Six-man fan
If he’s going to coach, he definitely won’t get to spend the all summer with his kids. The responsibilities of teachers and coaches has increased greatly in just the past 5 or so yearsOk I'll be the bad guy. Teachers have always been one of the lowest paying jobs. Why is it a big deal now? Did our educations suffer because of it when we were in school? What ever happened to the ones who go into teaching to make a difference regardless of the paycheck? It's not like teaching being a low paying job is new. They knew it before going to school so maybe if they didn't want a lower paying job they should have went to school for something else if it's about the money.
Also curious have you ever met a teacher living in poverty? All the ones I know are doing pretty well for themselves. I know families where both parents are teachers are they live great lives financially.
I have a son about to start his last year in college and will then be a teacher and hopefully a coach somewhere. He knows what the pay will be. He knows he won't become a rich man teaching but he chose that career anyways. I have a feeling he'll be able to provide for his family just fine and he'll get to spend all summer with his kids every year. I regret not doing the same when I had the chance myself, even knowing what the pay is.