Seguin Lifegate Clinic - June 22, 2012


Six-man pro
Well, I think we’re almost ready to roll (still need to confirm one last speaker) for the SIX-MAN FOOTBALL COACHES CLINIC here in Seguin.

Here’s the details:

DATE - Friday, June 22, 2012
LOCATION – Lifegate Christian School, 395 Lifegate Lane, Seguin, Texas

Registration starts at 8:00 am, Clinic runs from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The registration form will be going out in early April … this year, I’ve sent out postcards to all Texas schools and will send registration forms in April (out of state schools will get one postcard reminder in April) … full information will be on the Clinic website: I don’t expect to be sending out a third mailing this year (to reduce costs).

Registration includes lunch, beverages and a chance at door prizes.

We will also have RIDDELL ALL-AMERICAN and ALERT SERVICES representatives at the Clinic. We appreciate their sponsorship of the Clinic.

Also, the first TEN SCHOOLS who register for the Clinic will get a free Clinic DVD (either the 2010 or 2011 Clinic)! There will be a discount for early registration (including a special price for schools sending four or more coaches to the Clinic).

The website will have information on the Clinic, registration information, how to order past clinic DVD’s, and links for hotel and vacation opportunities in the Seguin/San Antonio/Austin/Central Texas area. I haven't finished the entire site (probably should be totally up by the end of this week).

Speakers confirmed so far are:

Bret Tyler – Valley H. S.
Jordan Barker – Waco Live Oak Academy
Phillip Hudgens – Austin Hill Country Christian School
Eddie Gallegos & Jake Barnes – Jonesboro H.S.
(One additional speaker to be named)

Each speaker will make about a 45 minute presentation and we’ll have two or three chalk-talk breakout sessions. We’re working on topics (and if you have any ideas, let us know) but a couple that we’re thinking of is coordinating your sub-varsity and varsity programs and game logistics.

We have arranged a special $85/night rate with the LaQuinta Inn & Suites in Seguin (830-372-0567; ask for the Lifegate Coaches Clinic Rate). ROOMS WILL BE VERY LIMITED, so if you are planning to spend the night here, make your reservations now. Because of the growth of the “Eagle Ford” oil/gas developments in South Texas, many hotels are at full occupancy even 30-50 miles away from the main areas being developed.

Any other questions, feel free to call or e-mail.

John Taddy
Clinic Director
(210) 378-3121
Hi! Just wanted to send you information on our SIX-MAN FOOTBALL COACHES CLINIC to be held on Friday, June 22, 2012 at Lifegate Christian School here in Seguin, Texas (Seguin is about 30 miles east of San Antonio on IH-10; 160 miles west of Houston in IH-10, and about 50 miles south of Austin via IH-35 and SH 123).

It will be a great day of learning from the speakers -- and other coaches in attendance! It's a great opportunity to bring your coaches together to prepare for the upcoming season -- think of it as a pre-season retreat as you plan your new season!

Our speakers include Jordan Barker (Waco Live Oak; T-CAL 2011 Champion as well as 2001 UIL State Champion as a player), Bret Tyler (Valley), Phillip Hudgens (Austin Hill Country Christian), Eddie Gallegos and Jake Barnes (Jonesboro, 22-2 last two years with two losses to Richland Springs), and Wayne Walker (Seguin HS; UIL 3A Semifinalist at La Grange in 2009). We may be adding another speaker to that list as well.

A PDF copy of the registration brochure is on the website, so I won't repeat much of it here. (It is being mailed to schools this week as well).

However, the first TEN SCHOOLS who register for the Clinic will get a complimentary DVD from a past Clinic (2010 or 2011; our choice).

Also, we have also set up a website for the Clinic: ... however, we still are kinda in the dark ages and registration still has to be by mail/check (maybe next year, I'll have online registration).

If you plan to spend the night in Seguin, we have arranged a special $85/night rate with the LaQuinta Inn & Suites (830-372-0567). Ask for the LIFEGATE COACHES CLINIC RATE when you make your reservations ... but please note, due to all the oil business (Eagle Ford) just south of here, hotel rooms are EXTREMELY limited. Make your plans now! (Links to the hotel and a copy of the Texas Tax-exemption form for hotels are on the website).

Thanks -- Hope to see many of you here in June!

John Taddy
Clinic Director

Our sponsors: Ridell All American & Alert Services, Inc.
Links to our sponsors appear on the web site
Additional sponsor/vendor opportunities remain.
May 24, 2012

Folks -- Just a reminder!

If you're planning to come to Seguin for the Six Man Football Coaches Clinic on Friday, June 22nd ... you might want to sign up soon!

If you register before Saturday, June 2nd ... you get the early registration price
$55.00 per coach
Four coaches from the same school can attend for $175.00
Additional coaches from the same school, add $45.00 per coach

After then, it's $65.00 per coach -- or $75.00 if you pay at the door on June 22nd. But it's the same lunch, refreshments and information as paying now ... and we will refund for all cancellations prior to June 15th. So, save your money and register early!

It will be a full and useful day of learning, ideas, and helping you plan success for your 2012 team!

Also ... thanks to our sponsors who will join us on June 22nd ...

Riddell All-American
Alert Services, Inc.
Jerrry's Sporting Goods

Check our website at [b][/b] for registration forms and complete information.

We're looking forward to seeing many of you here on June 22nd!

John Taddy
Clinic Director
(210) 378-3121

(Note: Registrations received between now and June 2nd may not be acknowledged until around that date as I'll be out of state through that date ... if you have questions, just email or call -- or use the contact form on the website.)
Registrations are starting to come in pretty quickly .... looks like there is a possibility we might out draw the 2010 clinic (where we had 107 registered).

Tell you what I'm gonna do ... if you haven't signed up yet, I'll keep the $55 fee and four coaches from the same school for $175 deal through FRIDAY JUNE 8 as long as you e-mail me and tell me you're coming .... after then, I'm going get a little nasty (hat tip to Coach Pop for bringing that into the vernacular) and it's $65 a head, no discounts and such ($75 at the door) so that we can earn exhorbitant and unseemly profits off of the late comers.

cell 210-378-3121

Sign up details and registration form are online at
All of a sudden, I'm hearing from all sorts of old and new friends ... yes, we still have room for you to come to our Clinic on June 22nd. (And yes, all the free DVD's are gone.)

It looks like it's real possible we could have 100 registered for the Clinic, which if somebody had told me would happen about two weeks ago, I'd tell them to stop smoking those cigarettes that don't come in packs of 20 (or perhaps I'd ask them to pass me some of ol' Goob's evercleer, 'cause I'da thought you were drinking too much of that magic elixir).

That happened a couple years ago (2010) and I think I gave the guy who signed up as #100 a hundred-dollar bill. Not sure if I'll do that again this year, but maybe I can goose the door prize pot with a special prize or two if we get there again.
Just put in the #90 registration for the clinic ... and ran into a bunch of old -- and new -- friends at the TAPPS meetings in San Antonio who told me they were coming ...

(registration form is on the registration tab page)
Real, real close to #100 ... I think I have 96 signed up as of Thursday morning.

If I have your registration check by Thursday, it's $65; you can register at the door for $75 and you can waste $10.

Hint ... if you're planning to come, call me or e-mail me and I'll pencil you on the list.

Chalk-talk session topics (three sessions scheduled):

Breaking down game film
Play calling/sideline management
Outside the lines (non-coaching "stuff")
Coordinating your varsity/JH and subvarsity programs
Special teams/kicking game
Reading defenses
Conditioning/off season programs

John Taddy
210 378 3121
Actually had a couple double counted names ... right now, at 94 signed up for the Clinic here on Friday.

If you are planning to come, give me a call at
(210) 378-3121 and let me know so I can have you on the list. Just drop my registration fee in the mail either Monday or Tuesday (so it gets here by Thursday) since at the door it's $75 (sorry, but I'm greedy...).


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