Six Man, Texas film


11-man fan
I never got to see the movie, Six Man, Texas. Is it available anywhere for rental? I understand that they has some issues with releases from those in the film after a briefcase with the releases was stolen. Will it ever see the light of day again?
Think about it.
A stolen briefcase full of signed release forms???????????????
That kind of stuff doesn't happen for no good reason.
Not in real life it doesn't.
Sixisenough":3tiyquu0 said:
Dogface, you're right. I never thought of it being a conspiracy. Those big schools won't stop until 6 is removed from the number system.

Well, as a sometimes-member of the Illumunati, I can safely tell you that we in the leadership of the six-man community have taken steps to insure the number 6 will never be removed from consideration in the game of football.

Who do you think made a touchdown six points?

We in the Illumunati do work in strange and mysterious ways, sometimes.
Hey, maybe we can lobby for a new show on TV. " Six Man Friday Nights"! Has a nice ring to it. But alas, the 11 man schools would never let it happen. Probably to much concern over it becoming the new national pastime.
dawgface, maybe we could sneak it in on one of the low power UHF stations. I like your thinking.

6 men, 6 points. A coincidence? Doesn't sound like it to me.
Ive tried and tried to get it. They told me that Hastings has it well.... thats a myth.
I have looked every where but i cant find it anywhere.
At one time coaches could buy a copy of Six Man, Texas, but not being a coach, that didn't help me. If any coaches have a copy that they would let me view, I'd sure like to see it.

Cherry5, have you tried to find The Seventh Man film? I haven't had any luck with that one, either. Would love to see both of them.
Cherry5 - That is "The 7th man", a documentary about Panther Creek in 1999 and 2000. That's the film that is for sale from time to time at Hastings. "Six Man, TX" has never been released to dvd.
Neither has the Nike one on Strawn in 2008. Someone should put all three on one disc along with that English thing on RS, maybe some you tube footage. Sell it through this site to benefit it or a charity or the coaches association. They ought to sell at least copies of the state games. Even somebody like say Topher up in Canada might buy some.