Texas Six Man Football Independent Bowl Series

My response to the question on Sixman.com reference our Championship. If our Bowl Series Teams weren't Champions in their own right, they wouldn't have received an invitation to play in the Bowl Series. They have to be good in EVERY game. In my opinion it's a much tougher standard to meet. You may not agree with the method of the Sixman.com ranking system but One and done is a lot tougher than 1 plays 4, etc., etc.
FCSA football":1zuz5x6m said:
If you go to the “Rankings” site on Sixman.com you see UIL DIV 1, DIV 2, TAPPS, TCAL, TACF, and TAIAO. They all have Divisions and State Champions, so do we. In our case however you see kids that had nothing to do with a decision made by adults, seeing their Senior year of football slip away. We provide those kids and ALL kids in the Independent Classification something to play for from day one. In UIL you only need to place in District play to advance. In our BOWL SERIES every play of every games decides who gets to play for the Championship.
There is no room for “off weeks”. You either play like a Champion every play of every game to improve your rankings with sixman, or you don’t get an invitation. You have to be on your game every week. No room for error. Overall much more strenuous than any of the others including the ALPHABET!

From the looks of the records of the teams there might be a little room for error
I wasn’t trying to talk down your BOWL SERIES. I also believe I said it was great for seniors. As a Sixman person the only Texas STATE CHAMPIONSHIP is played in ARLINGTON. Bowl Series Champion, yes, and that is a great thing. You do a great service and I’m not trying to take that away. Sorry if I offended anyone, that was not my intention.
3rdandaninch":397t21yj said:
I wasn’t trying to talk down your BOWL SERIES. I also believe I said it was great for seniors. As a Sixman person the only Texas STATE CHAMPIONSHIP is played in ARLINGTON. Bowl Series Champion, yes, and that is a great thing. You do a great service and I’m not trying to take that away. Sorry if I offended anyone, that was not my intention.

Only State Championship?? So TAPPS (the 27th largest league in the country, and the largest Private School league in the nation) that's not a State Chamionship?? There is TCAF, and TCAL both have State Championships, the Bowl Series is an amazing idea and great for teams not in a league. By the way, this is it's third year!!

To answer an earlier question, no UIL teams playing in a district don't play in it, it's for teams that play independent all year, like my school. We will be entering a TAPPS district next year. You may not be trying to offend but your do a pretty good job of it.
No offense taken but it is a State Championship just as the old BCS proclaimed a National Champion.
The reason we have both a public AND private Championship is that this year our ranks grew by almost 40% IN ONE YEAR, due to the various coincidences surrounding the timing of multiple schools deciding to move to six man and leave the Crowded Field behind, obviously the UIL realignment dates played a huge part. We welcome our public school brothers. It is providing an opportunity to Crown not One, but Two State Champions. Please don’t cut the kids short. The excitement and emotion here in Gholson is just as real and as high as if these kids we’re playing in Jerry’s World.
Do your part and Cheer for them all !
I’ve seen for years and years communities struggle with the decision to go Sixman or not. Often times they wait to late and when their decision comes it sometime comes in the middle of a realignment year.

With that being said when that decision gets made the community sacrifices the opportunity for anything post season. Even though one of the biggest factors to go Sixman is that they aren’t ever going to make the post season and compete with their current situation. But there is always that chance if they stay 11 man. Becoming independent for that one year pretty much giving the school an opportunity to start their transition with the expense of a senior having a new experience with building ahead for younger kids.

As far as accolades I guess to answer your question 3rdandinches I look at it like AG. The independent public schools can’t enter to win the Houston Stock show for the year, or even have the hopes of winning that year. So therefore they can not even enter their local stock show either. However, their are jackpot shows across the state they can enter.

Those can be satisfying cause you do get to compete and show against others in similar situation as well as those that are going to try to win the Houston stock show.

With that being said the community knows that their decision to not allow their kids to enter the local or have chance to win the Houston Stock show they have to own that decision or make their kids feel that the Jackpot shows are as equal to the local or Houston Stock show.

Of course those that know and follow sports or AG for that matter, know that the comparing the two is nothing the same. And any accolades that follow are coming from the source of the individuals that made the decision to not enter the Local (District) as well as Houston Stockshow (State playoffs).

It is a creative tool in creating the independent state game to help those create a culture for the year and doing something that makes them feel a part of something that is as great as Texas High School Football.
3rdandaninch":2rfyma5v said:
Could you post them here? I can’t find them in MaxPreps.

Hey, first off I have no idea why you are still posting about the Bowl Series, are you a coach or athletic administrator? Your comments have been negative and condescending. So please contact me personally, and I will answer all of your questions, I'm sure C.H. has better thing to do.

My school played in it this year, and it was a great experience. We had former students watching all over the country, even in Europe. The All State was new this year as far as I know, it was voted on by the coaches just like all other All District/All State Teams. We will be playing in TAPPS moving forward like we do in all other sports. But this year playing Independent was a great experience because of all of the great work by Coach Harvey, the great people of Gholson, and all of the coaches involved. I'm tired of your passive aggressive remarks in an attempt to diminish it.

Here is my contact info, I will send you a copy of the All State team, share with you my schools experience, and everything you need to know. Doubt I will here from you, but here you go buddy!

Denver Bowden
Assistant Athletic Director/Head Football Coach
The Highlands School of Irving
c:903-918-6214 w:972-554-1980 Ext 226
I want to say thanks to those of you who have stood up for the Independent Sixman Football Bowl Series. Every thing has to start somewhere, even the UIL. This program is a mission. A mission to provide kids with an opportunity to prove themselves among their peers. People that criticize or in any way try to discount or diminish these kids efforts are below any level of contempt imaginable.
To be selected as a playoff team in the Bowl Series, every play of every game matters and counts. The UIL cannot say that. Independents have to measure up to a standard that no one else in Texas High School Football measured up to. Granted we can’t necessarily compete with the current state 6 man high school football champions, but the 6 man champions can’t compete with the 6 A champions either.
Any of you, for whatever reason seek to diminish these kids accomplishments, for whatever reason are very cynical, self centered and disturbed and disgusting people. I hope you live a long life of wallowing in your misery.
C. H. Harvey
Contact me, I’ll be happy to hear from you.
When I left the game along time ago I can’t remember there being so many different leagues. I have no issue with it I think every kid should get a chance to play for some type of championship. I am a firm believer in a playoff system. I don’t know if this series has a playoff or if it is capable of having one (sorry I haven’t researched it enough). I would like someone to tell me the details if it is a playoff system or like a 1-3 day event with a lot of games. Sorry if it’s been mentioned before in this thread.
It’s like the old BCS system, except the rankings used are Sixman.com. So these rankings determine 1,2,3 etc.
The top ten teams are invited and 1 plays 2, 3 plays 4 etc. in this system if you have an “”off” week you may not keep your ranking, therefore every play of every game for the entire season counts. Because of Granger’s system, playing a weak schedule, and winning every game doesn’t help you. Playing a tough schedule but not winning every game does. So to those critics that demean our teams records based on strength of schedule then turn around and criticize others for playing a weak schedule, I have to say you can’t have it both ways.
I think our way is better than an extended playoff system where you start off 1 playing 4 etc. Our Bowl Series is always the first Saturday closest to Veterans Day. Come out and watch a great day of 6 man football!
Hope this information helps.
I’d have a playoff. When you look at anything that goes off a computer system then you can’t have a pre season ranking because look at teams that are ranked 1-5 and end up crapping the bed the first team that beats them looks really good but the fourth team that beats the same team looks bad in the eyes of the computer that’s why they chose to use people to select the playoff contenders rather than a computer system.
As Independents usually go there are a number of reasons we use this method:
1. It works for us, most of us face funding challenges as it is.
2. We usually have 7-12 players per team by the end of season.
3. Basketball- if we were still in the playoffs, there would be no basketball.
These are a few of the reasons but I see your point. I once believed the same way.
Situations change and that creates change out of necessity at times.
Thanks for your interest, observations and comments.
Happy New Year Y’all!
The Texas Independent Sixman Coaches Association (TISCA) Represents the 32 schools/teams playing outlaw/independent football in 2019. We had a committee of 6 coaches set the parameters for the All-State Team. Every school/team had the chance to nominate a player(s) and every coach that nominated a player had the chance to vote. Just like every other post season team the top vote getters were our superlatives, then 1st team, 2nd team and honorable mention. We obviously don't have the opportunity to be part of an All-District team and wanted our players to receive some recognition.

Link to the TISCA All-State Team
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ODn0SZ ... 0UjGo/view
Coach thanks for doing a fantastic job on this, once again Honoring the Athletes and their accomplishments!
It’s been a long road getting Athletes from Independent Football programs the recognition that they have earned and deserve.
What a way to Celebrate the New Year !
First of all thanks to the kids who had to sacrifice their senior year like y’all stated. Sounds like adults making decisions for kids. Might be the best decision, who knows. All I have said is this is a bowl series championship not a state championship. I’m fine with that but say what it is. I coached for a lot of years and retired without a state championship. Played in 2 and lost to a better team! We played in a playoff system and we lost. I appreciate the non district honors and I salute the fact that y’all want to give awards. I think we do this for kids or I hope we do! Y’all do a great job!! Congratulations to the bowl series champions and all that played in it!!

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