Running an entire athletic program


Six-man fan
question for coaches...
in a perfect world situation. how would you run your entire athletic program both in fall and spring if your school participated in every single sport (x-c, vball, softball, baseball, etc.).
I do run it. I use the athletic period as strength and conditioning. Practice is after school boys and girls practice together. I have one assistant who runs the jr high. It makes for a long year and you work your butt off. I go with him to jr high game. He goes with me to high school. We both coach a lot of specific things in football and track. You have to find somebody you trust. When you get time off. TAKE IT. I love my job but it will run you ragged if you let it.
Run it like you would any business.
You get out what you put in.
Cut out everything that wastes time.
All decisions are research based.
Don't do it like unsuccessful programs.
Develope a set of Core Values.
Stick by your values no matter what.
As far as a strength program there are several. The easiest is a progressive overload system. It is based off of max percentages. A very good program but you have to put some checks or your kids will sticking points. Yo can run it any where from 8-16 weeks. Conditioning is should contain an agility unit. I heard Mac Brown speak one time and he said,"your going to do what you think is important"
It's not easy to attempt to balance strength and conditioning when staff and time is so limited. I am fortunate, that my school elected to offer a first period weight training class, which contains all my high school athletes. We utilize this period for lifting and plyometrics. This allows us to utilize our 8th period for sports-specific fundamentals, or to get a jump on practice. This year was our first year, and we'll improve the quality of workouts next year, but it definitely helps during the season. The "weight training" class has a PEIMS code, so it's offered as an elective.
play2win":1p6oduwm said:
this is in regards to strength, conditioning, and skill work.
If you're a teacher with a degree in Kinesiology,
shouldn't that be the least of your worries?
You won't get non-renewed for any of those things you listed. That's all the fun stuff.
Good luck.
Lol, If your not competitive they will non renew you. A lot of it is time, how do you manage it? I use the athletic period for strength and conditioning. The other part is what kind of program do you want to use. What are you looking for? Do you just want to blast people or do you want to be able to out run them? Are you having to start a strength program because the person who had the job before you didn't really believe in the weight room? it is not always so cut and dry.
i think yall missed the point. this is about the athletic period and sharing athletes....some schools like to work strength and conditioning during the period only and all practices are after school..other schools like to work skill level during the period and lift afterwards...
coachj25":qehr1gzg said:
Lol, If your not competitive they will non renew you. A lot of it is time, how do you manage it? I use the athletic period for strength and conditioning. The other part is what kind of program do you want to use. What are you looking for? Do you just want to blast people or do you want to be able to out run them? Are you having to start a strength program because the person who had the job before you didn't really believe in the weight room? it is not always so cut and dry.
Most schools are not competitive.
The D II school that lost state wasn't competitive,
in that particular game.
Is the key
to competitiveness.
Ask any businessman.
Most coaches/schools
aren't business smart.
What brand do you want to promote?
Building muscle and speed is easy.
Building muscle and speed are easy? Depends on the number of fast and slow twitch muscle fibers you have and how you train them. I will give you culture but that can be changed. If you want to talk anatomy and programs. I'll be happy to entertain you. As far as lifting then practice. I prefer to lift during the period. That is when I'm going to get there max effort. If I wait until after a 2 hour practice. I'm not going to get max effort. If your lucky enough to have all of your kids close; then lift before school.