Texas Tech

8) so far so good. wait till you play the oklahoma sooners, they are the real deal. yea we beat you last year in norman. you have a good defense, but not a very good offense too go with it. oklahma does. it don,t matter if we play you in lubbock. your home crowd, will make ou, play even harder, and better. watch when we play texas this year. this team is different, and they will come and play for 4-quarters. bob stoops, pulls the first string every game this year in the 3rd quarter. he dosen,t believe in running up the score, just too impress the polls. so if the 3rd, and 4th string score thatms allright as long as you play the whole team. texas has strugle in all there games we notice. they have very little offense, and there defense is very questionable, and medicore. i have my tickets for the red-river war. wouldn,t miss it for the world. look for oklahoma too get after it. all us sooners at the home games, knows texas schools are watching the scoreboard haha, good luck too tec, until they play my sooners, they play friday night at tulsa, on espn, so get your popcorn out, and stay glued too the tv, cause us sooners fans know you will be watching haha. boomer sooner, ou-johnny.
you have a good defense, but not a very good offense too go with it. oklahma does.

OUJohnny, if you had any football credibility on this board, then it is gone after making this statement about Texas Tech. You really have no idea what you're talking about.
justobserving":266ed25x said:
As usual - we all await the season after Tech's 5-A Non Confernece schedule of opponents.

New year - same story.....


How are things in the central panhandle these days??
Hello Sir:

Things are good on the plains, just plain busy. Good to hear from you.

Miss being in the boards but the last 18-24 months have been rather a blur.

2 or 3 stints in the hospital, moving, and the new job have kept me nailed to the home front pretty much. Haven't seen but 2 or 3 games in the last year or so. Having withdrawal.

Things have shuffled in the power structure I have noted, except for Richland and Calvert may have the real deal again this year.

How are things in Yankee country?

Granger has sure expanded his horizons with this site. Not quite as cozy and intimate as it used to be. Some of the dialog is pretty shallow but some is pretty good. You, RD, Markf and a couple of others try and keep it grounded. May be there are just not enough of us "old" heads around to maintain a balance and touch with reality.

Well guess I had better get to work, phone is ringing - again.

Have a good week. A for the Raider fans - "Guns Parallel". That's as good as they can hope for in the league with Texas, A & M, and Oklahoma. Luckily no Nebraska this year.
texas tech is the red headed step child of texas college football. they have never won anything worth bragging about but yet they do. "damn, we won the mcdonald's big mac bowl. top 10 here we come." a 9 win season is a great season for them and if they ever do beat texas or texas a&m, you won't hear the end of it.
justobserving":1zozi6tt said:
Hello Sir:

Things are good on the plains, just plain busy. Good to hear from you.

Miss being in the boards but the last 18-24 months have been rather a blur.

2 or 3 stints in the hospital, moving, and the new job have kept me nailed to the home front pretty much. Haven't seen but 2 or 3 games in the last year or so. Having withdrawal.

Things have shuffled in the power structure I have noted, except for Richland and Calvert may have the real deal again this year.

How are things in Yankee country?

Granger has sure expanded his horizons with this site. Not quite as cozy and intimate as it used to be. Some of the dialog is pretty shallow but some is pretty good. You, RD, Markf and a couple of others try and keep it grounded. May be there are just not enough of us "old" heads around to maintain a balance and touch with reality.

Well guess I had better get to work, phone is ringing - again.

Have a good week. A for the Raider fans - "Guns Parallel". That's as good as they can hope for in the league with Texas, A & M, and Oklahoma. Luckily no Nebraska this year.

You have a good week to JO. Things are busy up here in Yankeeland, and I'm not even home this week. A major panic here in the CirclebarW ranch. We have sold a couple of new nuke plants and we ain't finished with the design yet. Details,details....

Yeah, a lot of newbs on the board these days. Very busy. But interesting to say the least.

I heard something the other day about a quick surge in the number of Nuclear Plants that would be built in the next 3-5 years.

What gives, what environmentalist died and left the way open ? ... Did the Dem's get so focused on Bush bashing and hating that they let this slip through the cracks?

Job security -----------------------
The envirowhackos have been caught in the hypocrisy trap. They have been harping about carbon emissions from coal and gas fired plants, but have stated they do not want to destroy the economy (most live the good life now anyway), so they were caught in a trap. Nukes do not pollute in that way, and their pollution is easily contained and put away forever, so to avoid getting caught in a hypocrisy trap that would have left no doubt about their true intentions, they had to shut up about nuclear power plants. Also, in their arrogance, they allowed a major reform of the planr liscensing process slide under the radar in 1996. They did not really oppose it because they thought no one would even consider a new plant again.

The South Texas Project is the first in line. they will submit their paperwork to the NRC in October for 2 new units at their plant site. Construction will probably start in the 2010-2011 time frame. Texas Utilities, excuse me, Luminant, will soon submit theirs for 2 more units at Comanche Peak next year, and some real estate tycoon in Amarillo will probably submit his paperwork in 2009 for a twin unit site north of Amarillo. Exelon is considering a new twin unit site 8 miles from the South Texas Project site. That's just Texas.

Florida utilities are considering 4 units.

A Georgia utility is considering 2 more new units.

Utilities in North and South Carolina are considering 4 units.

Constellation is considering a new unit in Maryland.

Dominion wants to build 2 units in Virginia.

High school boys and girls, there is an extreme shortage of engineers, welders, pipefitters, electricians, and instrument technicians qualified to work in and build nuke plants. Consider the nuclear field. There's big money to be made. Get qualified and you stand a good chance of making a good living with a secure job. Westinghouse, GE, Hitachi, Areva, Toshiba, and Mitsubishi are hiring all they can get their hads on.
oujohnny":cl3wml88 said:
8) so far so good. wait till you play the oklahoma sooners, they are the real deal. yea we beat you last year in norman. you have a good defense, but not a very good offense too go with it. oklahma does. it don,t matter if we play you in lubbock. your home crowd, will make ou, play even harder, and better. .

Yes that Tech offense has some trouble putting some points up huh? I'm sorry 400+ yards passing per game isn't enough to be a "good offense". I don't guess any team in the NCAA has a good offense.
Don't speak to soon johnnyboy they still have to play the game. In fact, I am sure it hurts, but remember the last time they went to lubbock? I believe they went back to Norman with a big L in the books. It will be a good game, but yes OU does have good talent this year.
The Big 12 dreads the day that Tech actually gets some of the talent that Texas and OU get year after year. Agree?

Wondered what the lowdown was. Guess you can have your pie sliced just so many ways. Those people are all nuts. As one grows older and wiser you sometimes wonder how some people just make it through the day with their limited thought process.

On the other hand it is great for people in your line. Maybe a lot of the economic shift will land in your bank account.

On the comment about the ( Big 11 + Tech + .10) shaking when the Raiders start getting their share of the Blue Chip players. Uh -- when is this going to happen? Let's say, Uh, never. Shake time is over.

Tech will keep winning their 7 and 8 games a year playing the "murderous" non conference opponents they do and running the Raider "Fling and Flail" offense. They will keep making their appearances in the "Broken Furniture Bowls" and the Tech fans will keep dreaming about Next Year.

Been watching this stuff for years. Since Holub and the Golden Palomino days. You do hope it will get over the top one of these years though.
19bootleg":o0o55kjz said:
Tech is definately the step child. They've even been passed up by TCU when it comes to state-wide powerhouses.

Look up the stats there partner! Tech has won 10 out of the last 12 against atm! The only team from Texas that owns Tech is Texas! Tech has won 31 of 45 game against TCU all time! Tech beat TCU 2 of the last 3 seasons!