before. I don't know who you are talking about? You give the impression you know what you are talking about, yet you think Fitz's is a 5th rounder? I have to question your knowledge now because a lot of stuff you say makes no sense what so ever.

6manfan4life":1c7h8s29 said:
Why do you doubt TO has complained about the amount of touches he gets. You heard what he said in San Fran and in Philly, so whats going to make him any better now? As for your numbers thats great, but what has that gotten them? 2 first round losses and a major screw up in the last 2 games this year to not even go.

Not you nor anyone else has ANY proof that T.O. is a "cancer in the locker room" or "complaining about touches." The only people that know are the people in that locker room, not Ed Werner, Skip Bayless, ESPN, me, or you. The only thing I have heard is Patrick Crayton and Jerry Jones say he is a great guy, I believe them.

What has happened to the presumption of innocence in America? It's like Governor Blago, they have no proof that he tried to sell Obama's senate seat and didn't even impeach him for that. T.O. has at best been taking out of context (like Blago) but at the worst has been slandered, and I really think Jerry Jones ought look into taking legal action against ESPN.

So if the Cowboys had won the super bowl last year (like they should have) would you be giving T.O. all the credit since you seem to be solely blaming him? Again back to my favorite quote "If I was Brett Favre, you'd be calling me a hero." If the Cowboys were winning you'd be calling Tony Romo a hero, get off of T.O.'s back all he does is play WR. He has NOT impact on the Defense, Special Teams, Offensive Line, Running Backs, Tight Ends, and a very minor impact on the QB.

Also everyone keeps saying "Philly and San Francisco blah blah blah." Let's not even talk about Philly, though I think it was Fatass Andy's fault and look at them now...if they had T.O. they would have beaten the Cards. Back to my point, the guy played like 10 years for the 9ers, it didn't turn out back. They were a rebuilding team and he didn't want to resign with them, there was the conflict with Garcia and the whole getting traded to Baltimore thing. It's a business he didn't want to be a Raven (Kyle Boller was there QB, do you blame him?) and he got out of it however. The worst thing I think T.O. has ever done bad was call Jeff Garcia a homo, I don't approve of that but that was a long time and he has been less mouthy with Dallas. To say it turned out badly in San Fran is a little bit of a stretch, he had LOTS of good years their.

6manfan4life":1c7h8s29 said:
Tony Romo isnt great, but he is the best thing they got, he gets sacked alot less than he could from his scrambling.

He also turns the ball a lot more than he could by scrambling, our Oline is one of the best in the league. We had 3 pro bowl starters 2 years ago and 2 on the pro bowl team this year. Sure Romo is the best QB the Cowboys have but that doesn't say much? Dallas has to do something about the QB or they probably won't ever reach there potential. I cried when they traded Brady Quinn, he would have looked good in the star.

6manfan4life":1c7h8s29 said:
They didnt have a running game? I guess you forgot about Barber, Choice, and Jones?

Did you see the last game against Philly? A brilliant Jim Johnson defense totally took the run away and forced Romo to beat them, and guess what folded under pressure LIKE HE HAS THE PAST 3 YEARS.

6manfan4life":1c7h8s29 said:
Truth of the matter is Dallas was supposed to rock the whole NFL and they couldnt even make it out to the playoffs, let alone to a conference title or super bowl...

They went 9-7 and had a lot of injuries, I agree it was disappointing but you make it out like they were horrid. Still in the top half of the NFL record wise.

6manfan4life":1c7h8s29 said:
Furthermore, if they dont change something quick, their up crap creek without a paddle!

They have been since Aikeman retired, and now they are the point where they are missing one piece and that is the franchise QB. Don't disagree with you, only thing I disagree with is your bashing my boy T.O.
i meant the leading receiver in the first half, steve breasten, was a 5th rounder. my mistake

TO may not play all sides of the ball, but his whining during and after a game is detrimental to everyone.

rod blagoyavich? u serious about no evidence? check ur facts. they recorded his conversations, plenty of evidence.

having guys go to the probowl doesnt make u have a good o-line. preventing sacks, or forced scrambles, and run blocking does. they did that well against most teams, but failed when it counted against the ravens, steelers, seahawks, and eagles.

i agree TO isnt the only problem, but he is a big part worrying about himself more than the team sometimes. if he focused on the team and blocking or running the right route even if he isnt getting the ball that play, as much as he does his contract, or touches, they would be much better off.
6manfan4life":335zh9qr said:
i meant the leading receiver in the first half, steve breasten, was a 5th rounder

The larger point is that it was not the 5th rounder that drew the double coverage. Larry Fitsgerald drew the double coverage. Sometimes a dominant wide receiver, by drawing the most attention, will be the tactical reason why a team succeeded instead of the #3 receiver who had the advantage and caught the most passes.