Gotta disagree with you on a few things. I know you are above reading this. You kinda run your mouth about stuff too. And those comments you and a few others made all through last years football and basketball season gave Happy a bad name, we are not all bad sports or trash talkers and yet that is how some folks see us-especially after some of the posts that have appeared on here.<P>Come on, this is a public site, you can say what you want- so can I. I simply asked you to let the guy's play determine whose team was best. You could have done with out the Naz slam on the girls. So how much loyalty did you really have to them- the one team you actually should have cared about. <BR>These boys and girls can do great things, but lets remember that it will be the TEAM that WORKS the hardest that will go the furthest. I replied "grow up" because some of us take this too seriously. Dont be too sensitive.